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Sunday, April 30, 2017

wearing see-thru suffering part 6 4/30/17

it is no small wonder that life provides many trails
along this line of personal self development,
almost on a daily basis until with clarity,
it dynamically registers as a consciousness of being
beyond circumstance, experiential input, actual occurrence,
 or any storyable self account.
one is not of the body but occupies it.
one is not the experience but registers its passing.
one is not the victim but is the source and the origin
of being and its expression.
one is not the outcome but always available
to the origin ever unfolding.
suffering is a first option for meditation
to be a process of self-discovery
and then a means of deepening a truer sense
of self-love from within.
suffering, as the conundrum it is, does not seem,
from an initial standpoint, to be a blessing,
but it is a blessing in disguise
when addressed and source-fully mastered.
suffering, when taken in hand, becomes the guidance
from a hidden grace, a sense of self as conscious self
as opposed to self-conscious,
and a sense of being sourced beyond the sense of suffering 
as an overwhelming distraction.
suffering is a very popular expressive style
but it is also a multifaceted method of entry
into higher states of consciousness
then the original experience would account or allow for.
the contentiousness of our dualistic thinking
works against that development
by presenting a working premise of causality
in which external experience reinforces the contention
that suffering is caused by another, outside of oneself
and that they are to blame
for the predicament presently occurring.
note: there is no healer in this process as stated.
fault-finding and victimhood both work against
the deeper insight of advancing conscious
within any of the parties involved.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

wearing see-thru suffering part 5 4/29/17

to accept suffering as self-generative
which there by has attendable means,
there must be a deeper sense of being in play
that can surmise and embrace and still be that deeper source 
behind all of that that is
pressing to be experientially evident.
the spiritual wisdom of suffering is to acknowledge it,
not be deeply distracted by it
and address it from a place more deeply within,
that allows oneself to administer
from a purer state of consciousness
that is interfacing with the actual pain and it particulars
and not in response to the lesser self laboring
in one’s conclusive account.
if I am preoccupied as the victim
then I have no locatable position
to be the self-healer involved,
even though I would be the best qualified
and most prominent party, in the first person,
to attend to said circumstance and to alter
the experiential overload and to initiate
the necessary elements to end the suffering,
no matter what level it has been sustained at,
from physical to emotional to psychological levels included.
all are within range
of first person self attendance immediately.
suffering is not a paradigm
but only an observational flashing, with the potential
to affect consciousness in a consuming manner
when not more deeply addressed.
a person, essentially at cause, is to not be at affect
but also to be at affect of a deeper undisclosed cause, 
dependent upon which has a stronger conscious origin 
within one’s sense of oneself.
whether it is verbal abuse, physical brutality,
personal injury, or full-blown illness,
a deeper sense of self can be in response
rather than reaction to them all.

Friday, April 28, 2017

wearing see-thru suffering part 4 4/28/17

all suffering lends itself to story, account, and affect,
as if its conclusionary state is necessary reality.
for our emotional body is trained to be distracted
by such circumstances as self-vulnerability.
the experience of pain seems to be
an authentic justified sense of self.
going deeper, beyond that position,
has not been approached as a cultural condition
that all peoples have developed and passed through.
most people stay involved with a self worth
that pain can alter.
suffering goes on at many levels
and humans’ capacity for self consciousness through pain 
provides for difficulties and a variety of lessons
to be experienced in any attempt to clarify,
the origin of self, the means of self love administered
and the suffering that may accompany
almost any situations as provided.
suffering, for a person steeped in self consciousness,
is a perception of weight and magnitude
but it is also a status of dangerously living
in a series of ongoing conclusions
that are allowed to, moment by moment,
persistent as continued suffering.
suffering is never the self but is easily the context
with which a self can describe with feelings
as to who they are for then.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

wearing see-thru suffering part 3 4/27/17

It seems hard to get that suffering is
essentially self-inflicted when it appears to be
so totally self-consciously, experientially consuming.
and the first order of context 
is to reach out in exasperation 
but topically pursue blame or depiction as affect.
suffering, as a self-conscious way,
features the account of pain and not the pain itself.
the pain itself goes on
but without direct undivided attention.
self-consciousness has intervened
and interpretations are the follow up
as if pain has been superseded
by the suffering experience of itself.
it isn’t that we go into the pain as much as the pain,
in whatever format of the spectrum of pain,
as storyable surmise, is overwhelming.
this is a very tricky place
of participation versus observation.
for observation has interpretation and account.
participation requires a conscious presence
which precedes the conclusion of dismay
or even the cognition there of,
as rendering a suffering event.
the pseudo recovery position is to have suffering rendered 
as a second party to self, working on story as account.
and that blame is the primary theme to address
as if blame expresses the deepest cause of circumstance.
somehow ignored in this as drama,
is that pain is but an experience to a person
and not the essence of the person.
the really tricky part is not the pain itself,
but the self-conscious conclusion of being in pain.
the damage is the confusion of one for the other.
some identify with pain
is the only appropriate self statement to be made.
others may have a self that experiences pain
but is not in the overwhelm
nor the need for exterior cause to frame that pain.
therefore accusation and subsequent blame are not in play.
the premise is that there is a self behind and beyond
the experience of suffering.
becoming witness to that consciousness space,
does not deny the experience or the actual pain
but also does not provide for overwhelmed by it either.
to know of oneself before, during and after
the experience of any kind of pain,
allows for a conscious anchoring of being.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

wearing see-thru suffering part 2 4/26/17

suffering can be placated yet remain unsolved.
the debt of unresolved suffering has carriage in each of us.
there is then motive for reaction as if blame is polarizing.
baiting another into reaction as response is twofold.
first off, it is ventilating what has been kept unresolved
and second, paradoxically asking for help by nasty-speak.
using pointedly accusatory, laid-bare sarcastic,
or demeaning derogatory is as a paradoxical representation. 
this is a means for the premise to be polarizing.
and this is where outer experience trumps inner experience.
self-consciousness overwhelms inner consciousness.
we spend 24/7 insistently doing outer consciousness as self.
inner conscious as a feeling base for all of this is trampled.
the illusion is then to take up the cause of suffering as self.
suffering is self-consciousness but it is not conscious self.
one has depth and source
while the other has blatant affect and effect issues.
asking one to riddle another’s pain by hurling insults
as an invitation to feel what I feel, is paradoxical.
but it is done all of the time, almost unconsciously.
wanting the second party to feel the degradation,
or the humiliation or the disgrace that the first party feels 
for themselves is the transgression
that blame or insult offers.
disguised ventilation is an acceptable means it seems.
genuine empathy is wanted
but reaction is more of a promoted social means.
suffering, as the immediacy of self-consciousness,
can present as dominant and always issue-bound eminent.
the challenge for the second party is to move
from being the chosen assaulted,
to now, secondary victim-person,
then to a rendered audience-person,
to then a innocent bystander-person,
to then a compassionate assistant-person,
and finally to a steadfast remedy proposing-person.