There is this cadence beyond any certainty of rhythm,
beyond the tempo-scent given to our sensory hounds.
It does not ask for the sound of sanity in return.
It does not presume itself into a bonafied knowing.
Its presence is of a confounding affirmative.
Emotions, launched from distant stars,
encourage all of us
to be inwardly attentive,
to rest our weary heads away from mundane worldliness,
to be aware of this other levity beyond the burden to know.
This spacious absence of certitude is where whole heart,
in definitive rejoice, confoundedly has no boundaries.
For basking of this kind,
has no common place of residence.
From there, the choir of our wholeness sings
in octaves outside our hearing range.
When there, our languaging is falsely used
to produce the essential rational buoyancy of our beings.
Within this ocean of enormity,
integral currents are traveling in deeps of love unrealized.
For this subtle physics of love has no reference,
no deference and no residence to speak of or from.
We fain a reality to fulfill our separateness of existence.
Beyond knowing, there is a far reaching sense of embrace,
yet no synchronicity as distracton, when living in it.
Belief itself is as witness, is distance from it.
Even it-ness identified is a wayward measure.
If we all cried sufficient tears for us to bathe in,
more so, enough tears for us to swim in,
that would not guarantee oneness
as the ocean of ourselves expressed from within.
For experience of itself is our lifejacket
that keeps us all afloat,
separate in a sea of oneness, when instead,
we want to be of the blood-flow of the universe,
not the vanity subscribed to its observance,
not the manifest, the embodiment nor the concurrent,
but more of this wisdom that has no voice,
the soul of all that has no separation,
the spirit of oneness that has no containment,
the consummate more then knowledge could express.
To be the ever-breath of the sky in lung-fulls,
the collective heart found in complete immersion,
the orchestration from higher vibrational means.
To live in the forest amongst all of the trees of think
and be touched by all of their leaves
as our ongoing sensory means.
To feel the sway from their sense of movement as play.
And that nothing known, would ever set us ablaze,
yet that our fire, resolve, absolve and dissolve us.
For in the end, that end that had no beginnings,
there was no means,
nothing to be forthcoming
that is not already,
the ‘is’ that be the be . . .
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