(giving you a gift . . .)
I thought about shrinking violets,
miniatures make such a nice homey cozy gift.
Then again, wonder-lust, in a glitter pack
can be small fractures of rich moments,
seductively but secretly remembered.
How about a book on the future of folding currency
as a reason to make a zoo of animals
exclusively out of hundred dollar bills?
Maybe a poem that I specifically wrote
about ‘why spheres exist’,
might peak your interest,
or instead, a genuine article that is indescribable?
It seems original and precious to give,
but eventually you would discover
that everything about it
is made from something else.
How about ‘the original instructions’ as to
how to form a firm commitment?
That might be useful,
but then that would be kind of like alibi training.
Well then, how about a pair of free tickets
to the “lost sock puppet show”?
But no, for sure, knowing you,
you might recognize one of them.
Oh, I thought about getting you
this most mysterious gift.
It is a miraculous whimsical lip gloss
that when you apply it
and intentionally kiss the sky,
it makes for unforgettable lip-print clouds
that stare back but never say good bye.
Okay seriously, a secret manuscript,
written by an extreme professional dabbler
that insightfully talks about ‘reality’s’ ins-and-outs.
Then just had a quick glint
to get you a sun glass for your third eye
but that then seemed morbidly obtuse.
How about a humorous video
on ‘how to build a waterfall from the ground up’!
(just for laughs? . . .)
Or, or a career guide on how to name thunder clouds
for fun and profit, but that would then require
a large clientele data base to start with, so, no.
Hugh! You are right, giving you a gift is not easy.
So, having you comprehend that ‘gift’ is old school,
like from the era of dualistic thinking gone bye
in which subject/object as a reality premise was a given
when in fact, now to discover that there are no gifts!
You are essentially connected and through everything!
Gift is never really the object identified as such.
It is only your way, well really our way of relating to,
Quote, “something as if it is separate from us”
and then we make a discovery out it, an occasion.
Kind of ass backwards really,
but that is where we are at
when it comes to our oneness with all things . . .
Hey, gone are the days
when gift giving was the accepted compromise,
I gift you, you gift me, until we realized,
we are not coming from a world of separateness
any more . . .
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