Primarily experience that is not holographic
is passively a nominal indulgence as a spectator
from the bleacher seat of your person.
Frontal is a given but emersion is what is wanted.
Although recognition lobbies for familiarity and certitude,
we all basically thirst and search
behind the horizon of projected appearances
for the invitational nectar of self permission
and the animation of being
as the verb of self that is living.
Eventfulness is a sabotage that represents frame breaks
away from the ambient dynamic flow of living.
It begs the question, why have an actual life
when you can construct and manage
an image of your self as a series of story-able accounts
of your self for the eventual retell
in an ongoing solicitation and then contractualization
with those you claim as your friends, your community,
and interactional reality as the apparent presumption
of your life in the vacancy of actually living into it?
The hologram bears no witness.
All of you is dedicated to being.
The residual of after-affects may claim
that what happened then, looking back
was timeless and feels fulfilling.
How can that be? It wasn’t even rewarding!
It didn’t live in a timeline contract.
You had to be beside yourself or vice versa.
Mostly our experiences are registered as beside our selves,
consumed by observation and account
as if that isn’t fundamentally distracting to start.
With that as habitually in mind,
there is a limit or governor of allowance
as to how much of you is actually available
to be fully yourself.
If you are always the film crew
and the documentation corps of yourself,
then how much of you is permitted
to be the original you
ever unfolding before your own eyes from deep within?
is not rocket science
because we all did aliveness as children
before we became distracted with the inundation
and intrusion of self consciousness as it was introduced
to us, ongoing throughout the rest of our lives.
Help me here.
How much of your life have you been encouraged
to be the passion of your being,
the genius of your own wherewithal,
the light presence of your own spirit,
and the magic of your own mindfulness?
Experience has somehow transitioned
from a medium whereby all of this is plausible,
playable, and permitted into a reality of complexity,
subterfuge, and energetic truths, hiding in the shadow
and the closets of our conscious awareness.
For our acceptable truth,
experience has been a projectionist
but in our heart of heart awareness,
experience has a light source
know it first hand
to be the light of your being . . .
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