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Sunday, November 30, 2014

unrestrained tranquility 11/30/14

Startling behemoth-like intentions, as acts of love expressed, by their assertion in my direction, as if out of a fog of feeling’s deliverance, are coming forth to graze on my consciousness. They find my presence sweet and delicious. They are further uplifting me by their tenders of attention. They pass through me now as an expandedness to embrace. Their verbal action is this illustrious beauty pouring forth onto me, without edges or frame. I am to myself, a pasture of non-particulars in bloom. My questioning mind has no ground-figure to work with. Every breath-in from within this state is heartening. The season of feeling loved is upon me. I want to go out from myself with harvest in mind, only to discover that the yield is self love and then self-love shared. These beasts of essence roam throughout my being as fertile fields of feelings ever to arise as an awareness. I find myself separate from my being to identify what is so clearly in my heart, a oneness of terrain. “I love you” as an utterance of unrestrained tranquility, sent my way, is wholly a cross-rippling, a skyward presence reigning down, emergent from the weave, blessedly upon me as the lay of our shared land. My mind-fullness, travelling like a bird in flight, is at play in this bountiful ever-presence of surroundings. Hearing that call, honoring the fabric of its pronouncement, with feelings that continue to voluminously prosper in these fields of communal unrestrained tranquility . . .

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