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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The 4 fascinations of breath, 1 of 4 11/11/14

The first fascination; the in-breath

With every in-breath, almost without volition, it remains the eternal optimist yet undisclosed. There is no real matter to the screenplay of intentions or the drama of the mind or the cartoons of reality or the brushstrokes of feelings. But become fully conscious that the in-breath generally peddles along, continuing below the horizon of awareness items that get identification, or the fixations to bear, or the processed recognition endlessly on display, or even the all out full-bore personage participations. The in-breath is so assumed, you have to wonder, who is the initiator, without distraction, from deep within. The in-breath is a steading force, a fall back position of strength, a stooge as a shallow breather, an enabler of focus, some forcefulness of might, a lean clarity of the moment and the front door for self intimacy to come knocking. That in-breath is livingness offered without regard to external circumstances’ predominance. And by its action, it is a mandate to be and then be forthcoming. The in-breath is the palate of presence possible. The in-breath plays to the heart, prays to the mind, and provides for the body. The in-breath is the lead instrument in the orchestra of living and being. 

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