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Friday, August 29, 2014

Tacit assumptions * 8/29/14

Where do I go and how do I enter the animated but secretive life of tacit assumptions? What is the peel-back and how do I catch an edge? I started with staunch and vehement positions to see what I would say to myself and what I would do mind-wise to defend it. It is a curious kind of self-incrimination. To witness a dialogue done, not for judgment stated but for assumption discoveries. Why do I believe what I do and how did that get to be so? And who of me keeps it updated as such? Not easy, memory as such is a kluts as a provider. Either I am on the receiving end of a dumb-down or logic is a fabricating storyteller! Whenever I originally formed these views, had to impress me with something. It now all seems like a house of cards. So I decided that motive, at that time, was the maker and I went with that program. If that is so, now is a different fashion statement for me if I am still that superficial to myself. I don’t think I am asking for the cold truth. But I am certainly looking to understand how that process functions to serve me. It is most interesting to go deeper within and find the behind of the behind about it. Nuances, vanities, peccadillos, outright lies, embellishments, inflationary pretends, all given an internal existence, as well as secret superstitions with effect, unrevealed vibe alliances, and of course, all of the reality collusions we could succumb to without questioning any of it in this deeper way. So much goes down, yet without saying. I want that sight back. I want to be in depth and more current. I don’t want to carry this invisible load. I want a presence with the possibility of light. And therefore assumptions that serve my spirit and not just allow me a passible existence. I want tacit assumption to be clearly connected directly to my spirit with somewhat conscious access. Yes, tacit assumptions as the carrot before the consciousness of this horse.
And onward I will gallop with glee . . .

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