You distracted yourself
and you are the light.
You distracted yourself
by choosing
the original parents you did
and even then
you were the light.
You distracted yourself
by feeling so orphaned
the way you did
and yet you came in
as the light.
You distracted yourself
by expecting
to be received
as realized and sanctioned.
You were not
and yet you kept inwardly
to being the light.
You distracted yourself
by the transit of innocent isolation
confounded by simple expectation
convened as a child
apparently unwanted
but you kept to the light.
You found yourself
a set of adequate parents
and proceeded to rebel
as if you were cheated
by being abandoned
but also you kept to yourself
the light within.
You grew up
reactive and street smart
clever and wily
yet true to the secret
of your light within.
You discovered
your projective abilities
your dramatic flair
your appease of presence
and idealized
from the light within.
You distracted yourself
into the appearances
gave yourself a status of being
and proceeded to hide
your light that is within.
You battled with life
as circumstance
upheld your independence
dialogued with more rebellion
yet you were still
clearly the light within.
You distracted yourself
with inner comprehension
of outer chaos
and older men
life filling activity
and yet you upheld
your light from within.
You distracted yourself
by going through men
by falsely identifying
who you really were
and being spit fire
and flashpoint angry
about it all
but yet keeping
in powerful reserve
in the light of you
from within.
You distracted yourself
into having children
as in four of them
filled the days
with majors
of need and dependency
upon you
and though muted
held the precious light
clearly within.
You distracted yourself
into service
and caring for others
as a means
of anger and rage ventilation
though still a purity
of heart besides
and even if apparently belittled
yet deeply instilled
as a light from within.
You distracted yourself
into a meaningful life
based on hidden
but subversive reactions
yet heartfully able
to clearly respond
to the needs of others
even at the expense
of your own needs
and yet deeply private
existed the light of you
from within.
You distracted yourself
by caring for others
and compelling circumstance
and yet your critical mind aside
the light of you
continued from within.
You distracted yourself
into positions and perspectives
that although they kept you
in avoidance
they also brought
by inference to your mind
the deeper issues
to be addressed
and the light of you from within
got acknowledged.
You distracted yourself
from directly attending
to these as issues
by incessancy and transition
and others as representation
and need
yet the light of you
has never left
or faded from
the light from within.
You have distracted yourself
with life and death
career and departure
children into adulthood
deaths of mothers,
financial shape shifting
complete and fully comical boredom
and yet engaged
with your light from within.
Even from before your birth
this light of you
only gets stronger
and more in demand.
You distracted yourself
to the edge
of your compiled
and exaggerated story.
That story
that you told to others
as opposed to
the inner truth
that will and does
slowly emerge
given that light of you
that is that same light
that guides you now.
You have distracted yourself
while you think to the brink
to the advent
of something essential new
but to no avail
as the same inward guiding light
grows to prevail.
You distracted yourself
until that too
you as your creative distraction
in its own boredom
is forced to genuinely respond
from a deep affirming
to the lighted-ness of you
from within.
You distracted yourself
by claiming simplicity of being
when such complexity
so eventually defines
as the light of your being
does reclaim
to simplify
by taking away
your control metaphor
your audience need
and by strengthening
your inner voice of surrender
to your higher self
and your need for adequate isolation
as a self custodian
of all your possessions
comes to impress upon you
that the end of distracting yourself
is coming
and the light of your being
is still dwelling within.
You distracted yourself
into discovering that
for most of your life
no one has had access
to who you really are
or who you really are
even to yourself
but now you get
to compellingly inquire
with the aid
of the light of you
coming from within.
Soon your distracted self
as best evidenced
by the usage of your critical mind
will all reach a re-ordination
and the light of your being
will reign more clearly.
You need not remember
nor refrain
that you are that light.
Your life has brought you forth
in a long
and strangely undeniable manner
but nonetheless
as of now
you are
by fully knowing your light
truly as you
as you are
the light of your being.
(such is the life of A to Z)
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