if I speak about it
I am a fixated prisoner
of the mind.
if I use language
then I have already
been brainwashed.
if I believe
that what I say
is what I meant to say
then I am an automaton
emotionally drained
into impoverishment.
we can have this
as conversation
but we can’t really
vibe each other
by this means.
I am claiming by assumption
our separateness
as so evident
that I can readily speak to you
as in doing so
I am promoting our separateness
yet no topic
justifies this kind of hypocrisy.
is it that we are so separate
that speech is a viable means?
is it that there is a verbal skill set
for appropriate sincerity?
is it that a soul level of awareness
can live on words?
is it that there is a personal barrenness
words can quench?
is it that a shadow of isolation
is looming larger than living?
when is this whim to connect
acknowledging its opposite?
for it was dynamically there
before it was known.
nothing can address
the connectedness
from the outside in.
there is no demonstration
to being
no acknowledgment
to oneness
no actual occurrence
in time.
but who of us
goes there?
and why would we
once there