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Sunday, August 30, 2009

If I could

if I could

tell you about the future

I would . . . but I can’t

but if I could

tell you about the future

I wouldn’t

because telling you now

would alter the future

actually you would

alter that future

based on what you were told

so much so

that what I told you

either would be wrong

at that point in time

or not apply

because in a deeper way

all things

would have been altered

and even the situation

might not appear or resemble

what it might have been

and we would be no wiser

what you would bring

to that future

would not make it predictable

for then

it is a false assumption to say

predicting the future

would be a good thing

but not because

of what it would represent

but because

by our current standards

how we build towards futures

is filled with eventfulness

which disclaims us

from intentionally creating it

we literally

come from different places

in our persons

to claim eventful futures

and thus

for those supposed claims

only the symbology appears

which allows us that illusion

of what would

have really happened

or what is happening

as going and ongoing

are quite different and unique

each in their own unfolding

we can all predict the future

in a futile way

but for us to live it alive

is something quite different

in resourcefulness

manifest and deed

to the degree

hat we think in and function

like we are solids

in a solid’s world

is much like our limitation

to predict into the future

because by that way

we think and function

we claim

that we go to the future

or it comes to us

neither is essentially true

but there is great consensus

and convention towards that

as fact

when really

the future is always right here

immediately right here

before us

we could easily live into

and predict the future

by doing so

by being right here

right now

but not easily

by the methods

we pride our self-sense upon

we would have to

leave the predicament of time

and somewhat

the limitation of space

to face the future

in a fuller way

than as our current perceptions

translate into

our current recognitions

recorded into

our current experiences

all of which

really encodes and decodes

what was/is real into the claim

of and for the future

for we basically

have trained ourselves

into a 24/7 style

of perceptual distractedness

that that then

meaning the future

is translated

into a symbolic reductionism

and then past the time

immersed in retaining that then

ignoring a now which features

a very different presence

coming into being

so if I could

I would

but I can’t

and I won’t

and really . . .

neither would you . . .

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