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Wednesday, December 20, 2023

sensorials with original intent

what is that quality of sight 

without addressing the impact of the view?

that quality of hearing

without addressing the affectation of listening?

that quality of touch

without the imprisonment of surface as contact?

that quality of smell

without referencing into name calling as identify?

that quality of taste

without being distracted by the impressions from flavor?

living with, 

but not clearly or deeply in touch with,

sight that sees into the dream-state clearly,

hearing that listens to intuitions with clarity,

touch that travels unseen miles of vibratory feel,

smell that senses when the body is out of balance,

and taste that comprehends for the chemistry of being.

how did the senses become so commandeered 

as to service experience with a superficiality need?

senses were for a form of attunement,

but now labor under the experience-junkie premises.

so much of seldom is a bumper car metaphor.

each of us inwardly searching

for the sensory wizardry to awaken.

where words are discovered to be hypocritical.

where sensory serves a language of oneness realized.

my senses are, for now, white canes of usage.

we all have a calling,

that goes on deeply within.

where recognition is actually realignment.

it's an itty-bitty pitter-patter 

with definite and defining resolve.

attune our senses to that more firmly,

as if chrysalis on command,

as if a genuine answer 

to the reality demand . . .

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