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Tuesday, September 5, 2023

human reason as a spice

human reason only grabs at next things at hand.

maybe it is the rhythm that grabbing provides

and then make sense out of that, that seems fine.

human reason, like a life-saving jacket at hand,

clearly promoting continued fear of the fluid state

without still pictures of the mind to work with.

what is the audience value in that, 

that continues to be internally asked?

human reason is the muscle memory from repetitive usage.

24/7 is the workout program used,

with the treadmill of dailies

and the occasional novelties 

that force memory into efforting.

it's a tightrope walk on parking lot lines.

waiting for the timing of automatic doors to open.

the embarrassing ritual of cash-back including small change.

human reason has the practical support of props everywhere.

we are so far down the library of instructions read,

the hell with the product itself.

it will eventually find the garage as its permanence.

human reason is such a skin on awareness's usage.

it's like a language base for milling and orderly passage,

like agreement heaven without the good or the bad,

like the riddle to contemplate 

without a punchline deliverance,

like a walk in the park 

without the trees or the lake.

just sidewalk stated 

and some notion of a here-to-there functioning.

so where would human reason go,

if there were no conclusions made?

sort of like an endless rosary

until one runs out of meaningful words?

would then the jabber continue 

in pace, with the walking onward?

somehow I think of human reasoning

as like seasonings sprinkled on the day.

sort of some flavor-added

but definitely not the main course 

of each moment's meal.

human reasoning is way after 

the nanoseconds of consciousness served.

how bland can it get

if human reasoning is the taste ever ordered?

and the payoff 

is for having eaten consciousness seasonings?  . . .

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