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Monday, May 31, 2021

what intimacy asks for


what do you want 

out of intimacy with another?

first-cause innocence?

clues to deeper truth of oneself 

exposed by another?

the nuance traits revealed 

of how one gets deeper self-knowledge?

a sense of sacred, 

buried in the backside of behavior?

forget all the obviousness of behavior.

sure we can all ogle and aah,

have impactful memories,

commitments and conquerings.

but the search for deeper truth about being?

it's all in there. 

somewhere in the intimacy of it all,

there is the sight of another's spirit,

in a momentary flash,

even the longing answered

of seeing another's soul revealed.

somewhere in the patchwork 

of intimate relating,

beyond the most evident

of behavioral rituals,

there is pause for insight from beyond.

sure we all could easily settle for great sex

or meaningful closeness

or validation of being.

but really, 

we are all asking the questions

that can not be formed

before they actually come to reveal,

a validation of likeness of being,

a sense of greater than known,

a compelling linger of oneness,

though not named as such,

but felt from ever so deep within.

we will go through 

all the behavioral channels

disguised as living life

and even procreating,

just to get to that place within

where spirit reigns, 

from deep within, 

even beyond a sense of self identified.

a place of source

that races past experience's grasp

only to be so real

that embrace is but a reflection,

but be of it.

it has a certitude,

more sacred 

than acknowledgment can offer.

and we all chase after 

that moment.

the baptism of truth beyond confirmation,

the live-in, 

the be of, 

the ever pour

that self love offers,

when finally acknowledged as

the gift of oneness coming through . . .

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