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Wednesday, April 14, 2021

just saying

human consciousness is wavering 

between two personalities, 

neither of which is whole.

one is reality based,

the other is spirit's calling,

instant gratitude versus deepest yearnings.

where familiarity is the orphan obliging 

and the other is the unknown 

as kindred calling.

dilemma is the current state of being

yet fully undisclosed but ever haunting.

this 'either or' principle reigns prominent.

we are all vexed with presentation as such,

as if life is a weave of decisions made,

a process of deliberation's reward,

conclusion's basis of reveal,

yet in life summary,

all of the truly valued reward

came from the spontaneous,

the unexpected,

the genius of timing,

the accidentally amazing, 

the unanticipated perchance, 

the startling unpredictable,

and yet the miracle undeserved.

reflection of those events as memory

are sips of the eternal light from within,

in which the self of experience

is only prepared from small doses.

mainlining spirit 

would still be considered an addiction

and we have rehab programs for that,

called religion,

where they work with creed over cult,

morality over myth

or spirituality over superstition.

an objectified God still rules

well, objectification still rules,

well, our method of objectification still rules.

well, the entrapment of objectifying 

is wholly prominent as our conscious choice.

just channel the spirit of your means

and witness what ever comes through.

start there,

and realize, reflect and respect.

without religious overtones as intervention,

maybe mystical is actually 

your second nature.

just saying . . .


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