equality is a self process.
it starts with perception.
ear marks do not render the entire face.
how what is felt
is more important than how what is.
equal access to apparentices
is only an initial gesture.
how one processes equally,
at what level, internally matters.
not all of equal has conscious access.
permission to be is in that equation.
equality is more than
objectification can provide.
equality has play
and abides by the rules of play.
equality has exchange and response.
ownership is a fallback position,
not initially taken.
equality eventually is a shared state
of mind premise.
equality exists unstated.
if equality is the topic
then deeper revelation is needed.
there cannot be
a working premise of equality
if guardedness and possession
are the frame of mind.
true equality does not rely on
the past for clarity.
it does not premise the present,
but risks the future
in self-creative ways of co-expressing.
it takes a self of permission
to adventure the expression of equality.
eventually there is
an energetic alignment functioning.
but an initial sense of equality
starts as a self sense
that provides for others.
eventually common mind and heart
are the vast un-statables as equality . . .
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