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Thursday, May 7, 2020

recognition as a false front 5/7/20

recognition is 
the seduction of our sensory's means.
the capture by identification 
is a sensory close-out.
sensory inquiry is reduced 
or over at that point,
thus functioning much like a doorman 
or a crossing guard with limited task in mind.
wasn't sensory supposed to be a lead-dog,
taking us into discoveries of unknown lands (?)
as opposed to being the front screen 
of a human vending machine's purchase potential?
certitude is the imperative claim 
and therefore the service of sensory 
is either complete 
or in disregard
as the parade of nominality continues 
as mind-filled with self-conscious understanding.
the advance of sensory skills
is aborted for the sake of 
the table-spread of acceptance.
any further inquiry
becomes a notion of specialization.
thus sensory dedication
is grounds for a career speciality orientation.
once this has become sensory inquiry 
beyond the superficial naming of things.
it becomes a peculiarity.
possibly a character trait 
of a unique interest.
our sensory domain is governed 
by the hidden agenda of recognition.
we are driven to referential intelligence.
'use your words
to say what you mean'
falsely directs
the use of our sensory range potential.
we settle for
a 'riding-in-a-moving-bus' experience
as if our world 
is only name-specific to us.
we then become a waking state
of a somnambulistic reverie 
with details in passing.
as a construct for mentality,
we all suffer the consequences.
we are promoted 
into a first-person fear response.
we have subtle emotional apprehension
rather than deeper mindful inquiry.
sensory is cued 
into the immediacy of alert.
cognition to conclusion in this process
is sensory driven to assist.
thus the appearance of false circumstance
aborts any deeper sensory means.
the capture becomes 
a constant daily practice.
sensory range becomes 
idiosyncratic in nature
and privately entertained.
there is an override 
to in-depth sensory awareness.
sensory awareness has 
a culturally proposed expediency-reflex
and we, as a people, 
all suffer the consequences
and therefore lack 
the sensory inquiry aptitude range
that each person inherently possesses.
recognition becomes the stall-point
in service to a false sense
of self-consciousness . . .
( yet inquiring minds 
need deeper sensory assistance)

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