also for viewing

check out my video haikus
and slideshow videos on youtube at "junahsowojayboda"

Sunday, May 31, 2020

a work in progress (haiku) 5/31/20

a true heart of gold 
displayed as the nose ring on
an elitist mind

Saturday, May 30, 2020

feel of the be 5/30/20

there are times I feel
beyond what my feelings can express.
I can't even have tears from where 
I would want them to come from.
I can't breath deeply enough into my spirit
to satisfy my need to be pervasive and calm.
I want everyone to own up.
I want everyone to moan into it
until it all comes around 
into an uplifting ahhhhhhhhhhhhh,
until it's soul evaporative,
until it is a one word language 
of complete vibratory understanding.
not to be a mindful agreement
but a synchronicity,  
and no one present
is listening in a audience way.
everyone is emotion in its livingness.
no more the feel assigned to being alone,
no more the dominance 
of a reality of aloneness.
I want heart-seeking 
to be our collective destiny.
then I want to give up the 'I'
to be, 
the feel of the be . . .

Friday, May 29, 2020

transparency 5/29/20

transparency is not the truth either.
it is a contextual response
with logical support reasoning.
there is an assumption of sanity involved.
the verticality of truth, 
dependent upon the deepest truth,
is not discovered to be revealed.
it is the strategy of topic revealed
but not the deeper source of the cause.
the reward for transparency is audience satisfaction,
which is not based upon the ultimate truth,
but more so on listening majority approval.
transparency is only a reaction to perceived gloss.
and the gloss is a pushback to relevancy versus privacy.
we do not live in a truth ordained world.
the game of truth has many levels
and many consequences, 
dependent upon the apparent circumstances when revealed.
truth rides on a concept of immediate agreement.
experience, when framed as truth to be told,
is not very efficient or effective at forthright representation.
truth is actually a quasi-concept, 
highly promoted in a cultural bias sort of way.
but even a group of people at a singular event
come away with varied versions of truth to be told.
yet there is a reliance on what is said as the truth,
when actually it is a 'taken in good faith'
rather than what actually happened ,
down to the essence of the intention and actions involved.
transparency is an affirmative 
in response to a correction for an initial given account.
each person's value terrain holds truth in a different light,
by acts, motivations, outcomes, and intent.
transparency ask for latitude and good faith,
truth is hard to handle otherwise . . .

Thursday, May 28, 2020

what's new with you 5/28/20

create an inner dialogue 
within yourself.
listen to everything 
you inwardly have to say.
when you come to that point in time
when you don't understand a word 
you are saying to yourself, 
become that person, 
and then begin again.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

illogical (haiku) 5/27/20

the intent of your actions
so illogical

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

what we don't know 5/26/20

what we don't know 
is always fighting back
as a constant battle of muted-ness emerging.
there is no confessional in which they participate.
no brain-washing, no cross examination occurs.
if we reverse engineered not-knowing,
we'd have nothing.
the upheaval is in every direction.
tight-lipped, non-expressive 
beyond the obvious, done as distraction.
I wouldn't call it silence,
just zealous preoccupied resistance,
an adherence to a means 
beyond our innocent inquiry.
sure, there is a level of cooperation
but mostly as a prop or a tool
or a dedicated means beyond our standards.
but offer up clarity, short-cuts, 
unseen efficiencies not yet discovered?
sure, clues may be gotten
but outright pouring of the essence
to further our deeper sense of cause,
it's all up to us,
certainly, by the methods, we use.
and what do we get for our efforts?
expertise, but still the further blackout exists.
no blurting, no forthright disclosure,
just careful eavesdropping on our part,
just to get to the know.
we can get how it is
but it is still separately theirs.
known or not known 
makes no difference to them.
it's all on us
to make something else out of known 
that comes from the discovery of the unknown . . .

Monday, May 25, 2020

I just got 5/25/20

I just came from the sensitivity 
to hot and cold.
I just got 
what recognition has to offer.
I just came from 
the discernment of comparative truth.
I just got to here 
just at the end of time.
I just got to this place 
before the end of location.
I just got 
that I don't exist.
and then
I just got 
the myth-full account
that I just got out
of getting. . .

Sunday, May 24, 2020

giddy-cause (haiku) 5/24/20

I feel overdressed
reading a poem that rhymes
makes me feel silly

Saturday, May 23, 2020

when when comes 5/23/20

when paradox is only a mirror reflection
when knowing surrenders to being
when knowledgable is discovered as the doorman
when identity is a closet state of being
when the off-switch is 
just a spacial turndown consideration

when recognition is a boundary-style of observation
when coherence is a kind of wisdom addressing
when language has no access 
to non-ordinary states of being

when pattern recognition has a natural death
when think only provides visionary decals as memories
when why demands walls, floors, ceilings and skies 
that can't be seen

when the surrender of surrendering is wisdom unsought
when experience can't take us where we want to go
when the sweet-spot of non-comparative truth emerges
when there are boundaries developed 
from ordinary states awareness

when experience is eventual boredom chasing us down
when meaning has learned to never stand 
at attention for long

and when meaningful has no definitives 
as distinctions any more . . .

Friday, May 22, 2020

isness 5/22/20

isness doesn't come and go
but is in constant motion.
isness is all of spacial 
without the need of identification 
as a handrail.
isness is all of time 
that exists between the hypotheticals 
of tic and toc.
isness has no face-offs with recognition.
isness has the numerical slipstream of pi
without being mathematically induced or seduced.
mind as the wardrobe of memory
can never be isness, 
nude in the skinny-dip of the now.
isness does not ware any aprons of self-consciousness.
isness broke the sound barrier 
before heard had the possibility of listening.
one doesn't get high from isness.
one is g-one, gone in isness.
isness is meaninglessly invitational,
gross sensory underwhelm,
unidentifiable vibrational intimacy,
fervor without noticeable still or moving parts.
isness is all of motion 
before it had any substance to it,
named as mass.
isness left the infinitesimal 
for the vastness of nothing to possess. 
isness does not leave recognition in the dust
but leaves recognition as the dust 
that only knows of itself . . .

Thursday, May 21, 2020

need for closure 5/21/20

my need for closure
is a false front,
a way at staring at the sky
as if weather affirms my whatever decision.
assessment of this stoppage is a mind-state.
I hear-see applause by perception cueing me,
as a sequence of conclusions rolling along,
as if an ending affirmative is presenting.
it is like bedsheet covers demand,
as if sleep is then called upon,
a shift in the visual field,
as if new recognition confirms the termination.
just because I cease and desist behaviorally,
does not make for completeness as mind-ending.
there are streams that travel underground
within me.
I don't know closure as resounding.
half-thoughts linger below the horizon of awareness.
they peek out randomly.
this process is not a rope course demanding
or pylons pleading for order to be observed.
closure can be like the fading light of a sunset
or the fall of the last fruit from the tree
or never ever to be fully complete.
I am not saying in the wisp of nostalgia either.
just out of the blue a faint ripeness can occur,
a link that has embodiment from within,
and I am to demand its absence immediately.
fluidity does not happen for me in that way.
closure has a completeness from a very different status.
maybe only by evolution do I experience closure.
but then, closure is still in the honoring
of what it supposedly is not.
keeping track of the absence
is only a false sense of closure.
no confirmation is at all possible.
closure then becomes a theater term,
a bank term, a political usage of the term.
but closure as an operative in my world?
confluence, yes, 
but closure not real . . .

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

linear thinking 5/20/20

the death trap of linear thinking
is the welcome mat of the next thought
you are invited into platitudes of conclusions
everything referential is the beginning of the bind
you have your recognition flashlight
peek-hole looking all about
there are forced presumptions 
about the three-hundred and sixty degrees 
of otherwise darkness all around
there is of course the welcome mat 
of familiarity's faces 
greeting you in the light
at some point the illusion is 
that what you see 
is consumed in everything you know
as recognition calms you
through these moments in their passing
this is the landscape of reality's appearance
and you are mindful in your residence
but it is a comfort-zone containment
best you have religion as an enterprise
and a god out there that comforts you
you have the prayer-beads of logic
and sensibility as the murmur of your breath
all of sensory input has been brought to its knees
but your personal evolution needs fervor 
an ardor of higher consciousness
that supersedes linear thought
not as a launch into abandonment
but an overseer of spiritual eyesight
a greater wisdom of self as spirit as soul
a sense from within that overrides the placative 
that penetrates the thaw of reality's format unfolding
that permeates the drawnness of spirit into consciousness
that further dimensionalizes the carriage of your being
for linear thinking is all mind-fill wardrobe
a projection seeking reality as conformation
your spirit is always invisibly nude in every circumstance
we promote cultures that offer no comfort in that regard
but realize that you are always nude inside your cloths
that you are at home outside every happenstance
you are revelation before you think it
and that linear thinking is not ever full disclosure
and that meaning without emotional uplift in support
only gets you the loiter of existence
and the wander offered by a meaningful life . . .

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

what if 5/19/20

what if you comprehended everything.
not just earthbound planet-wise,
but the universe of itself.
so what is your emotional disposition? 
now that nothing is understood as problematic in nature,
what is the need for answers or solutions?
in the greater sense of scale 
of everything in the universe,
what is the status of earth or humans or life 
as we otherwise know it?
is your now great lip-service answer,
the surmise, "everything in time"?
that would sort of be 
your condescending answer
since you now know 
that time doesn't really exist
except for the understanding humans have.
so are we, 'humans' that is, 
in the greater sense of scale
of comprehension of the entire universe,
are we a small minority group of special needs?
are we a profound misuse of mindfulness?
and since having access to all knowledge,
you now realize the impotence of all knowledge.
and in some respects, 
have abandon that status?
and that our human version of enlightenment
is but a small crumb 
on a very long breadline of knowledge 
with human-wisdom as icing?
just asking.
and further more, that the matter of worth,
as we claim it to be, 
is really reflective 
of our lack of awareness 
and overal comprehension
rather than an astuteness of implied principle?
sorry to mock and trivialized,
but what if,
and that was my thinking.
just wanted to know, 
how you felt . . .