experience is the wardrobe
I just recently last wore.
I am completely nude
inside of that apparel.
I am invisible
inside of this my nudity.
I am a void
inside of my invisibility.
I am the manifest
inside of this barrenness.
I take up a presence
from the vastness of there.
I fill a celestial field
in an auric manner.
my camouflage in this world
is sensory ordained.
you can only look at me
and see in the sense of sensation
as animated form.
you can only hear from me
and sense in the auditory of words.
but here is where
we are all meaningful beyond mindfulness,
beyond the cursory of the manifest.
but here is where we all wear
the hidden tattoos from trauma unexpressed.
here is where layers of lifetimes come and go.
here is where the essence of self-signature exists
before ink.
we are all spoken about
before they come to be written.
in otherwise lifetimes,
we are all words coming home
to one word.
we are all one,
before word was the manifest,
before experience was the pin-down,
before experience was the singular lit candle
in the otherwise mindfully expansive darkened room.
we were all one
before any of us as candles were formed
with our wicks dutifully placed
and then the singular light experientially promoted
as the each of us.
we, as spirit,
need to come out of
that closet of experience . . .
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