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Friday, August 30, 2019

the life and times of meaning and motive 8/30/19

can motive ever truly find words to say?
can meaning ever reach the hidden depths
that spur motive into unmitigated action?
even if that bucket of meaning is poured completely out,
there is still a dampness on those interior soulful walls.
karma does not wash off real clean.
that which held the hidden truth
is still a container of worth
for the previous existence replenishment potential.
exit the water but the bucket’s capacity stays.
its containment can serve all kinds of fervent ways.
meaning can have moments in the sun
but motive has the weave of far-reaching at hand.
a thousand private tears 
can go in secret towards filling that bucket
but one act of reality spillage 
can be the cause for revelation.
motive is a glitch in the efforts of being current.
agenda has father time as a parent
and emotional with-heldness as a mothering.
meaning can only say 
what the child of this relationship has come to know.
we are all homeless in that sense.
the energetic heritage is buried within each of us.
we don’t seem to have very clear access 
to our spiritual genetic code. 
living into the truth is a life of self study.
to know that wisdom does not become spoken
but dwells in the advancing presence of being.
meaning is left within the body that dies,
while motive can carry on for lifetimes . . .

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