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Saturday, August 31, 2019

tactility (haiku) 8/31/19

human existence
perception is our white cane
where we point and poke

Friday, August 30, 2019

the life and times of meaning and motive 8/30/19

can motive ever truly find words to say?
can meaning ever reach the hidden depths
that spur motive into unmitigated action?
even if that bucket of meaning is poured completely out,
there is still a dampness on those interior soulful walls.
karma does not wash off real clean.
that which held the hidden truth
is still a container of worth
for the previous existence replenishment potential.
exit the water but the bucket’s capacity stays.
its containment can serve all kinds of fervent ways.
meaning can have moments in the sun
but motive has the weave of far-reaching at hand.
a thousand private tears 
can go in secret towards filling that bucket
but one act of reality spillage 
can be the cause for revelation.
motive is a glitch in the efforts of being current.
agenda has father time as a parent
and emotional with-heldness as a mothering.
meaning can only say 
what the child of this relationship has come to know.
we are all homeless in that sense.
the energetic heritage is buried within each of us.
we don’t seem to have very clear access 
to our spiritual genetic code. 
living into the truth is a life of self study.
to know that wisdom does not become spoken
but dwells in the advancing presence of being.
meaning is left within the body that dies,
while motive can carry on for lifetimes . . .

Thursday, August 29, 2019

earth-skin 8/29/19

the skin of the earth 
is wearing the human conditioner
yet versions of eczema, dermatitis, 
psoriasis, acne, rashes, 
burns, warts, and dryness pervade.
but this conditioner doesn’t really help 
alleviate these circumstances.
directions say: 
spread more of the humanness around,
more thoroughly and wait.
what is so wrong with these directions?

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

consensus has protocols 8/28/19

one’s own personal search for freedoms 
is confined by the methods used 
for that search.
anything less then the full awareness of oneness 
is the subtly into the profoundness of suffering. 
for the lack of complete presence as such,
separatism, has become a meaningful method,
of existence.
it is an everyday obscenity.
for it is far away 
from the unspecified human connectedness 
wanted with and from all others.
captured is the result 
of the conclusions we have reached.
so how does our expectation model 
for meaningful existence
actually work?
and what are our sources 
for the operation of those priorities?
what are the persuasion methods 
for our drivenness into its dominance?
in humans terms, 
when tale wags dog, 
two premises are involved, 
namely audience and cashflow.
such is this yield.
for capitalism is armed 
with a machiavellian sword, 
made more efficient 
by shorter attention spans
with superficial topical seductions 
as its firmness of grip.
conclusions from short attention-spans
makes for a reality 
of mentally ordering 
from the retentive mind-menu,
seeking more seductive cash-floods then ever,
as if it were vitality-blood
from the enemy
which, in this case, 
is also ourselves. 
what’s wrong with what’s wrong 
is also wrong and still, rightly so 
we seem to be functional 
as a bungling conundrum 
yet consensus has protocols (!) . . . 

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

the what-if of stimulation 8/27/19

if one was in 
the constant world of stimulation,
when would the grounding 
of overwhelm-eventfulness ware off?
what other usefulness then 
would seeking search for 
besides the breadcrumbs of stimulation?
would seeking ever turn on itself 
to discover its source 
and therefore its driver 
more thoroughly?
would seeking of itself
then either hire or transform 
to a different mode of operation?
a more distinct means of rendering 
other than the cause of stimulation,
and therefore a new sense
for its self of recognition?
possible even a more particular sense 
for the rights of one’s passage.
and of course a more colorful method or means 
of its self-audience as awareness participation? . . .

Monday, August 26, 2019

the environment of think 8/26/19

what is the nature 
of the environment of think?
and what volume of area 
fills the surround of this?
what is there 
for the sake of appearance
and what are the workings of this 
that exist undisclosed?
so, do all appearances 
come from the same style of entry?
how much of it occurs as silent films
as opposed to the download of the diatribe?
is there a sense of logic 
to the phrasing and punctuation intended?
and how much of all of this 
then reaches for pronouncement?
and will external dialogue 
always be the eventual outcome?
at that point, sense and sensibility 
have an appropriate attire.
for taking words out 
for the walk of the mouth
requires it.
as for linear thinking, 
it is like always having fish 
in the aquarium of the mind . . .

Sunday, August 25, 2019

linear thinking’s seduction 8/25/19

seduced by linear thinking.
it is always the initial interior voice,
face to invisible face
as if a first responder,
in an intimate self-to-self conversation.
it assumes a sense of appropriate self-scale
yet not necessarily fully logical
but immediate and immanently applicable 
as it seems.
it’s what self-intimacy does.
pick and choose 
seem to be the logic at hand.
it can feel like one is standing 
in front of a greeting card rack,
about to make 
what one would call,
'a choice'.
one’s linear mind can stream like this
for the whole day.
for then, the story of your day is 
just paraphrases 
taken from this linear thinking account,
while any other voice feels like 
it’s overheard.
it’s like someone else 
is in the private elevator of self,
with you.
you could strike up 
an interior conversation with them,
but what the hell do they know?
that could easily be your unsaid remark.
after all, you have not formally met before this.
oh, but you have.
as one’s linear mind is so forgetful
in this way.
once again forgetting 
that the linear mind is solely predicated 
on the separateness of being 
who it assumes itself to be.
and therefore linear thinking 
is always at the mike,
and everyone else is assumed as 
the audience in surround.
only to eventually discover,
one is not a soloist 
on the stage of their being.
and if one was to wake up within,
they might discover 
that linear thinking is only a squeaky wheel 
on the cart of soulful passage,
also living for the dream of delivery . . .

Saturday, August 24, 2019

whole (haiku) 8/24/19

when lucid dreaming
meets with dream-like wakefulness
one’s life becomes whole

Friday, August 23, 2019

life, since they actually met 8/23/19

sincerity and expectation have a burdensome relationship 
within one’s self-consciousness.
sincerity, making plain and natural.
expectation, living for outcomes.
neither having the other’s back.
yes, there are occasions when they appear to be
one in the same, ongoing.
but the origins are developed 
in extremely different ways.
sincerity would like the heart 
to be the source of their existence,
while expectation has been trained to seek
the success of a storyline
manufactured from the immediacy 
of the worldly props imagined at hand.
how much interface do they mutually share
in reality settings as life unfolds?
some beings manage this with calm and flair
while others battle internally as a result
of what eventually outwardly occurs.
not that either actually wins
but war-torn becomes facially and behaviorally evident.
sincerity can have a brutal appearance
and expectation can crawl up and just hurt.
yes, there are attempts at internal consolation.
none of which has to be evident to the world around.
the timing and rhythm of each person is affected
as these two work it out within.
some glide, while others pause and ponder.
resolution can be a life’s work and effort,
for it’s more than a two horse race as existence.
but these two have prominence and needs
as we all have forked tongues.
some make melody
while others are ever cacophonous, 
ongoing . . .

Thursday, August 22, 2019

living beyond the doubt 8/22/19

came into intention of life
volunteered into conception
saw two souls from afar
their common light, a launchpad to me
manifest is both a sweet miracle 
and expressing a generative means
how much did I know before hand?
taking on a body with gender and circumstance?
playing all the lower vibrational chords
in order to get a species body of matter.
maybe I should have gone for gopher, sperm whale,
elegant spider, or my favorite, albatross.
but sense-directed, divinely inspired
was human for the outcome
brought so much energy to existence from within
as most every one by birth does
landing it without further configuration
letting the transduction begin
and I will carry on from deeply within
not to be overwhelmed by sensory input
or by the high contrast of human existence
meant to have this inner light carry on
whatever the mediums imposed upon me
but I have had lapses into the impact of existence
times that are muffled and listless
with a plethora of lackadaisicals as if wandering
then spikes of clarity swooping in high contrast
where language doesn’t speak me for then
circumstance exists only as camouflage
bodies to bodies are so sluggish during
but there are gleams shared, with some
they don’t register as thoughts
more so enlightened feeling states
is as best I can state it now
but if you’ve been there
you can take up from my meaning into your heart
I don’t want to say that love is the answer
this context is so out of true scale
being a person, as separate, is so unnatural
as from where we all came
taking up a life is formidable, 
sometimes grueling and plain-out arduous 
being all that is a given
the deeper truth resides but reach requires
a kind of duplicity, possibly regarded as insanity
yet featuring this grasp of spirit 
as it is called from this side of existence
to be in the physics of radiance
yet captured in form and broadcast projection
to be in the construct of paradoxes 
yet from within
to be under the siege of a context 
that unabatedly denies
to have loud secrets that go on unmanifest
to be of clarity that does not transduce down
to be riddled with common place as displeasure
to find camaraderie superficially afloat
to feel rudderless yet in an organic human sea
a choir of beings lost in the page-turns
as to what to be the sing
birth was so much light and light to cast 
life seems to have presented the art of shadows
what wisdom lies in their translation
for the summoning of oneness
through all of this diversity
is a mindful mastery to align 
I put in for the experiment and the journey
as if for living beyond the doubt
plan to do it again and again
the plain truth of it lives
but cannot be experienced
there is a ruthless radiance 
that travels within me
once on the planet
I only know of it 
but still, I carry it within me, on 
as if it becomes me
becoming all of us
for becoming one . . .

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

candor (haiku) 8/21/19

encouraged candor
the ear of outspokenness
listens for that truth

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

lightness of being 8/20/19

if flattery were the sky
and candor were the clouds
do we live for reign
or sunny daze?
yes paradox has roots in the wild blue yonder
and gravity is a complimentary tease
in that regard
since we are personally caught between
an up-pull-gravity 
and the obviousness of the down.
up-gravity is so paradoxically disguised
complex beyond attention span or interest
so we honor the religion of down
we have the keepsakes of identity 
and the namesakes of wordiness around
so if flattery were the sky
and candor were the clouds
what is the weather of your awareness
and how do you have climate-eyes?
and which, if either
contributes to your essential
lightness of being (?) . . .

Monday, August 19, 2019

my daily process 8/19/19

the driver of the daily process
sits in the back of the cab of mind 
or the limo of intentions
and calls out directional details, block by block
the driver, though the same person as I
is compartmentalized to the task at hand
my inner voices tantalize with updates 
and remembrances of circumstance or need
there is the blow-by of non-relevance
in landscape and people in the surround
they could all be manikins and props to the cause
but the driver has mission as foremost
even though the juggle of private priorities
inwardly continues as background cross-talk chatter
time is of the essence or maybe as the sequence
it could be a get-there or a be-there
or even a timing-wear, of course, for show
it could all be the hell-bent of accomplishment
it could be the list-maker’s dream day-job
or it could be all for show, gala or mandatory
the dirge of it all, is as if ongoing and procedural
who, in each of us, is that driver?
who calls the shots and makes deliveries?
lots of times I’m in that vehicle
but I am not really the driver
and that’s when I begin to wonder 
out loud internal to me 
but not a peep otherwise
who is that driver of me
in my daily process? . . .

Sunday, August 18, 2019

spreading my wings 8/18/19

admit to having synesthesia 
as if it is my handy number 2 lead.
roll suicide notes
as if there are filled with the weed of my destiny.
am aware of dimensions
that never have had any surface.
the proof of gravity, to me, is totally made 
of cartoon character remarks.
the drums that play in my head, 
bleed in pulses rather than make outrageous sound.
to know, for me, that there are 
no such things as nonsense.
that truth has no capacity for containment
and experience is a personalized form of trademarking.
to find that the notion of nothing or anything
cannot be stretched beyond its limits.
have to admit, that now and then, 
daily practice relies on spontaneous embellishment.
personally, experiencing indecency is a sense of loss.
weight against my back gives me a sense of comfort.
the heavens open whenever my eyes close.
will bite down real hard on things 
as an expression of trust.
if I know things all too well, 
it comes though me in the form of a sigh.
find that a sense of exactness 
occasionally takes my breath away.
feel that honesty is expressed 
when lips are passively motionless
and one’s tongue is prime for activity.
surprisingly can tell the current time 
by the way all shadows 
whisper amongst them selves.
all to often, keep to myself 
by the same way all crowds tend to gather.
bother with details to appear as if innocent.
always ask people how much do they think I weigh
if I feel that they can’t really see me.
for the way that I sense, 
makes strangeness seem impossible.
like the spaces between spoken words 
for their sense of rhythm.
employ featurelessness for myself
as a way of getting things done.
strangely, you hold me closest 
by being totally unaware of this.
easily gather myself within
where emotions feed on the collective.
estrangement, for me, is always 
a knock at the front door.
happiest when wisdom has no audience.
please bare with me, 
as intimacy is my way of seeing soul.
often wear moods as my sense of accessorizing. 
many bothersomes come my way pre-sliced.
see gestural dignity as if swan-pantomime.
should be totally asleep to living
as a form of your absence from my life.
all of sound is what I sense 
as what is breathing next to me.
intentionally always sleep 
with my head to the north,
on my left side, 
so that I am readied to greet the sunrise.
if you only understand me 
then I feel all alone in a woods 
where we are all growing old.
prayer was what I memorized 
when I was a child of hope.
always come back to the feel of my body
as a language composed of incomplete sentences.
and when I say all of these things,
honestly feel 
like I am spreading my wings . . .

Saturday, August 17, 2019

still wide eyed 8/17/19

all thoughts are compartmentalization. 
every step is a conclusion, taken.
every in-breath is rapture of sky.
every view is a pixel of the universe.
every sigh is a given-back,
a portion of the whole.
I took a body as a page turn.
a chapter may be a cartoon of livingness.
I have often longed 
for the beyond of language’s reach,
way beyond the insistence 
for the recovery of love.
quantum ever escapes 
the passion of my grasp.
but then, the eye of me
is aloof, just a grain of sand,
on the beach of ever-longing.
wondering what ocean will become of me,
whether eventually precipitous or evaporative.
ever to be the dance beyond location,
to become the motion known as stillness.
yes, still wide-eyed
but blessedly egoless
then selfless in carriage . . .

Friday, August 16, 2019

have you noticed? 8/16/19

'cause' is made up of the excuses 
for the admittance of time.
and that the completion of deeds 
is in a form of camouflaged street mime.
most thoughts are only composed 
of out-breath remains.
as for what possesses oneself, 
it can’t be stolen in any way.
expectations have become 
a bad yoga of the mind.
while the use of condiments 
is like the animated expressions made 
with the use of hand gestures.
living, like we do, is so unnatural 
by being in time.
hope is a virtue of blood loss 
unaccounted for.
opinions are like bat-cave departures
in search of insects of truth.
the taller the trees, 
the more baritone the roots.
for the abstract in the mind 
may some day express itself 
as a catchy tune.
acknowledgment is its own form of enterprise.
bygones grow on fruits trees in seasonal ways.
ellipses have a natural beauty that self-justifies.
the nature of all incidents 
only happen to lonely people.
a thousand consecutive lies in the sky
make for the river of truth to pass close by.
and have you noticed,
that all passers-by seem to have this peculiar gait
that, to me, expresses the weight of their secrets?

Thursday, August 15, 2019

it all started as just a sound 8/15/19

when I heard this sound,
a sound within easy sensory range,
kind of low and volatile, 
a rumbling sort of sound,
mistaken possibly for a heavy machinery sound
yet it was aching and moaning,
not just a grumbling, 
so to start the initial listening.
there was a first take
as a measure to conclude about it.
but then it continues to move ever-changing
both by vibration 
and by internal loudness heard.
then comes my re-experience.
first, comparisons to see what it is
and then where this is going,
for it keeps on moving,
moving in, deeper and deeper.
pitch somewhat altered 
but not higher or noticeably lower,
just richer and more thorough in its sound.
it gets louder but not really.
maybe paid more attention to it
as it moves in ways sound usually does not.
with further intention,
the experience becomes more refined.
the impression becomes stronger.
comparisons start to uselessly fall away.
it becomes a sound unlikened to others
yet still unique but less in a comparative way.
and then it reaches the edge of my hearing’s capacity.
my experience has never been out this far with sound.
I’ve lost track of directional source and distance from.
it becomes like no other sound I’ve ever heard.
not louder, not deeper,
possibly like non-locational but everywhere.
there is a place in hearing
where one is safe from and yet with the sound
as one hears the sound as separate to them.
but this sound crossed that border.
this sound was now coming out of and through me.
irrationally, this was a potential death threat to me.
is this the way I will die?
from sort of the overwhelm of sound?
I am drowning from the inside out.
I have to accept this death of me 
as I know myself to be 
to continue with this sound
or die by its execution.
easy in that moment
to choose to die into the unclaimed bliss of it.
and so, for a very short time, 
I relinquished my sense of being,
figuring I was in some sense of death-passage.
but then the sound reappeared within me.
and now I was not the same listener.
I was an ocean of hearing.
I was all cells of me listening.
listening was so closely intimate within me
that I was that sound of itself.
I had a recognition 
beyond who I knew myself previously to be.
there was actual carriage as my person
but not as the person I knew from before.
I was interplanetary. 
my mind was calmly sizzling.
experience had never been this whole before
and the sound continued to move as if to intensify.
I was short lived in this state,
just enough to glimpse the divinity
but not enough to be grounded.
it still moved upon me from within.
and again I had another death,
a soft beneficent passing,
only to once again arrive,
transcended to a deeper more expandedness.
one without original thoughts
just streaming as if the hum was through me.
but not a me by any previously known means.
a me beyond the sense of life and death,
a me by quantum measures,
not contained in the mind.
it was the unknowable story of life in the now,
without the reflection of past or future
and certainly not measurable any more.
an opening beyond accountability
without comparative truth at hand
and blessed with an ongoingness.
only to realize, no more death,
no more the experience to savor,
no more witness to the fact
just am and vibrationally made whole.
essence that has no need for answers.
not in the frame of the grossness of experience.
taken to heart without time dimension’s remark.
so to say:
kind of like what we were 
before we came to be physical mass.
it is that which sings loudly in apparent silence 
beyond our sensory means.
it is not as if a memory
but always a means for me,
of heart filled entry.
and it all started 
just as the sound of a gong, 
serendipitously played to tune me . . .

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

the absolute of felt 8/14/19

some will just see
others will deeply feel
and others will consummately be
devotion to become
devotion, as a means of surrender
realization, as the intimate process of that surrender
and the surrender is all of the articulation 
of separateness relinquished.
where becoming gives up the search,
to be.
in the earnest sincerity of source-fully becoming,
the be becomes the broadcast.
the imminence and the emanation of the broadcast
is the be… ever-coming.
the seeker is absorbed and absolved.
no more of the form or the process
of the absence in return.
the radiance of what is, centers.
alignment absolves, resolves, and dissolves 
into the absolute.
seeking has no separateness to sponsor.
sacredness is the stillness in full broadcast.
stillness wearing the wardrobe of nothingness
is in the broadcast of the void smile.
for that which cannot be sensed
but is, 
the absolute of felt . . .

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

there is a now 8/13/19

I am not of existence
but I am
I occupy by the window of experience
I am as dispassionate as the glass
as that pane of glass 
I look through what I see
I look back at the who of me 
who senses what there is to see
I sense what seeing has to offer
I feel for what sensing has then proposed
all at once I move 
from that receivership of that broadcast
into the compassionate broadcast 
of what receivership has blessedly offered me
as I then once again
look through the window of experience
where there is a now
to what I see

Monday, August 12, 2019

the last rites of sameness 8/12/19

my fascination with sameness
obviously it is not the object
that is of primary interest
it is more so the viewing of it
who of me who sees or senses
that feeds that information to whom
that whom of me that lives in conclusions
that references the what of it 
in a comparative way as its means
and then wildly arrives at a response
the reappearance of sameness
what clipped sense of expediency is served
who is benefited by that cursory response
what agenda plays havoc with what is sensed
that observation has no carriage of worth
outside the self-serving appraisal of view
how does my experience provide for this
I live for the variety and the uniqueness to abound
and yet my regulatory is set up to account
for, of all things, the insight of sameness around
this is not an existential remark to say
it is a misuse of my sensory range
it is living for sensory reductionism
to feed a conclusionary mind to pasture
what is the benefit for me with that
a prison of my own making
without the wherewithal to notice first hand
I did not want to turn my senses into cursory spies
I wanted them for discovery 
and the impetus for adventure
not the numbing of boredom highlighted as such
sameness as a report is a misuse of curious
an obstruction of inquisitiveness as effort’s goal
this is the slow death of comparative truth
if sameness is what I get.
sensory was to be the lead dog of a life of adventure
not the junkyard dog chained on a hill
fascination with the end-product of sameness
is a slow death from the inside out
brain numb and so death come sooner
maybe it’s just that sameness as a conclusion sucks
sameness dressed up in conclusion’s wake
is just that!
funeral services to be held 
at the vigil of observation . . .