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Sunday, May 26, 2019

not the wisdom yet 5/26/19

when laughable and appalling meet,
what happens?
what hysteria reigns though un-absorbable?
what place within comes to have a prominence of stature?
is this an emotion that knows no bounds,
that has no means of articulation,
that stretches and pleads with time and space,
that asks for mercy for being in form and account?
is this where the laws of physics are out of ink?
where comprehension is just day-old roadkill?
where void is in the lineup of accused criminals?
where the prominence of god 
is the remnants of a footprint baked in enigma?
where sanity is out of bearings?
is this a shake-down of the human condition?
do I ask these question to hide back tears?
or to placate a deep seated embarrassment
for being human to start with?
that laughable and appalling can pass through me
as one shared point in time.
I don’t have the skin to contain this.
I don’t have the emotional depth to embrace either.
this is a small death spreading
the longer I stay with this.
if this is the final link to the circle of life
I am not the wisdom yet
to embrace it . . .

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