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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

beyond understanding 5/29/19

understanding sets the mental table.
experience provides the eatables.  
actualization is one’s own vitality 
garnering comprehension from that meal.
the way we do understanding 
is not beginner friendly.
if it were, 
then recognition would feature 
no personal growth.
fear, as mastication, 
makes understanding relatively simple 
because it is immediate and impending. 
fear features short term results 
as in avoidance of danger 
in whatever form is presenting, 
be it real 
or apprehensively imagined. 
wisdom is not ordained 
just by application
in these circumstances.
true understanding 
is an interpretive art-form of reasoning.
perception towards understanding 
has many layers of interfacing interpretation 
to fuse into first stage recognition.
the resulting beliefs are consequential 
and laden with both pronouncement 
and hidden emotional drivers.
our fascination with satisfaction and happiness 
are forever a false existence 
in the land of substantial conclusions 
which is fundamentally a misuse 
of the mind’s ability 
to be in actuality ongoing 
and not posing and imposing 
a reality text upon us as experience.
our use of technology 
primarily pursues lateral concerns
by an expansion to include a change
and much less of a transcendent search. 
the scientific approach falsely claims objectivity 
and ever expands that
to advance us by this method 
when what is needed is transcendent 
in the first order. 
science creates results 
and then audience to appreciate and adore. 
neither of those means can deeply exists 
in transcendent advancement. 
there is no possibility of change 
as the primary method. 
true advancement has to be expansive 
and inclusive to a higher order of integration 
and awareness into presence.
every person is the self experiment 
in this regard.
but being, human being,
is already there 
in unknowable ways 
that live through us 
in profoundly unconscious means.
hoping and wishing for evolution
as if a vacation made permanent 
is not a transitional method of resolve.
brain styles of advancement do not occur
as lab experiments
but are ordained by personal growth.
the human species is spent
on in-fighting and self-indulgence.
neither of those preoccupations
lend themselves 
towards evolutionary development.
deep within,
there are transformative callings.
and each person, 
by their own ingenuity has to progress
beyond the apparent and distractives of existence.
the drawnness to transcend has it moments
in each of us.
to displace the reality context 
thought by thought,
cell by cell,
gene by gene.
and ever so slowly,
to take leave of understanding
as a bystander existence
and become from beyond
where understanding in the method used
can take us.
we can consciously be and express 
from beyond the wherewithal 
of understanding . . .

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