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Friday, May 31, 2019

by way of death 5/31/19

death is a mask 
that only materializes 
from the content of fear.
death will ask 
for the chorus of habit 
to be sung one last time.
the songwriter within us lives on.
from then, 
the scores are all played 
in higher octaves.
from then ongoing, 
tone-deaf is not relevant.
the lyrics are more emotionally authored
and the heart-strings themselves
become their own instruments.
it is the end of the need
for nostalgia,
for the cognitive methods of inquiry,
and the world of self as stand-alone logic.
death then becomes an open-door policy.
sight is not pictorial.
sound is not localized in origin.
and feel has no need 
for this backdrop of experiential novelty . . .

Thursday, May 30, 2019

one of us 5/30/19

we are all survivors 
in a self-captive world,
private thoughts linger
as for consolation’s offerings.
we haven’t been with our real selves 
like this in days.
wonder where we went 
to now return.
don’t like these times of absence.
distraction, in its own world, 
is quite renowned.
we’d rather be homebound 
with empty thoughts 
that embrace beyond any conclusion’s grasp.
to simply wander with the breeze
and wonder with our heart’s desire.
unmeasured by any cognitive means.
never leaving behind
yet in all ways expanding.
the future will bring to us 
reflective mirrors of the now.
yet essence is here, 
camouflaged but subtly present.
every view we personally take
is both a surrender of a self
and a unspoken inquiry towards embrace.
there is, after all, only one of us.
and when self as recognition falls away
these mirrors of self 
revealing our sense of isolation 
will be readily discarded . . .

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

beyond understanding 5/29/19

understanding sets the mental table.
experience provides the eatables.  
actualization is one’s own vitality 
garnering comprehension from that meal.
the way we do understanding 
is not beginner friendly.
if it were, 
then recognition would feature 
no personal growth.
fear, as mastication, 
makes understanding relatively simple 
because it is immediate and impending. 
fear features short term results 
as in avoidance of danger 
in whatever form is presenting, 
be it real 
or apprehensively imagined. 
wisdom is not ordained 
just by application
in these circumstances.
true understanding 
is an interpretive art-form of reasoning.
perception towards understanding 
has many layers of interfacing interpretation 
to fuse into first stage recognition.
the resulting beliefs are consequential 
and laden with both pronouncement 
and hidden emotional drivers.
our fascination with satisfaction and happiness 
are forever a false existence 
in the land of substantial conclusions 
which is fundamentally a misuse 
of the mind’s ability 
to be in actuality ongoing 
and not posing and imposing 
a reality text upon us as experience.
our use of technology 
primarily pursues lateral concerns
by an expansion to include a change
and much less of a transcendent search. 
the scientific approach falsely claims objectivity 
and ever expands that
to advance us by this method 
when what is needed is transcendent 
in the first order. 
science creates results 
and then audience to appreciate and adore. 
neither of those means can deeply exists 
in transcendent advancement. 
there is no possibility of change 
as the primary method. 
true advancement has to be expansive 
and inclusive to a higher order of integration 
and awareness into presence.
every person is the self experiment 
in this regard.
but being, human being,
is already there 
in unknowable ways 
that live through us 
in profoundly unconscious means.
hoping and wishing for evolution
as if a vacation made permanent 
is not a transitional method of resolve.
brain styles of advancement do not occur
as lab experiments
but are ordained by personal growth.
the human species is spent
on in-fighting and self-indulgence.
neither of those preoccupations
lend themselves 
towards evolutionary development.
deep within,
there are transformative callings.
and each person, 
by their own ingenuity has to progress
beyond the apparent and distractives of existence.
the drawnness to transcend has it moments
in each of us.
to displace the reality context 
thought by thought,
cell by cell,
gene by gene.
and ever so slowly,
to take leave of understanding
as a bystander existence
and become from beyond
where understanding in the method used
can take us.
we can consciously be and express 
from beyond the wherewithal 
of understanding . . .

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

perception 5/28/19

perception is only a mere handshake 
with the physical world.
quantum is currently 
a french kiss in the mind.
one cannot hack the brain 
as with hack technology.
that is asking the brain to succumb 
to an inferior method known as understanding. 
for the methods and techniques of understanding 
reside in dysfunctional ways of pursuit.
quantum will have no audience of entry.
no one will go there with fresh eyes
and then return.
for those eyes of an observer can only report
but can not immerse 
can not freely interact
can only bathe
but in that, not liquefy
cannot wholly acquiesce
perception is not personage
but only can ride shotgun 
as in going no where in a quantum way.
for the way we use perception
is only the superficial 
grandiose, into a form of acceptable deception.
perception only offers a distant shore.
for the tides of knowing should scare us all.
for as much conversation as one can have 
with the mirror of perception,
the mirror is only a lip-sink in response . . .

Monday, May 27, 2019

evaporative is heaven 5/27/19

it seems like life is 
only snowflake to avalanche
yet I live for melt, stream to river, 
on to ocean, 
evaporation into cloud 
and the journey as a whole.
human existence seems winterized.
I mostly wanted the evaporative state,
the magic of ascension.
I know that gravity 
is the prominent religion
and that flow, in many forms, 
is sacred.
but I wanted the immaterial faceless state
where-by the collective moves on as one.
I wanted this subtle anointment of passage
from liquid to vapor to sky.
I get tired of the heavy handed viscosity,
the constant jostling 
of shoulder to shoulder conditions,
the burdensome ride-alongs in liquid 
that travel-with, 
the carry-ons and the floats, 
from here to there,
even the earth blanketing over my head.
I don't much care not for that either.
snowflake to avalanche is spectacular
it is hard-fought then into spectacular torrents
that chorus in their free-fall.
but I am drawn to the evaporative as mystical,
the quintessential, 
with its vapor eyes.
thermals are my angels upon me.
heaven-sent, returning me to the light.
where upon I will wander, 
on a soul journey
yet once again to serve.
then you will know me as snow.
eventually avalanche will come with passion.
we will all have tears
in both joy and sadness.
but I will leave for the mystical once again.
I will take the purity of your heart with me.
as I become one with the sky above
and within the spirit of your subtlety of sight 
and the sacredness of your knowing . . .

Sunday, May 26, 2019

not the wisdom yet 5/26/19

when laughable and appalling meet,
what happens?
what hysteria reigns though un-absorbable?
what place within comes to have a prominence of stature?
is this an emotion that knows no bounds,
that has no means of articulation,
that stretches and pleads with time and space,
that asks for mercy for being in form and account?
is this where the laws of physics are out of ink?
where comprehension is just day-old roadkill?
where void is in the lineup of accused criminals?
where the prominence of god 
is the remnants of a footprint baked in enigma?
where sanity is out of bearings?
is this a shake-down of the human condition?
do I ask these question to hide back tears?
or to placate a deep seated embarrassment
for being human to start with?
that laughable and appalling can pass through me
as one shared point in time.
I don’t have the skin to contain this.
I don’t have the emotional depth to embrace either.
this is a small death spreading
the longer I stay with this.
if this is the final link to the circle of life
I am not the wisdom yet
to embrace it . . .

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Rube Goldberg mechanics 5/25/19

the Rube Goldberg philosophical life mechanics 
as a self-reflective exposé brought to light.
figure it this way:
all of life is an endless series 
of simple straightforward moments, 
one after another in the style of experience. 
all to accomplish what is immediately at hand. 
one can be lost or perplexed or in overwhelm 
by the sequencing presented.
or, one can be of a Rube Goldberg perspective 
where by every moment is unique 
in this novelty of the ongoing. 
one could have the feel and perspective 
of ease and enjoyment 
out of each one in passing, 
however elegant, clever, deceptive, 
incomprehensible, mystifying, 
obtuse, or unintelligible.
just imagine if the view of your life,
moment by moment in passing 
was that quality and perspective
with which one would view
a homemade Rube Goldberg machine
that just went on and on,
for all of time,
and that that machine was your life ever unfolding.
that state of awareness is rare
under this set of circumstances.
one would have to have a grand sense of being
and a profound capacity to embrace
the experience of life with that type of buoyancy 
and yet, every moment is a golden opportunity
to proceed with Rube Goldberg clarity. 
so, feel free to start the ball rolling
and see what remarkably comes your way . . .

Friday, May 24, 2019

one is one 5/24/19

look, it is like we did our entire relationship 
in one conversation.
yes, I know that sounds insane.
I am not talking about being topic bound
or content measured.
what I am saying is this:
at an energetic level,
we touched all tuning forks of our beings.
we soul survived all circumstances.
we lived beyond the distinction and boundaries of love.
I ethereally cried all of your tears
as you did of mine.
we went beyond siamese twins connection.
we have been the other gender and back.
we are one rocking chair of habit.
ours sighs start with one of us 
and end with the other.
being human, for either of us,
is now of a questionable need.
my sky is the origin of your rain 
and vice versa, supreme.
I bleed out of caring
as if your blood is mine to keep.
yours is buoyant
flowing through my veins.
so to say,
it was not the vocals that made this all so.
maybe the acoustics of our intimacy 
played its part.
surely, it was the choir of our sound
in the stairwell of our living it alive.
we go beyond the know of the other.
we are out of plurals to address this as such.
this talk is cheap,
until one is one,
woven together 
until the mind-boggling of one, is one 
grandly but silently, 
yet secretly, soulfully sung . . .

Thursday, May 23, 2019

nine human bylaws 5/23/19

reality is made up of what you want,
living is demystifying what you really need.

love is expectation’s efforts at objectification.

caring is the practical use of empathy.

concern is emotionally sponsored attention.

ridicule is emotional undressing oneself, 
disguised as a projection upon another.

discernment is undressing hope 
to get to the bones of truth.

and truth only has the full shelf life 
of immediate action.

stark raving mad is 
only authentic irrational honesty.

energetic truth has no telling,
only the exuding of presence.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

broadcast of being 5/22/19

it is hard to leave 
the sweet broadcast of being
to leave,
for the impersonal presentation of behavior,
to trade-in the presence of being 
for the habitualness of doing,
to be an attentive slave 
to the projection of self
and not the animation 
of one’s temperament of spirit.
may they both co-exists 
without the leverage 
of hidden unconscious directives.
is there a fitfulness 
buried in fluid flight(?),
or a serenity 
beneath the erratic-ness of display means?
does the paradox ever leave duality 
to rest?
can the enigmatic ever reveal 
behind its mask?
is the cryptic ever simplistic 
at source?
when does the obscure 
become face-to-face honesty?
is the inscrutable ever so childlike 
that it is puzzling?
is the incomprehensible 
a doorway to enlightenment?
yet, by broadcast of being,
not a thought,
not a worry,
not a care . . .

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

self-less consciousness 5/21/19

self-consciousness will become 
useless by personal human evolution
we are all individual flotational devices
until liquid within the consciousness sea
self is outstanding 
until it is standing out, no more
no more the bother of details
to flood the sense of existence
confluency flourishing without cause 
or even the impetus for response
there is no inertia 
for which motivation would be the driver
there are no after-thoughts
even if thought 
only has a streaming capacity for a then
but ‘then’ has no time commitment constraint
the use of ‘time’ as a dimension is wasteful
actually not possible
within the transparency of non-observable presence
no audience to existence
integration becomes the ongoing overwhelm
quantum beyond the impeccability of yawn
that works undisclosed
towards meridian balance in each of us
the self comes to have no surface as self
no medium of needs
no claims of wants or desires
nothing of a relational nature 
other than immediacy as fulfilling
nothing is noted as grand
impulse has no origin of launch
duly noted has no registry
the comparative truth of highs and lows
discarded without the notice as if a loss
the ‘we’ of the weave of human evolution
will take the ‘us’ of us there
no one will be the wiser than the other
one consummate mindfulness unboundaried
and in every way, hinderless of account
soft breath, for we are already there
but unknowing
as if knowing would give up its status
to become beyond what knowing can provide
victimhood has mental equivalency 
spirit for all of this 
has no residence in words . . .

Monday, May 20, 2019

‘gun’ 5/20/19

‘gun’ is an impediment of the mind.
to observe and decode ‘gun’ 
in an emotional mind-talk way
is the conclusions reached
after a contentious inner self-dialogue.
one done without regard to social etiquette 
but with authentic, irrational, emotional presence.
it is composed of a war-room account
of all the perceived injustices 
one could enunciate as if to tolerate.
none that have been aligned by their weight.
most, if not all, 
still are in an allegiance to hurtful cause,
that of self-induced pain
but perceived as the result of others’ actions.
no matter the reality context in an original fashion,
all is kept and stored in this place of cumulative pain
that is not really rational,
and not clearly retained.
now it is a powder-keg of kept-ripe reactive source.
all the stored energy of self, seen as denied
or disrespected or outright abused
is kept here as it own room of concealed rage.
not necessarily as act out rage 
but more so initially as seething and get-even rage.
opportunity is always looking
for next outbreak of anger.
possibly minor in its origin,
but having potential to either be stored 
or to trigger.
and what that trigger does is this:
it opens the inner dialogue of ‘gun’
and ‘gun’ is code for payback.
not just payback, payback,
but end it all payback,
or factor-ten payback,
or I’ll get your attention 
beyond your disregard of me
and you will never forget it! (payback)
‘gun’ is not the tool to start with.
way before ‘gun’ is the state of mind
as the inner dialogue rages on quite privately.
‘gun’ is code for the means for getting even.
not just for the act perceived
but for the all of time experience accumulated,
as they all fall into this one pain.
a pain, no words spoken seem to be able to resolve.
but put into action
and ‘gun’ now becomes an act-out mechanism.
a means to say beyond what words could say or do.
‘gun’ is to-die-for, in principle,
one way or the other, or both.
it is a leap of dire internal faith.
a faith the is from isolation 
and a sense of self as loss or lost. 
‘gun’ is an emotional and psychological code word.
it represents the deep and the dark and the definite
in that reactive light.
however hair-brain impulsive 
or calculated towards premeditated thought,
‘gun' is a mood of conclusion,
whatever the reality of resolve.
getting rid of guns falsely addresses the issue.
it makes it a post-problem based upon results
as damage and death and destruction of human life.
but the real source is buried deep within the culture.
the internal chemistry for ‘gun’
is from the isolation of self 
from the humanity of others.
and as a whole,
that language,
the language of the ‘gun’ world,
does not work to support connectivity,
that culture is so derisive in the pursuit of self.
and that success is constructed at the loss for others
as if success is a composition that all humans play
in such a way that if you win you have audience
and if you loose, you are audience in resolve.
hurt is a given as a side effect of the play.
‘gun’ is an alien force directed by isolated people.
their emotional and psychological makeup is inborn within it.
we all are well versed in it.
the deep meaning of ‘gun’ goes unspoken,
even to the heart of the matter.
having guns or not is a diversion 
away from the issue of essence.
it is a charade of the mind 
parading as deep-seated emotional issues
that have no other address.
‘gun’ is an index that addresses the failure of culture,
the disparity of humanity
and the disease that seems to have no cure.
as long as there is duality in the mind 
as method and then positions taken,
‘gun’ is a pawn in that game.
as long as we have worth as a medium, 
‘gun' should not be a game changer
or a means of falsely perceived equalization or payback.
cursing is real.
even mad-at and anger are very real.
but ‘gun’ is a game changer,
even though it may appear
that the unspoken dialogue has ended 
with ‘gun’ as punctuation,
there is still a glitch in the human program
and our proof-reading is not to the depth 
to include soul . . .

Sunday, May 19, 2019

escape velocity 5/19/19

there is no escape velocity. 
you can’t be an ‘it’
and go fast enough
to escape ‘it’.
‘it’ is already the baggage and the decals,
the expectation and the journey.
the map of intention is not decipherable
by the means exploration or travel-on.
whatever the ‘whim-upon-which’
has a false source-point.
‘it’ being the felonious, the deplorable,
the immoral, or the confines of self.
‘it’ is a the wrong orientation
to become one with the universe,
as so expressed as escape velocity.
escape velocity is a quantum joke
much like any:
“so did the hear the one about” ?
it’s three-card-monte of the mind.
doing an original version of the mind.
pardon me,
but you can’t really escape,
for every means of identification
binds you to me in a false premise.
as if we were separate to start with.
and you want escape velocity
as if it will be your only form 
of our celestial embrace (?) . . .

Saturday, May 18, 2019

went for float 5/18/19

I thought meaningfulness boosted vitality.
I have doses of it daily.
I could overdose on meaningful
and think I am remaining healthy.
I could be thought-form icing on the cake
and still not be nutritionally sound.
what a bakery-of-life failure.
I got seduced into taste and flavor
and went for the simplicity of stimulation
as if readied to proof-read the story of my life
dressed with punctuation and font adoring.
this brain is active 
as if dancing all the way
yet I seem to be choking on the narrative.
right-mindedness is at half mast.
emotion is this vastness of ocean
and I went for mental-ness of float.
I am a death wish 
blowing out the candles,
politely put into words.
what I feel, has current forwarding it.
what I say, 
only has breath 
on its way leaving . . .

Friday, May 17, 2019

because you ask 5/17/19

because you ask.
the use of topic-bound 
is to know that victories only function 
for appearance sake
as if for the way and reason 
that whales ocean-surface at all. 
and that the preening one’s own feathers 
is the sacred dedication 
for flight to come one's way.
and that the experience of fading light
is to be seen as oneself being gifted 
for the ability to surrender 
into the light and the dark
with equal benefit spread across one’s soul.
and that reasoning is 
for studying paradoxes as wisdom
to demystify certitudes’ unnatural stance.
and, in any human’s mind and heart,
for finding that familiarity is a haunting phase,
excitement is as a splendid training ground,
and experience, as the download report,
is taken directly to the motherboard of being.
so why on earth do you ask(?) . . .

Thursday, May 16, 2019

the coma from her rapture 5/16/19

what in god’s earth has happened
for her body is all of the fertileness of milk glands
she has her purr resoundingly into me
the landscape of her presence 
vista-rewards my sensory intake
as if I am land
that an ocean of her surrounds are upon me
every breath-in of mine is the joy-field
of making angels in fresh snowfall snow
the tall redwoods of her close-nit forest of hair
exudes a visual perfume 
with a trance-like effect from its sway and bounce
any conversation makes kindling 
for the validation of imaginary into real
there is a tingling of buoyancy from her touch
not pointy but field present 
as if ocean swaying beneath me
I now have eyes 
that reside further back from within me
like my heart can see out and into hers
as when the ocean first sees full-moon-rising
or when the first spring snow melt 
finally meets the roots of hungry trees
there is the pleasure of dawn and dusk
but never like this as into a lightness of my being
my life had the criss-cross of purpose and direction
but I now have the weave of becoming me
what her as a mirror reflects
I did not ever know of myself in calling
she is the cross between epitomize and exemplify
and I am in her emotional crosshairs 
featuring landmarks of my devotion 
and intimacies of my affection
I am beside myself
and literally in her land of my becoming
for I must clearly be 
in the coma from her rapture . . .

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

a dimension shy of whole 5/15/19

I am hundreds of years old of myself.
time is a closet queen of exaggeration.
the tumbleweeds of words 
are across the desert of my mind.
staring is its own kind of wisdom
for listening when spoken to.
animation is a stillness whispering.
perspective has a vacancy to it.
worth does not come from conclusions
but the living-in to its happening.
longing draws me into aliveness.
sacred exists before sensory awareness absorbs.
to know of, is a secondary perseverance to live by.
feel hardly has a self of distinction
but feel comes to be 
from connection to it all.
know of reality as survival (?), 
I gave up on self long ago
to be one with the universe privately.
experience is only a hand-me-down existence.
I am saved from identity’s purge.
I come through you before words
as if understanding is a knock at that door.
soul always hears but may vaguely remember . . .