coming to the boredom of the quintessential
when serenity is not any more
a land-lock of a comfort zone
when bliss is not fluidly experiential but rumbling
when the art of knowing is a river-rage
coming back to haunt the being of the being
when meaning is only the sheared wool
coming off the sheep of words
when next thoughts as flashfloods
have no directions as come-ons,
no sense of frame, boundaries or complexity
when no one in the sensory audience is moving into fluidity
when all projections loose
the cutting edge of their significance
when the pitter-patter of meaning is no more the raindrops
but much more so,
the intimacy of understanding is
as if it is in the cadence of the rain
only the to discover that
knowing keeps us from the essence of being
knowledge is a state of retentive placards as stand-downs
linear thinking is only a vibrational mime existence
that our method for certitude is a negative affirmation promoting separatism
where everything is wearing a nametag in our mind
as a convention of separates
there the secret message hidden within the word ‘there’
as code is that ‘there’ already includes ‘here’
it is more then that we lack the wherewithal
to be ‘there’ as ‘here’
even by the perpetual specificity of a here
there is the constant production of an evidential there
such a locational mystery
we fail to comprehensively grasp
as a unified oneness
beyond our means of presence,
much less description
the crux of the matter world is
we have to have a ‘there’ to sense it
and we have to have a ‘here’
to sense it from.
thus the affirmation promoting separatism
continually gets addressed as a way of sensorial life
experience is living for the decals
as retentive memories
on the brain-baggage as us . . .
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