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Monday, September 10, 2018

just a theory about gun control 9/10/18

it isn’t the gun that is the issue.
it isn’t the mind behind the gun, either.
it isn’t the state of the mind of the shooter.
it isn’t the resolve in the moment 
of the mind of the shooter.
it isn’t the weeks or months leading up to that act of itself.
it isn’t the state of mind that developed over that lifetime.
it isn’t the combination of all of these factors together.
it isn’t just the mindsets that that person has gone through.
it is possibly the culture we keep 
that contributes to the emotional isolation 
that then gets privately thought up.
it is possibly the dualistic thinking we excessively do
that fosters positions taken of right or wrong,
good or bad, approved of or dismissed,
friends or enemies, likable or not.
it is possibly living in a culture where conclusions reign,
worth is status-relative to those in our surround,
the definitions of success 
that are driven by proving one’s worth,
where the value of self is a compromised ongoing,
where species entitlement makes it all
a series of dramatic act-outs,
where ego is a skill-set of projections unto others,
where the context for reality is a chase after chase,
where empathy, compassion and consideration
are only commendable traits as to a way of life,
where ‘going towards’ is a selfish concern
and going ‘away from’ is a natural response.
it is the cause of our personal lives
that are full of the irrational unseens,
that eventually, are vented by disguise 
into positions of value.
we seem to all have prejudices 
without adequate soul searching.
pursuing actions and reaction towards value and worth
by these means renders us superficially distracted
from the collect heart of the matter that resides 
in each of us, every moment ongoing.
a gun is only the final draw.
we, by the culture we manufacture,
are psychologically the early makings of those guns.
we are the generators of the fabric of the environment
that eventuates, predicates 
and in absentia passively permits.
so that all that has happened and is about to happen
is the result of a long history of false leadership,
propagandized perception, 
human entitlement in overwhelm,
capitalization bent towards dehumanization for profit,
and the isolation of each of us as humans
from the collective heart as common knowledge. 
we are vacant of shared and respected elements of culture 
that are affirmative from the heart,
evidentially sharing of collective soul
and respectful of circumstance 
for the human predicament to ever evolve.
in beingness, topic only leads us 
into understanding as a form of isolation.
to be a vessel of self-worth to be shared
does not seem to be a cultural working premise.
we are collectively, a lightness of being
but not of a culture that supports that unceasingly . . .

so for now, right this moment,
going forward.
the only relevant politics 
you have readily available to you
is the face-to-face 
with every next person you meet, 
to see how much heart to heart 
you can make consciously communal
as a way of reawakening this 
as cultural inheritance.
this message has to get out. 
face to face is a tonalized feeling of this,
conveyed by presence
confirmed, eye to eye.

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