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Sunday, September 30, 2018

oh for the grief of it 9/30/18

grief features two kinds of imperfect.
one of frame and one of presence.
the one of frame is the assumption 
of living separate from significant others 
as styled by most of our methods for knowing 
and appearing to be 
who we then claim we are.
the one of presence is 
not being the ongoingness of presence 
but being the capture of the necture of presence. 
as if by storage, 
we have the richness of life 
in a personal memory bottle 
that we can sip in times of isolation or boredom.
grief assumes the benefits of mindfulness 
as if understanding is the personal guide. 
the meditation of grief pleads 
for the apparent missed opportunities to go away 
but also begs for the memories 
to be a form of private forgiveness
in the sea of unrelenting sorrows. 
this is a futile spend of energy 
as if correction comes.
that emotions are heightened in this process 
has its worth but not as this recoil, 
but more so as an opportunity 
to discover an emotional richness 
that could be available ongoing 
every moment, present as an awareness. 
and a blossom of being grief 
could be that messenger 
even though culturally we are trained away 
from that possibility. 
grief frames the death of the expected, 
the demise of the familiar 
and a false sense of closure. 
grief assumes a posture of presence 
that falsely reflects the past, 
in denial of the present 
and a false construction of the future. 
grief admits to the depth of the connections 
but fails to creatively participate 
in the other levels of ongoingness 
now featured 
in the privacy of the individuals involved. 
we serenade as if departure is what is happening 
instead of the transition 
to a clarity of spirit now ordained.  
grief is sacred as a ritual 
for transcendence and transformation of the self 
and the circumstances as they have arisen. 
grief has the potential for depth of soul 
in the deepest sense of energetic honesty. 
but if played as a loss, 
may the burden then continue 
as if to immediately cleanse one’s heart . . .

Saturday, September 29, 2018

to grieve 9/29/18

to grieve 
is to emotionally 
darn one’s rational socks
only to wear them yet again 
in another emotionally filled day.
where the badge of sadness
is warn, 
very close to the footprint of soul . . .

Friday, September 28, 2018

rationality (haiku) 9/28/18

the sheen of it fills our lives
surface’s frozen lake

Thursday, September 27, 2018

presence 9/27/18

presence is an anachronism 
for emotional un-spoken-ness.
it is a language base 
without pronounceable nouns.
not lip-service possible,
all constant broadcast of field.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

the living experiment 9/26/18

if you consider your life 
to be an experiment
then is it happening through you 
or just to you?
are you witness to the player of it 
or an audience to it?
are you a person of destiny 
or are you bound to prove your worth?
is your life the buoyancy of the unforeseen 
or the dead-weight of conclusions?
are you a benefactor from your needs
or are you a caretaker for having used them?
do you feel for the groves
or do you mind-travel into ruts?
when doing a jigsaw puzzle
are you more for finding 
the last border piece to start
or for placing 
the last piece in the puzzle
as if believing you’re finished?

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

grief is 9/25/18

grief is 
only our mind-full attachment to method.
by grief, we are in review 
of the myopia we have lived.
as if the sameness 
that we have come to experience 
ever conquers the uniqueness 
of each sensory second imbibed.
that we conger into recognition 
brands us into sensory intakes 
that, in the short-form, 
feature repetition into remembrance.
we generate memories on this basis. 
grief is a life born out of conclusions.
we identify with what we call familiarity. 
we ease away from the uniqueness of each second 
specifically for this purpose 
as a passive entrainment of being. 
reality is then the production of boring composition. 
and so we fight that off 
by perceiving newness  
in the same light 
as we already hold deeply on to the past. 
it is a war zone of contrast and comparisons. 
thus we create value terrains 
that are under-dimentionalized 
for the zest of spirit 
or expression of soul. 
a thirst yet we linger in 
but never quite quench. 
and so we sip from grief 
as if it is unknowingly,
a taste of whine. 

Monday, September 24, 2018

in our genes 9/24/18

we all live beyond the paradoxes 
that we daily imbibe.
maybe not consciously so much
but never the less
endowed for the journey 
of possible discovery
as if evolution was in our genes.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

human 9/23/18

we as human,
where all of the renderings of content 
are only the carrier
of undisclosed emotions.
and the smolderings that irrationally surface
in self-talk 
that hardly catch breath to say
as if the deeds of a momentary calm us down. 
all of recognition is just a fix-method of containment
as if that focus fills the need for sensibility.
referential is just a method of that reach
as in the rest of the people
that get off on the elevator floor you did
but behind you.
and you feel them 
but never look back to see.
attention is but a fire hose mentality for usage.
break glass, pull lever, 
as if a form of personal permission
to engage and be engaged.
what else you got going?
a sense of spirit 
on an invisible trampoline within you?
a call of destiny the remains faintly audible 
but ever-reality out of sight?
a feeling for soul
that can’t find an appropriate wardrobe 
to wear out in public?
yea, ‘human’ is an odd costume 
to be wearing as if presentable . . .

Saturday, September 22, 2018

clandestiny 9/22/18

the secret search for the meaning of life
each person on their own
searching the mundane for revelations
luck, fate, coincidence, chance, windfall, 
providence, farsightedness, fortuitousness, 
may cross your path
however clues may appear to be embraced,
the journey to a deeper truth of self
is all about vibrational integrity 
and vaguely to do with common sense.
drivenness can run you in circles.
drawnness when possible, provides.
expansion invites.
surrender proposes.
caring can give clues.
success is but a sidebar to a mishap along the way.
not asking for a meaningful life
as substitutional
no handrails like these
as part of the process of distraction
just the perpetual motion machine of self-love
and how that gets channeled 
into presentable existence
clandestine plus destiny equals clandestiny

Friday, September 21, 2018

wanting you to look into this mirror 9/21/18

having an identity crisis of being
not of doing, just being
for once, 
to have given up on clarity from shadows
it is not even mirror time to reflect
of course there is my feel
and the grip overwhelming my feel
it is hard to peel away the tension
layer by layer
but for this feel as my feel
where vast has a self-assurance
where emanation and animation have resource 
as from soul-home
before, beneath and behind the complexities of karma
find me the driver of drawnness
where my oversoul had a lightness of being
before circumstance became representational
more than having my service serve humanity
I want my evolution to provide for others as invitational
for them to awake into their lightness of being
beyond the wardrobe of common sense and predicament
I bleed for a pronouncement 
beyond emotional self esteem as the driver
for my want to allow a channeled existence
I have lived as a truck driver of spirit
long journeys on a daily basis can happen
intuitive focus is my medicine for cause-worthy-ness
I existed before I exist is to tell myself
I am worth before I have search, apprehension and ponder
I am visionary before the concretization of thought
I am over-soul connected with everyone I meet
light feeds me by confluence and contradiction
my feel-think is more fluidly efficient than my think-feel
I can present as an aura of details
but know of me then know me
by my heart to yours . . . first

Thursday, September 20, 2018

recognition 9/20/18

recognition, in receivership,
can be but a band aide 
on a lack-of-self-love wound,
an emotional poultice applied
to a personalized unconscious group-like trauma,
an over-soul need to be felt for 
from the collective into a symbolic embrace
but recognition, as from an audience, 
does not complete that immersion of encirclement.
it only infers the windswept possibility there of.
recognition, either by gratitude or appreciation,
is acknowledgment in the first person,
that can be face to face, eye to eye, 
looking to impart in a genuine way
as a soul to soul by some energetic means,
an opportunity out of performance
that reigns in that sweep of feel.
know of yourself for what is offered.
we all bleed for the likes to happen.
from minute to massive
the bandwidth for caring 
and being cared for is unsuspectingly vast.
the ode to recognition lives on in silence
until per chance, as maybe fortuitously,
recognition becomes a needed 
but unanticipated subtle soulful embrace . . .

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

we came as brain-baggage 9/19/18

coming to the boredom of the quintessential
when serenity is not any more 
a land-lock of a comfort zone
when bliss is not fluidly experiential but rumbling
when the art of knowing is a river-rage 
coming back to haunt the being of the being
when meaning is only the sheared wool
coming off the sheep of words
when next thoughts as flashfloods 
have no directions as come-ons,
no sense of frame, boundaries or complexity
when no one in the sensory audience is moving into fluidity 
when all projections loose 
the cutting edge of their significance
when the pitter-patter of meaning is no more the raindrops
but much more so, 
the intimacy of understanding is
as if it is in the cadence of the rain 
only the to discover that
knowing keeps us from the essence of being
knowledge is a state of retentive placards as stand-downs
linear thinking is only a vibrational mime existence
that our method for certitude is a negative affirmation promoting separatism 
where everything is wearing a nametag in our mind 
as a convention of separates
there the secret message hidden within the word ‘there’ 
as code is that ‘there’ already includes ‘here’ 
it is more then that we lack the wherewithal 
to be ‘there’ as ‘here’
even by the perpetual specificity of a here 
there is the constant production of an evidential there
such a locational mystery
we fail to comprehensively grasp
as a unified oneness 
beyond our means of presence,
much less description
the crux of the matter world is
we have to have a ‘there’ to sense it
and we have to have a ‘here’ 
to sense it from.
thus the affirmation promoting separatism 
continually gets addressed as a way of sensorial life
experience is living for the decals 
as retentive memories 
on the brain-baggage as us . . .

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

ever the inhalation 9/18/18

I would never 
be that part of the obesity of plump,
that does not sense, 
any ever-distant muted soul-filled rumbling,
no matter how indirect or roundabout 
they would occur.
even the smallest of faint ripples or trembles
would get my deductive bee-line attention.
sure familiar is a form of sedentary, 
and recognition is baiting me that way, 
constantly with lullabies 
from languages usage as cradlesongs.
but I would forever look for the serrated edge, 
even through the soft collective 
to find that smiling grit 
of passivity’s hidden might in platitudes, 
apparently boring to the core,
or feel for the faintest of any current’s nose-tip orientation,
to find the vibrational meat, 
that muted subdued thunder,
that tells me, 
by its lip-service of subtle movement,
where and when and how 
isness might be happening.
even when three-dimensional ignite 
is in stand-down
and anticipation is still sleepy-eyed, 
just above somber.
I will have heart-wings unfolded 
with the in-breath of spirit-updraft, 
ever the inhalation of consciousness 
in mind attending . . .

Monday, September 17, 2018

my post secret 9/17/18

I have been seeing this woman 
for sometime now
I just recently discovered 
that she has been cheating on me
with another guy, me
it’s like every time it’s different
I don’t know who I am
or who I am going to be
I am hoping to discover 
that I am also cheating on her
with guess who?
with her, but in a different light
maybe this has been happening 
all along, all of the time
but I was too much in lock down, 
so to speak
I hate to admits this
but maybe I was attending to the safety mode
as if familiarity as security would claim
and not paying much attention 
to the adventure from within
before me . . .

Sunday, September 16, 2018

to clearly become 9/16/18

just here, as a bystander to my own breathing
as if always taking still-shots for thoughts
imagining my facial composition in response
creating access to my own judgmental facial posters 
then to share appropriately with my private self
this is all floating just slightly above 
the fast flow of boredom rushing by
I’d give my eye-teeth to see more clearly
but then that redundancy only runs into it self
some place within me
I have restless leg syndrome on the brain
not sure if anything can happen too fast
but I know that you know
that that is an audience response to being entertained
one of the secret contracts of language
is that there is a listener for the enactment
does talking to oneself fully qualify?
I am not sure if I am listening
or do I almost accidentally overhear?
yet, such a loud voice requiring no breath to speak it
the funny thing is that that voice never stutters!
some part of me pays more attention to my breathing
then I do
it’s like I am rowing a kayak in a tranquil lake
and my hands are more aware of the water than I
they are like otters with a task at hand
while I am somewhere between a palate of water colors
and a canvass of approval, mind spent
once in a while I have to convince myself
that what is happening to me, like this
is happening to thousands of other people
almost at the same time, but we can’t link up
we’re like a giant telescope staring out
at the same predicament of being
but can’t collectively connect the introspective dots
I really can’t wait for real to get to this level of share
without having to go to a major athletic event
to fake the whole thing as if we are only audience
still waiting for self-consciousness
to become, to clearly become
a common conscious mind
as a oneness thing . . .

Saturday, September 15, 2018

oh, for the way 9/15/18

I feel for the steel of soft 
in the deep dive overwhelming me,
for the stoniness of fragrance 
racing through me unending,
for the hands on fresh peel 
coming from every next thought,
for the penetrative claws 
from the front paws 
of this moment’s grip on me,
for the weightlessness impacting me
around visions’ next arrival
and then the seamlessness of sensory inputs 
settling ground to ceiling within me,
and for the passive-aggressiveness 
of my dualistic thinking.
oh, such longing for the way 
that summary builds a permanent nest
out of the twigs made of my conclusions nesting,
for the flat bridge sighted of that horizon line
when I am ocean beached, horizontal, 
then staring straight away,
for the spontaneous expression that comes to me
as if finger painting
that comes forth 
from every feverish next touch,
for the way that the foreignness of cold 
grabs at my attention
with such consistent intrinsic insistence,
for the way that agreement expects to hibernate within me,
for the way that the deeps of the sky 
look back at me, fondly,
for the way that time is the only race
as we are but a species of its participating inhabitants,
for the way that motivation is like catchy sing-along jingles
that eventually come to reside 
in my silent constant hum,
for the way that passages are like popups from books
that I would rather walk through and under than ever read,
for the way that turmoils linger like laundry hung
on an outside line 
but still attention grabbing in view,
for the way the memories are sent my way
like pictorial postcards as if my ears are tenderly burning,
for the way I come to familiar by my daily stare-downs
with the weather front-door facing me,
for the way amusement comes to me 
from the visual geometry of passing cars,
for the way I am endlessly yet zestfully impressed 
with the unceasing visuals of curvature,
for the way that sound humorously hides 
as if it is in the musicality of instruments,
for the way that the sun’s movement 
is so sneaky steadfast amusing,
for the way that the wind is always the whisper
but never the subject matter of the message we share, 
for  the way that I would feel completely nude
without this clothing made of my experience,
for the way that I have conviction 
as if I am on the forever road, 
traveling home,
and for the way that my every next breath-in 
is my back stage pass 
to the front stage presence 
of now, as presenting . . .

Friday, September 14, 2018

feelings (haiku) 9/14/18

feelings will thrive best
in fields without conclusions
as their fertile ground 

Thursday, September 13, 2018

immortal wisdom 9/13/18

oh, to live beyond life being summational,
past the precepts of perception’s gain,
just for the excitement of isness 
percolating from within
that is so bubblicious, 
beyond experience’s grasp,
beyond the trance of habits 
and the fixation of circumstance.
just right there, 
where your prominence exudes you
yet you are so, in human form, 
unabashedly shy.
being, without the redress of self, assured.
for there, diversity 
is the most unique expression 
of oneness 
faceted from its sourcefulness 
but in the grandness of immortal wisdom, 
unified . . .

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

symptoms (haiku) 9/12/18

symptoms have no cause
current medical theory
big pharma’s research

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

govern-meant 9/11/18

we all have closet minds 
in the culture we keep 
personal distance and internal dismay 
provide for that
the inner dialogues 
that never get sounded
the conclusion’s weight 
is more than opinion
belief is brick heavy 
with these unsaid remarks
visioning is through 
shattered safety glass views
the fractures of unsaidness 
give perspective a bad name
the hen house of respectability 
is haunted with 
bad egg syndrome undisclosed
mental compartmentalization 
is a thriving art-form
a puzzling disguise that is edgy 
but has no borders 
leading to the eternal question
what kind of mind thought that to be,
in essence totally and unabashedly true?
we are all hurting 
with the details of that
done in our absence, 
so to speak
such is the work of closeted minds 
cloistered together
making this rhetoric 
their stand-up routines
and we naively call that 
the pronouncement 
of what govern meant . . .

Monday, September 10, 2018

just a theory about gun control 9/10/18

it isn’t the gun that is the issue.
it isn’t the mind behind the gun, either.
it isn’t the state of the mind of the shooter.
it isn’t the resolve in the moment 
of the mind of the shooter.
it isn’t the weeks or months leading up to that act of itself.
it isn’t the state of mind that developed over that lifetime.
it isn’t the combination of all of these factors together.
it isn’t just the mindsets that that person has gone through.
it is possibly the culture we keep 
that contributes to the emotional isolation 
that then gets privately thought up.
it is possibly the dualistic thinking we excessively do
that fosters positions taken of right or wrong,
good or bad, approved of or dismissed,
friends or enemies, likable or not.
it is possibly living in a culture where conclusions reign,
worth is status-relative to those in our surround,
the definitions of success 
that are driven by proving one’s worth,
where the value of self is a compromised ongoing,
where species entitlement makes it all
a series of dramatic act-outs,
where ego is a skill-set of projections unto others,
where the context for reality is a chase after chase,
where empathy, compassion and consideration
are only commendable traits as to a way of life,
where ‘going towards’ is a selfish concern
and going ‘away from’ is a natural response.
it is the cause of our personal lives
that are full of the irrational unseens,
that eventually, are vented by disguise 
into positions of value.
we seem to all have prejudices 
without adequate soul searching.
pursuing actions and reaction towards value and worth
by these means renders us superficially distracted
from the collect heart of the matter that resides 
in each of us, every moment ongoing.
a gun is only the final draw.
we, by the culture we manufacture,
are psychologically the early makings of those guns.
we are the generators of the fabric of the environment
that eventuates, predicates 
and in absentia passively permits.
so that all that has happened and is about to happen
is the result of a long history of false leadership,
propagandized perception, 
human entitlement in overwhelm,
capitalization bent towards dehumanization for profit,
and the isolation of each of us as humans
from the collective heart as common knowledge. 
we are vacant of shared and respected elements of culture 
that are affirmative from the heart,
evidentially sharing of collective soul
and respectful of circumstance 
for the human predicament to ever evolve.
in beingness, topic only leads us 
into understanding as a form of isolation.
to be a vessel of self-worth to be shared
does not seem to be a cultural working premise.
we are collectively, a lightness of being
but not of a culture that supports that unceasingly . . .

so for now, right this moment,
going forward.
the only relevant politics 
you have readily available to you
is the face-to-face 
with every next person you meet, 
to see how much heart to heart 
you can make consciously communal
as a way of reawakening this 
as cultural inheritance.
this message has to get out. 
face to face is a tonalized feeling of this,
conveyed by presence
confirmed, eye to eye.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

the myopia of fright 9/9/18

in shortsightedness’s finest moment,
we are marginalized by overwhelm,
in a peephole’s perspective.  
squirm is a legitimized reaction.
panic as acting out.
death as a backdrop incentive, 
to be guarded against results.
we are armed to the gills;
first the word,
then the wheel,
now the gun,
next, complete isolation. 
for safety means, of course.
western medicine suffers from the same,
treat for the symptoms,
so as not to address 
the deeply engrained real causes.
capitalism is in the deep of psychology 101.
glean profits are as an emphasized necessity.
war is only highlighted as incentives.
war is essentially an ‘us versus them’ reality,
an isolationist’s anthem.
the myopia of fright provides the lyrics.
we are all unobtrusively coerced to join in,
to the singing of that song . . .