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Monday, June 4, 2018

the one be 6/4/18

we somehow daily leave the quantum
to hangout in the dumpster for words
to make-do,
to act-out.
we voluntarily breath 
as a method of trickle-down
from the distractedness 
of the weave of experience
oriented towards building 
the hot-air balloon of existence
to once again feel for the rise
as if a traditional substitute 
for the spiritual nature of ascend
making our lives the journey of
making the meaning of meeting others
the secret method 
towards getting to the next note
the next syllable, 
the next tone of the oneness song
so much of the lyrics overheard
are passé, eventually trembling into dust
all of the physicals that surrounds us
have reverence for its stated goal
and that reverence is a voluminous stairwell
either up or down
and if it is hell-on-earth 
or sight-for sore-eyes
but neither is composed 
of the essence we seek
for that efforting is earnestness spent
as if grains of sand
living down the hourglass
from the mountaintop to the sea
our memory will be waving good-bye
from the last breath we breath
but that does not mean we are gone
we are just less of the preoccupation
of self-occupancy
for we will individually be leaving the ‘I’
and getting back 
to the nonentity of the ‘we’ as weave 
all of our existence 
is an unspoken plead
to please be of the one mind,
the one spirit,
and for now, 
the one be . . .

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