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Sunday, June 10, 2018

how conclusions dishearten as method 6/10/18

how conclusions dishearten as method
(a verbal weeping on my part)

positive thoughts are held at gunpoint 
by pending negative thoughts.
the stage is set for the impending preoccupation 
with the historic good versus evil.
only it is taking place internally 
as a practice to develop a moral perspective, 
as a governing body of internal awareness 
on these specific terms of personal ethics.
no one sees the deeper projection 
that leads to this working premise 
as guidelines for living. 
no one questions the driving forces 
behind good versus evil paradigm. 
the assumption of its bottom-line relevance is masterful.
consensus reality is a constant voting 
for the pursuit of this perspective 
as good versus bad or right versus wrong. 
it creates a constant self absorption in personal integrity 
based on a somewhat agreement 
as to what is acceptable behavior 
by some internal method of observation and account. 
of course, as life is lived, 
this does become a projection 
maintained for external observation by others 
but the inner workings of this model 
have long discovered the absurdity, the paradoxes, 
the anomalies, the self-pretends, 
the fixes and the binds that, 
if done well, can virtually go undetected by others 
and therefore one can pass 
as normalized by others’ standards. 
you can be unique. 
you can be individualistic, far out, 
somewhat strange but not threatening, 
or a danger or a full-on menace to the presence of others. 
these rules are relaxed in the privacy of one’s own person 
when the act out is not seen or heard 
or promoted to or by others. 
yet groups can participate is such behavior 
under the warrants of claimed 
or declared circumstances such as outright war, 
economic success at the expense of others 
or the use of planet 
or those who cannot speak up for themselves. 
otherwise there is a rhythm to order 
and a civility in a socialized sense. 
and in that regard, positive thoughts are seen 
as a working premise as if ‘versus’ is a given 
and outcome has to eventually appear that way. 
it surely is a hoax if deeply thought out. 
but then all of societies by agreement, 
deny participating is such a hoax. 
yet the planet suffers profoundly 
but is substantially ignored. 
many humans, either by race or religions 
or governmental control suffer broadly and grossly 
under the pretends offered 
as the positives-versus-negatives perspective of relevance. 
deeper insight may not be revenue-producing 
in significant ways 
and thereby our species-elitism maintains 
its status of indifference to the actual value 
of this false premise 
as ways and means 
for human advancement or development.
dualistic thinking of this kind is the grand assumption 
and capitalism has figured out how to profit 
from both sides of the street on this. 
war is capitalism at its best. 
we need common enemies 
that we all can experience
across the board as fear 
and as sense of productive means 
to further involve ourselves in that premise. 
war is a few powerful people 
working out their personal struggles with self 
in grand scales that others are falsely enrolled in 
by some means of honor, loyalty, patriotism 
or revenge for previous acts already occurred.
there seems to be human status to the rituals 
involving victory and defeat 
even though this whole act out is a farce 
of human understanding the deeper-truths 
of human existence on a planet in a cooperative ways. 
There is so much momentum 
to this false line of reasoning and existence 
but the investments and the further act-outs 
keep this falsity of fire burning 
and the vengefulness seems endless. 
there is no language agreed upon 
that comprehends or embraces the falsity 
of these lifestyles that further promotes this. 
even if the poles reversed themselves, 
the planet somehow resorted 
to alternate directions of spin or wobble, 
or devastations beyond political boundaries 
could bring us into shared realizations 
about what symbiotic cooperatives means 
might look and functions like. 
we really don’t understand the cooperatives 
of the planet itself 
for the purposes of alignment from our species 
and its reverence for that ongoing process. 
the only motivation to participate 
is to control 
as if this is all a game-board 
laid out for humans to stage upon 
and that is its ultimate relevance 
from our ongoing ways and means participation.
it is hard in the myopia of human concerns 
to grasp the bigger picture 
than what is feed to us 
via media and political promoted concerns. 
hard to realize, as a single person 
what is our relationship with the planet 
beyond our daily rituals of self and survival. 
under the guise of productivity, 
we brutalize the planet as the environment 
to serve our assumption of needs 
in advancing from previous assumptions 
that have been discovered to be in effective 
or absolutely absurd 
but that was then and now is how. 
we are ever so subtly a menace to ourselves 
and use the planet as out staging arena. 
in discussion, any topic is too small 
or too vast to personalize 
towards a personal relationship with the planet 
in a recovery sense. 
at best, it may look like eat organic, 
drive safely, pay taxes, drink bottled water, 
and act out one’s personal frustrations 
in the privacy of their own person. 
we appear to be remote 
even as individuals contemplate the actualities 
of all of this for themselves.
where does one person end 
and another begin 
when we are in concert with the planet 
and its native functionality 
that we might come to align with? 
at this point, it seems the next real break will come 
when we have robots do all the work 
and we then take the individual time 
to personally study how we relate 
to the basic mechanics of the earth 
as it functions 
without our devastating influence impending.
maybe this is all a lament of observation 
at the illusiveness of essential cause 
and all of the obviousness of human failure in this regard 
as evident. 
emotionally, none of this is okay 
even though it is hard to wrap a mind-grip on the all 
and awe of it. 
for me, this all starts with deeper inroads 
into human consciousness. 
from there, one can deal with what is in their face 
on a daily basis 
and withdraw by atrophy 
from blatant acts of unconsciousness 
to both the planet and to the species 
most relevant around us 
and work, moment by moment, 
at realization and restore in relational manners, 
even if for us, 
that comes to mean garden rather than lawn, 
more time face to face with ourselves, others 
and the obvious species that surround us daily. 
being conscious is not being in conclusions 
but more so aware, compellingly aware. 
earth experience is not television, 
probably not spectatorship, 
a need for more community collaboratives, 
less definitions based upon self as separateness 
and finding causes 
that dance our existence 
into spirit-awake 
as soul of consciousness, alive . . .

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