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Monday, May 28, 2018

the Tao of how 5/28/18

I have searched for the holy grail in her
where she is, 
there is an underground ongoing
as her fire-burning
I have followed the smoke 
from intimate conversation with her
I have sensed the fragrance of her soul
I have searched all the seasons 
of our sexual faces in reflection
I have flood-plained her land,
flash flooded her mind to no avail
to find where she is in the disguise of a sharpa
rather then the majestic of mountain, presenting 
I have created a movement of dance 
that reflects my rhythm of being with her
in my night-vision of being,
I see her light
it cast no shadow on me
for me to cleverly in reverse-direction, follow
towards her very source 
she is the lay of the land that stands me
for as much as I can claim as property
for as much as I can till 
from the richness of her soil
I am still at a loss for the source of destiny’s calling
my methods, as achievement, 
only inwardly humble me
I am secretly a mockery of my own making
for if I am candle-power
I am yet essentially wickless without her
her presence completes me as oxygen inhaled
I am of a vast forest of intentionality
rooted into her grounded unknown
as for me, I listlessly toil
searching for the imp-endings
from the unidentifieds that surround me
she is the secret to the keys that complete me
I know that I am not whole
until I am completed through her
I, in my Small-ness, 
am a failure at strangling her vastness
I come to bathe my consciousness in her absolute
to cleanse me
I hold us as parts 
yet know of our beyond as whole
but my mind for grasping
does not yet know of embrace
but immerse holds me at gunpoint of focus
yet I am the self-conviction,
not able to surrender
that I continue to objectify,
keeps me in irony
I am the slave of myself 
yet to plead with the deeps of spirit honesty
I whisper for redemption
but cannot hear my plea
I do not want the death of her or me
to be the essential key
I want weep authentically of the godsend
I want to be of the knowledge of wing
in her ever-breeze
she is deeply within me 
waiting for my clarity to arrive
for she is primal
beyond my deepest of urge
where I come to be 
beyond the know of me
once there, the we melts,
the spirit thrives on humanity
for once where, I give up the eye
for the all of that 
as our oneness . . .

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