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Thursday, May 31, 2018

what male-hormonal doesn’t get 5/31/18

and so she revealed,
I have the bones of a stradivarius
I am the reproductive system of a cello
I am the genius of harp
behind all of sexual experience
I am the godsend to mend your mind
I am the drum of hip-to-hip bone conduction
I am the song that is ever simmering 
when skin-to-skin surrounds me, 
sin is only a cloud of unsettled dust in the distance
evocative is ever calling you out
all of your surrender is only honesty asserted
as long as you think you are having sex
you are only singular flights in an endless sky,
a mispronounced verb in your self-reflecting story,
a pin-hole of an ego-viewpoint 
be the take of your self parts 
and demystify them 
be the paint, the brush, the touch
until they exhaust you
then spirit from those consummate ashes
can become the invisible flame
then, be no more the matter of course
be instilled, imbibed, and ignited,
these are three faces of isles
where we meet to kiss-up the sacred
that there, made up of primal
is only the quantum of oneness
dressing down,
to give male-experience a preview . . . 

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

true success 5/30/18

true success has no results
nothing is done for affect
it is a channeled existence
there is no more self-interruptus  
it is a way of being
the ongoing provides and includes
expands and embraces
audience has its lessons to learn
engagement spreads the word
everyone is this moment’s start-up
the resource is self from within
nothing lights it up like light offered
then true success leaves no shadow
as its after-effect impressionable means

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

why in the world (haiku) 5/29/18

I don’t satisfy
curiosity or needs
but you keep asking

Monday, May 28, 2018

the Tao of how 5/28/18

I have searched for the holy grail in her
where she is, 
there is an underground ongoing
as her fire-burning
I have followed the smoke 
from intimate conversation with her
I have sensed the fragrance of her soul
I have searched all the seasons 
of our sexual faces in reflection
I have flood-plained her land,
flash flooded her mind to no avail
to find where she is in the disguise of a sharpa
rather then the majestic of mountain, presenting 
I have created a movement of dance 
that reflects my rhythm of being with her
in my night-vision of being,
I see her light
it cast no shadow on me
for me to cleverly in reverse-direction, follow
towards her very source 
she is the lay of the land that stands me
for as much as I can claim as property
for as much as I can till 
from the richness of her soil
I am still at a loss for the source of destiny’s calling
my methods, as achievement, 
only inwardly humble me
I am secretly a mockery of my own making
for if I am candle-power
I am yet essentially wickless without her
her presence completes me as oxygen inhaled
I am of a vast forest of intentionality
rooted into her grounded unknown
as for me, I listlessly toil
searching for the imp-endings
from the unidentifieds that surround me
she is the secret to the keys that complete me
I know that I am not whole
until I am completed through her
I, in my Small-ness, 
am a failure at strangling her vastness
I come to bathe my consciousness in her absolute
to cleanse me
I hold us as parts 
yet know of our beyond as whole
but my mind for grasping
does not yet know of embrace
but immerse holds me at gunpoint of focus
yet I am the self-conviction,
not able to surrender
that I continue to objectify,
keeps me in irony
I am the slave of myself 
yet to plead with the deeps of spirit honesty
I whisper for redemption
but cannot hear my plea
I do not want the death of her or me
to be the essential key
I want weep authentically of the godsend
I want to be of the knowledge of wing
in her ever-breeze
she is deeply within me 
waiting for my clarity to arrive
for she is primal
beyond my deepest of urge
where I come to be 
beyond the know of me
once there, the we melts,
the spirit thrives on humanity
for once where, I give up the eye
for the all of that 
as our oneness . . .

Sunday, May 27, 2018

before there was 5/27/18

before there was
there was always intimacy 
before there was ever words
there were deep-sought impressions 
before the slightest of feelings ever concurred 
there was ongoing 
before the senses overtook the scene
there was enormity 
before space was a consideration
there was vastness 
before the closed-lip kiss from the void
there was isness 
way before the stalemates from audience perspective
there was now 
before the bloodletting of time
there was essence 
eternally before the reflective surface of experience

before intention 
there was consummate frameless frame
before means 
there was constant meta-method-rapture
before there was knowing 
there was no meddlesomeness of need 
before there was ever doing 
there was always the transcendence of being . . .

and before there was
now had no past, no future, 
no sense of particularized occasion
no distinguishing eventfulness perceived
immediacy was the all-out of timing
perception was the stall-all of movement
if response, it had no audience-reaction
nothing was always part of the greater whole
endless had no boundaries as wardrobe to wear
ceaseless was without distinction 
or demand of directives
mingling had no circumventive parts
if thought, no particulars of mindful capture
be had no status, rank or prestige 
and was,
was there before,
before there was (?) . . .

Saturday, May 26, 2018

reasoning from evaporative means 5/26/18

reasoning comes from an evaporative means
when it is from the mind.
there is multiple voices
and varied opinions expressed.
they all seem to be 
from the bleachers in response.
when it is out of the blue
it is vastly instantaneous.
there is vision and movement without effort.
when it comes from emotional places within
there is an auric embrace.
nothing is said
but all is deeply expressed.
some level of earnestness is already in movement
even before conscious mind thinks of action.
when I witness my person in these lights,
reasoning from evaporative means
gives me insight into spirit,
makes my view effortlessly complete.
the feel is connectedness.
the world is a dance.
delight exists without a means 
or as experiential proof.
channeling existence 
is so much more of the hologram
and way less of the movie . . .

Friday, May 25, 2018

talk is cheap (haiku) 5/25/18

that your mouth has say
does not mean I will listen
your mood precedes you

Thursday, May 24, 2018

wealth does not exist 5/24/18

there is no such thing as wealth
there is no standalone lurking as wealth
wealth is an observational term
applied by a position of separate from 
and cognitive summary there-abouts
real wealth, if that be so, as a term
only exists as ongoing isness
that wealth exists
is only by the channeling of it 
as spirit giving presence
as a consciousness means
experience of wealth is both flow engendered
and flow in immersion
wealth, as a term,
is a fascination 
but only as an audience-perspective
wealth is a livingness 
but we have taken still-shots
and developed a phraseology for the wealth of it
wealth is in the language of separatism
a term of objectification endearment
as if, “I’d like to be in the surround of wealth”
not realizing the distractedness of such a claim
wealth is always a dress-up existence
we have it that wealth is power
that it is a drug of volition, desire, wish or dare
that it is all around us by its distractive means
yet it does not exist
only by a sensory means and a mindful method
does wealth have a life 
that we are in audience to . . .

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

pain is a snitch 5/23/18

pain is a snitch
when pain is the flashflood in the mind,
most of the attention seems issue bound.
evident is formal and center stage.
one is in receivership of the oncoming
whether it is overload or incessant. 
it is hard to sneak off into a self on the side
to view a person of oneself 
that is in receiverships’ response,
or the who of oneself that is interpreting.
oh the glory of conclusions blasted internally
from philosophic to primal,
from statutory remorse to ill-faded logic.
the brow beating can go on 
in apparent steeped silence.
but there is more,
more to oneself than just the storable victimhood.
there are inner reserves
that can see the pain as a messenger,
not as either the accuser or the incessant assaulter. 
there is a person within who can answer 
that pain-messenger at the door of consciousness,
that can address and assist in the summoning,
to call upon the healer from within,
to release the visionary of self, 
to be creative with the apparent circumstance,
to reframe and redirect the use of one’s energy,
to withdraw from reactive,
and to impart upon the journey inwardly offered.
also to leave the state of ongoing conclusions
and to enter into the dynamic that pain represents,
to be of the body but not,
to be source-full from beyond this circumstance,
to tone with the pain as if in a choir,
to transcend the body of self
and administer to the being from within.
yes, there is pain as if ongoing.
it is a message 
that the who of you wrote in receivership.
you are in the first person
and also the first in first-responder capacity.
if reality seems flat then victimhood is likely.
if you have dimensional wherewithal 
then magic or what could seem like magic
is possible as participation in this dance of pain.
pain may awaken the deeper residence within
where the sense of being has laid dormant
because the reality movie had no other intervention.
but now there is that unexpected knock at the self-door.
pain can be a guidance system to a deeper truth of being,
not a given by any measure.
our apparent culture does not advise.
money can’t be made if you are your own healer,
but the wisdom of you can more deeply appear.
the witness of you can have more in your life-say.
do not discount the immediacy of pain.
but there is also 
what the actual deep source of that pain
is readily attempting to say,
in dialogue rather then assault.
be not just a listener but also a self advocate.
pains are like snitches, 
telling about the possibilities 
of deeper truths in play.
western medicine wants to kill the messenger
before hearing the deeper message.
pain is so creative
but in dimensions not normally attended to.
each one of us has constant access to spirit
but pain is the dirty snitch,
yet only trying to remind us . . .

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

integrity (haiku) 5/22/18

integrity is . . .
a generative presence
not summational 

Monday, May 21, 2018

self as respect 5/21/18

if there is a sense of self
as in self-dialogue
it must be intimate and revealing
it is not grounded in conclusion or self-surmise
it is a channeled conversation 
in which self, as the world defines
is audience to the self as spirit
the self as author expressing by presence
self as respect has no other means 
in all honesty of being . . .

Sunday, May 20, 2018

as if impossible 5/20/18

the position of impossibility
is a presumed conclusion 
that scours as surveillance over our lives
almost as a sense of invisible fences
a presumed dictum about limits and range
oh you could go and do that if
but that would be so extreme of you to bother
and then there is the-even-beyond
that which is not possible
it is a common sense dictum 
“not doable” 
“don’t even”
this is just a silly random thought
from the vagrant dumpster 
of a wily wandering mind
impossible assumes a common-sense linkage
the sum total of one’s personal experience 
deems this to be so
probably no one has ever even thought of this
much less entertained doing it
not asking for it to be dangerous
not asking for it to be lookey-loo weird
just . . . what if
like what if humans could communicate ,
but not by words?
what if soul-mate was actually all of us as one?
what if we all gave up on species entitlement?
hey, I’m just saying,
how impossible is all of that? . . .

Saturday, May 19, 2018

east coast (haiku) 5/19/18

left-coast redemption
need to search for something more
left east coast bias

Friday, May 18, 2018

this dream state of existence 5/18/18

a dream has no beginning
even though, in your mind,
you may think so
that is just the story, dream composed
you just happened upon, at best
you have it as original from within
but you are in the dream
not so much the augmentation
maybe not so much the author
but it is happening
even as you are happening as it

Thursday, May 17, 2018

coupling towards kindred 5/17/18

I made an assumption, 
a false assumption.
I thought, 
we were kindred,
but in reality,
in the actuality of reality.
we are a couple
and in the coupling,
we have occasions of coping.
coping has it relevance
and it reverence.
it abides over the onslaught of insistences.
it demands to survive demeaning.
it has its measures
as well as its ever-developing means.
I thought of us as kindred,
having a higher means,
without the use of language to bind,
riding on the same wave,
not necessarily in the exact same way
but responding and reveling together,
thru each other,
almost as the birth of a common field,
as experience would be the offering
somehow having invisible wings,
taking flight.
out of circumstance,
not so much a here-to-there
but mostly embracing each other
through what is inwardly aeronautical, 
somewhat mystical in the passing.
I thought we had left behind
the way couples hike up 
and around the mountain
with the common sense of gear 
and the tedium of inadvertent usage.
I somehow translated that
into a supposed a sense of destiny
as a consummate direction.
saw sky rather than circumstance.
had reverie above immediacy
and blundered rather than babbled.
I should have been 
the sound of running water
but instead it was flash-flood 
revisited from the past,
restimulation rather than ribaldry.
my bad.
context did not save me 
from your pain,
back to couples 
within the coping, 
trading wings for boots,
moments for mountains,
celestials for simple kindness.
attempting to put assumptions aside,
search the interface.
find where there is closeness
and expand that universe
far beyond but unto itself . . .

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

how attracts (haiku) 5/16/18

that which makes no sense
but so deeply attracts me 
what acknowledge, meant

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

birdacious 5/15/18

I make a nest for myself
out of my habits in the trees of the primal
my senses are my feathering
I preen as if a sense for awareness
I have flight 
as if my dreams are the sky
where is it with you that I land?
we talk about the same wind 
we have at it with weather
as if shared experience
seasons are reading to me with constancy
we, you and I, are migratory
our passion is blind-sidedness
as from here to there and back
nesting in my form of familiarity as featuring
sunrises and sunsets and midnight skies
are beyond our biological needs
my prayer is flight
my religion is space
thus offered for my whimsical existence
you and I are both part of the eternal flock
the whisper, in every wind
speaks to our spirits, most directly
we are birdacious
we both live to be taken up
to beyond where feathers are the talent to express
to beyond where sky is the medium 
to showcase our imaginatives of love . . .

Monday, May 14, 2018

the gift that can never be had 5/14/18

all of life is surprisingly endless unwrapping.
that is, if the art of unwrapping becomes a gift.
then the gift has full-bodied ongoing presence
without ever being revealed.
every day has more bow offered.
every memory presents as more layers to unwrap.
the gift has some notion of size to it,
some notion of wait. 
it is felt as the process in continuance.
some notion of what it is, 
is always beckoning. 
the gift of itself had no needs before existence.
opening the gift presumes a sense of separateness
where by one is driven to search, seek and unite,
for which the unwrapping is always approaching
as the process coming out of stillness,
where the unwrapping approaches the self
as the gift,
born out of that inner stillness.
thus unwrapped
as the gift that can never be had
but always is
in the ever of unwrapping . . .

Sunday, May 13, 2018

breath is the messenger 5/13/18

truth can never be spoken
in the form of an answer.
answers are icons, 
indebted to the shelf-life of time.
be-spoken can never be authentic allegiance.
sound, coming out of the mouth,
is subject to fate.
tone, coming out 
of the sound of your mouth,
is a calling, as destiny.
know that utterances are always migratory,
that cursing is the sacredness of primal
reaching out into the dark,
that shallow breathing is in the role  
of listening to the story conveyed
but not always reported,
that one’s tongue is constantly recording
the tension of that mind forever in flight,
that evocative is always searching
for a deeper inhale,
that fragrance often demands
a walk-softly to begin 
the check-to-check, body-to-body as a dance,
that a sigh often needs a hug,
that a sneeze often uses the start gun sound
to reignite the burn of being alive,
that whimper is often breathy
preening one’s emotional feathers.
breath is always the messenger
but never in the form of an answer . . .

Saturday, May 12, 2018

in a word 5/12/18

in a word
and the word is ‘emits’
e. m. i. t. s.
which stands for;
‘every moment is the same’
this word stands four;
presence . . .

Friday, May 11, 2018

how one gets discovered 5/11/18

there is no burdensome contract to consciousness
there is only every second’s moment’s-fill-forming
experience is only recent’s window-shopping
expectations should not amount to a gift-exchange
there is cell-abration, 
of every nano-second’s swarming
the pour of radiance is turning into reverie
the co-mingle is formlessly forming
identification is a come-lately for a bleacher seat
what swims you is in the cross-currents
the streams of being flourish as this intersperse
life exists before labels 
even before descriptions that come to mind
we all had womb-emersion before we had words
what is embodiment if not the compliment to spirit
we now know of each other 
from before sacred had boundaries 
and spirit had limits . . .

Thursday, May 10, 2018

empty but not vacant 5/10/18

think, as if no one is experiencing.
speak, as if you are the first responder
to the sound of your mouth.
go inward, within yourself
where time has no dimensional sense,
where all of existence is the free-fall of now.
come from the sight that creates no images,
breathing the breath of everyone alive.
be secretly appraised that purpose has presence.
that God is only the symbol 
representing the distance of soul from source.
dance as if the embodiment of everyone.
be aware, that a laugh is a mind in rebalance,
that a yawn is a body electrically re-centering,
and that a sneeze is a physical kick-start to now.
and that the internal mother-board for each of us
is ever re-composing as song 
that writes from its own self as lyrics . . .

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

I just said what you said 5/9/18

you can’t walk on the water
as long as you are separate from the lake.
you can’t breath in the environment
as long as breath-in is simply what you take.
you can’t become one
as long as self is the process.
you can’t be the think
as long as thought is what you get.
you are the restraints of self
from all there is to being.
go-figure makes it all more remote.
it isn’t that you have a body,
it is that you have account.
if you were more current on the intake
then you’d be less on conclusion’s outpour.
if you were more of the isness
then you’d be less of the ‘it’ factor of yourself.
everything said offends,
until you have realized from the saying it, 
truly to yourself.
language, what a stunner,
as if understanding sets you free . . .

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

time is cognition’s supporting cast 5/8/18

time is the yes-man for cognition,
it is the second banana,
the riding shot-gun,
the glass slipper.
it is the audience of conclusion’s atmosphere.
it is holding the mirror of reflection
to the head of the self.
it is a projection of self 
as if keenly observed.
it is the avoidance of now 
as imminent considerations.
it is cognition’s platform of hidden assumptions.
it is memory’s front-man 
always introducing cognition as a close friend.
time is cognition’s shelf-life in stature.
we maybe seventy percent, made of water
but we seem to be,
one hundred percent of the time . . .

Monday, May 7, 2018

the hormonal mind 5/7/18

understanding is conclusion’s john.
language is the hormone of the hustle.
events tickle our fancy.
we only have sensory still cameras
for the ongoing shoot
and then reconstruct the images
to invent memorable movies.
we should all have trench-coats 
filled with reality self-pornos 
and work the exchange, 
mine for yours
as if having meaningful lives to share
then be duped by linearity’s plea for interpretation.
how thoughtful of us as if mental groupies, 
living on from one concert to the next
with selfies indulged, headphones blasting
and lyrics as mesmerisms of stillborn performances.
each gig is a kind of framing for thoughtfulness.
hard to get out of the momentum of one’s own way.
to have breathless afterthoughts
that would challenge the whole process
as seductive but deeply without merit,
from the beneath, the behind
and the beyond . . . 

Sunday, May 6, 2018

serious as sacred 5/6/18

serious is sacred
but not always readily disclosed.
tragedy is very cathartic
when done over longer periods of time
and when true inner strength is applied.
many of the high experiences in life
could not have happen 
without the stimulus of the extreme lows.
when the dynamic continuum is brought to life
out of the ordinary, 
as the momentum of the mundane,
the palate of experience by account is altered.
the depth of view becomes more profound.
sacred and privilege and humble find each other
to live tranquility alive, once again.
even in the extreme of paradoxes,
habitual sensory-ness belays the richness possible.
we are all evocatives when called upon
by the grave, the stern, the somber,
even by the call of the dangerous, the earnest,
the passionate, or the intensely sincere.
we would all wish for pleasanter exterior representation.
and that, within ourselves,
we could reach for and attain
those rich states without tragedy, ill intent,
worldly devastation, or massive provoked fear.
serious does not have to be topic bound.
serious, as a focus without tension,
is more as a clear serene intention that could do.
yet few circumstance about serious
are straightforwardly drawn as such.
we are mostly lead there by distraction
or destructive demonstrative means.
we can bring light to any external situation,
just by shear presence as source.
serious, as the right light, could be that means,
when serious is revealed as being sacred, 
openly . . .

Saturday, May 5, 2018

dimensionality 5/5/18

oh the eagles of aroma
they fly 
up into an innermost overlooked sky
so much space up there 
of otherworldly tenderness
the guardians at that door
fall down, 
smothered in grace
it is a garden of bliss 
offering the doggedness of celestial poise
no particulars there
to block the expansiveness of bloom
for this sky is filled 
with widespread embodiment
and I am in the rapture of this
as an inward embrace . . .