Chaos is angsty melodic dissonance
if you’re the perfect pitch ear.
Chaos, to a non-dualist, is phantasmagorically calming,
views the superciliousness of order as pretense.
Chaos is an open invitation beyond the limits for measure,
as in the past tense, chaos is a spectator term,
a conclusive informational overload.
Chaos is a perceptual style slave-forced into guesswork,
as if driven to avoid any inter-fear-ance.
Spontaneity is bite-size chaos, much appreciated.
Liveliness is sip-able chaos for the ingest.
as well as, vocalized, as a post-confetti judgment remark.
Chaos goes against all our sensibilities towards control.
But for some, the intimacy of chaos, is much appreciated
as the breakout from the mundane seen as the familiar.
It taps curiosity towards overwhelm in the moment,
and is an unsettling invitation to sensory overload.
Travel can be chaos at the level of familiarity and habit,
distilled into intriguing but as unfamiliar is the tease.
Yes, chaos can be pitched as monumental, dramatic,
breaking news, personal traumatic,
the mediumship of science exploring the unknown
and subjective emotional overwhelm on first recall.
Although chaos is not an assigned pejorative term.
It is essentially self-reflective within personal utterances.
Chaos expresses operations that we don’t fully comprehend, working with levels of stir below one’s understanding.
Chaos is like a reptilian brain urban street legend.
Chaos, in the right dosage, is for some, a wake and rise-up.
Chaos challenges how one’s think works,
when we make chaos more interactive in our lives.
War is on the palate of chaos as instruments of destruction. Chaos like that is more an embarrassment to our species
in our trial and error method of evolving within it.
Chaos is always a welcome matt to the unknown.
We tend to view ourselves as not chaotic
although both evidentially and very subtly internal, we are.
Chaos is suppose to abide by our notion of rules but how?
We have understanding of chaos generally on the short sell. Chaos is really a food source that we have not figured out how to digest in a beneficial manner.
Chaos is a design feature to acquire an orderly mind,
bent on optimal control of the recently made aware.
Chaos is not perceived as a go with the flow method,
even though it cleans itself up but we don’t like it’s manner.
Chaos can take eons to actually completely normalize again.
Chaos doesn’t live by or for the evidence of its details.
Chaos thrives on it immediate source and resourcefulness.
Chaos has what we would call a full spectrum response
where there is intensity and fallout as they mix and match.
Most chaos goes on unobserved because of the scale.
Surely cancer is chaos but what do we know?
We are vibrantly participatory in chaos as hosts,
but we are clueless as to how to beneficially participate.
Chaos for us is a hi-lighter of sorts to our attention spans.
We all test drive the many facets of chaos on a daily basis yet, secretly wonder.
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