Asking for what I want couldn’t be a slower way of getting
where I really want to go. How dumb could it be? So I did the deconstruction to
see. First, I started with “asking’. What is asking? So where did that
construct come from and how is it composed? It assumes a dialogue, a sense of
have and have not, a desire for, and a someone else to give it to me. Of course
there are deeper assumptions there, in that I expect that having it is a
payoff, that the it of it will eventually be discovered to be me but not yet or
else I already have it within me or my sense of me and that that game of asking
is rhetorical in nature as a self premise. So “asking”, is already a working
premise of distraction against realizing it is already in me and of me and that
maybe I am attempting a style of permission to let it out of me by way of
circumstance, props, and dialogue. Okay, next is, “for what”. This puts me in
the world of symbols: objects or purposes or matters or a serenade of reasons
as to what a “what” might be, as a call out. All of these “whats” are, of
course, declared as separate from me and the assumption is that I don’t have or
possess whatever that is that is my perception as a “what”. Once again, I have
distanced myself with an obsession away from being and work at being selective
as a preoccupation to my being in this moment as essentially me. And now the
biggie, the “I want” of it all. This “want” is the most confrontative but
subversive declaration of all, for it makes a ‘this statement’ into a philosophy for living. The pursuit of “want’
as a way of life, is as a commercialization of desire into objectification as
it means. It is epitomized by the concept called the bucket list. But it is a
daily practice under the guise of need or completion or even accomplishment. Of
course, the begged assumption is that I am lacking and the search and or
request is to further complete me by external additions of parts, props,
positions, or even agreement. “Asking for what I want” will eventually convert
me into a vender, a custodian, a curator, a caretaker, or even a guardian but
it won’t give me or take me to me. I will be provocatively preoccupied in
presumptions that basically take me away from the discovery of a more essential
me. Sure I will get audience involvement and possible approval but essentially
I couldn’t be going further away from, in a more diametrically opposing manner,
to get to the me that truly exists behind or beneath the “want” nature of me. “Asking for what I want”, although popular in cultural
stature, is really an urban myth. I am dependent upon self-inquiry to heal that
open wound with self love readily served without the ‘want’ demand and
especially not from sharing that utterance! . . .
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