breaking into the deepest code of self,
following a trail of personal evidence
discretely launched all over the place
from our most intimate lives,
post parental conditioning,
and the unconsciousness of habits
provide encryption everywhere
yet the self as detective,
is hard pressed to churn a new clue.
discovery is not to be the embellishment
of the already-story,
but a sense of operative spirit,
rekindled and recognized.
this is all from the same self-brain
but differently and deductively sourced,
yearning to find common ground
in a deeper holographic way,
to get to the act-out
before it becomes just cursory evidence,
to see first hand the cause
and the blinded retort in response,
then finding the fueling-motive
before the trail to the source burns
is, once again, deeply cast in disillusionment.
this fabric of being has
a discoverable illogical pattern.
the unveiled back story as silent witness is to ask.
strong themes leave repeated trails
in a kind of bread-crumb braille
for observation in this case.
this is a self art, with reverence.
precious is the sea of surveillance’s search
for illumination and subsequent releasing reward.
a deeper embrace of the conscious-self
is necessary as a knowing’s skill.
self-love is, as the lead search’s ever incentive.
acting out is always, though hidden,
the S.O.S. of the soul’s calling out
for the light . . .
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