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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

in rainment 19/14/15

I feel for the still-air force
as the rain blazes downward past me
not to sustain any direct hits from gravity’s pull
but there is this plume of freshness
as a dance torpedoes past me ending in taps
a coolness declared by the atmosphere
confirmed by the ground bearing rhythm response
even if not all of the drops are sighted in passing
I am not saying that the heavens opened
or the floodgates were compelled
and then overwhelming
just simply the in-breath of this air is vitalizing
and strangely informative giving me a sensation of trust 
from upward bound sky-high sources
nature, in passing, is face to face
expressing straightforwardly a mystery’s elucidation
both humble offerings laid at my feet
and sparingly upon my avoiding head
this is where I wish to simply embrace
the dodging’s fallout amidst these pillars descending
water is dressing me down with a caress anointment
affirmations of a planet’s life process
let my rain as participation be tears of joy
as we dance in these shared moments together . . .

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