she has a tactile braille-like tongue.
she takes sensuous nerve samples with every kiss.
faces are contours worth slowly exploring.
teeth are the puritans, straight faced,
trying to never touch, mouth to mouth.
otherwise the heads themselves are helium balloons,
while face to face is weaving in a mating dance.
her eyes are not really looking but bathing by glances.
there is movement within, that is not bodily evident.
cues take me outside of time sensations.
breath is working with its own support-us agenda.
there is a wherewithal between us, soft but wide eyed,
steadfast gentle and attentively resolute.
the burn rate is accelerated,
bestowing body heat and radiance.
no questions asked.
face-language is basking in gesturing punctuation.
this is a two-faced sea surface with many currents present.
no one is there to impress but only to fully express.
slow-motion seems to be fast enough.
active observation is a fallback position.
it happens, but infrequently so.
I didn’t know that this was stimulation as itself.
is this why staring down into a clear stream is fascinating?
my eyes are open, even when they are closed.
emotions are staging encores
without a sense of performance.
there is an entanglement of beings with softness for edges.
the ocean water of us, basking on a sun-drenched beach,
is in ebbs and flows,
there is but communal entry without pause . . .