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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Understand beyond knowing 1/31/15

Everything that we name is on what our observational windowpane is thickly made of. By this, and its dense opacity, we have a flat screen perspective as our depiction-reference means. The opacity of this surface glass view represents our rules as habits that we reference reality by that we need to penetrate and dissolve. We need to be able to look through this window more deeply without these fallback references. We need to loose it as false reality framing. If so, words that come to mind are not names but are as melodies that harmonize in images that mid-brain mind-sing. These songs that sing to us have informational vapor trails that allow for us an immersion-lingering. What our minds generally do with knowing is create a distancing philosophy as means. That is, to know of something is to almost unconsciously setup a proclaimed distance separate from it. In this way or by this means, we have a knowing and an affinity that creates all things as cellmates in our own likeness. But knowledge should be of livingness and not necessarily for knowing as referential in a separating way. Knowing of this kind is a style of under-dimensionalized living. Knowledge should be an essentially functional immersion like water is in the raindrops stage of its existence. Yet we spend most of our consciousness living with the rain and are not being of it. Beyond that metaphorically, we lack a deeper connection to the vapor stage in its residence in the clouds. And we certainly have no livingness into the spirit of the evaporative stage and thus little connectivity and liquidity to the ocean itself as the oneness of being. Within this metaphorical distinction, there really are no decisions, there is only melting into this immersion with everything. Beyond our method of conventional observation, everything is traveling through the shimmer of a standing wave of emptiness as stillness. We have not broken the code of stillness into its etheric presence around us and as us. Experience as we have it and live it, is a false skin of separation as means. Experience, in this light, is our orphaned existence of compressed consciousness. Experience then is our active consciousness as living the lower vibrational rates that are as close to flat-lining as our consciousness can get, namely, minimum amplitude, maximum slow wavelength, with a gross sense of  register, and out of phase with everything as it exists, by our declaration as being around us. Time, by our extensive usage, is our metronome of this denial style. For time is our wardrobe way of measurement-account for the immediacies that we use by this insular observational method. We are dumb-foundedly not separate from anything and can’t make our inspirational wisdom dumb enough for us to understand beyond knowing, as the implications.

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