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Thursday, April 24, 2014

The belonging principle * 4/24/14

If you are driven to want to belong yet feeling isolated for yourself as the driver of that need, than you are trapped in a position where once you do belong, it is then happening as compensation for not belonging. You are still then trapped in that polarization, for it is a momentous preoccupation in your conscious frame which then keeps you distracted from a deeper sense and source of yourself as being who you are and thus falsely furthering to promote the contracts you have made to feel belonging directly with others. If you readily accept who you are, then challenge the uniqueness of who you really are, by allowing yourself the discoveries of your own energetic situation. This is where like attracts like rather than the predicament of opposites suffice in compensation for your perceived shortcomings in a concessionary manner. Approval from others has many facets. You can act out for others, you can be of service to others, you can demand their short-term attention, or you can be the broadcast of you that allows others to access a natural authenticity about you that they can identify within themselves as well as sense it in you. This goes beyond meaning and justification. This is a connection of a field shared, a connectivity beyond contract, for it lives in the ongoing. Belonging, in this light, is not an aspect of worth but a way of being expanded and expanding with others. It is a deeper principle of belonging.

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