The presence of fresh eyes ongoing.
Carving with first cut impressions.
Scraps and cutaways, given to recognition.
The redress of first views, again.
More snippets, quips, and view tailorings
as still first sights persists.
Impacts fury then register,
a composite comes into frame.
A pool is formed
that common words can all drink from
before their run towards expression.
Still fresh eyes persist unflinching.
It is not a stare down
but a further full forward embrace,
innocence into fascination,
immersion onto assessment potential.
Impress and feelings given to inklings.
Impact into insight,
a directive towards response
memory becomes a court reporter.
The whole process, staying empowered.
Words will now come forth,
searching for common ground,
an island of truth to land upon.
From the sea of me, upon which I saw
what I now think I’m saying, I saw.
Soon fresh eyes will have moved
to another stance.
Attention shifted to account and define.
Soon like a bloom into blossom
then gone,
fresh eyes is a very difficult long-term,
way of life . . .
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