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Friday, April 22, 2022

the language of touch

touch is a hologram, 

sensory inviting.

is the response to touch 

a reaction or a touch-back touch?

for touch to touch is dancing.

it is an amazement, 

both talking and listening

at the same time.

a lead that is following

and a follow that is leading.

gravity enters,

pressure intensifies,

the sonic of silence takes up cause.

for there is the world of touch,

without a second thought.

yet intimacy has it own secret code

that can be touch delivered.

that intimacy can be a measure of caring,

the shattering of aloneness identified,

as if the motion of the earth grandly shared.

touch accelerates the auric harmonics involved.

field presence becomes a sensory dimension

and a subtle storytelling progresses,

cross-spoken and cross-listened.

touch can offer the shear pour of attention,

bathing another in the shower of awareness,

giving self-healing a confidence.

touch with breath 

if acknowledged, 

has staying power.

toning while touching is even grander.

touch can be the pressure applied,

as its own language spoken.

consider an oil painting, 

not for its looks,

but the pressure of the touch 

as in the strokes applied.

there is an intimacy there,

where touch has spoken

and the listening to touch 

is paint applied forever, 

that is essentially hearing a language 

only spoken,

on the inside . . .

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