the delicate art of witnessing one's thoughts.
not being the think of them,
but further back, behind them, with a view.
not even invested in the thoughts themselves,
but more so, how the thoughts work themselves,
the methods and their madness,
thoughts' habits of process
and it frames of reference.
very privately wanting to source its agenda,
its payoffs, its means of inner dialogue.
and what is the driver
for being and doing what it does?
such, is the delicate art of witnessing,
as so very much separate from thought.
for thought could come and steal for itself,
unto itself, unrealized.
thought could blend and meld of its own
into an illusion of inward self-dialogue.
and the art of the witness,
would then be lost in address and topic.
this witnessing does not want outcome or summary.
witness wants deeper access
to energetic layers of one's inner land,
and to the source-fulness that unbeknownst provides,
and the translated emotional medium of those means.
witness wants the hidden emotional landscape
to be revealed,
as if translated clearly beyond thought's projection.
it is as if every person is of themselves
a glacier of interest.
and then, it was as if the world for thought
was interesting for its presence
in its melting process.
but, as for witness's view, the interested is in
its unseen emotional-formation's existence.
to see the hidden driver before the thaw.
to witness the energetic elements
behind thought's composition,
before the outcome appears as topic and address.
for as witness, it is clear
that the emotional content of any say
is immensely compacted
in a monotone vocal outcome.
for thought is very linear when it comes to speak.
it gives sight but not a deeper typological view.
it ordains the evident
but disguises the hidden agendas.
it's a path towards logical and comprehensible
but does not venture into the emotional complexities
or the irrationally simultaneities
of feelings undisclosed.
I want for the feel of thought
and not the directives.
the art of the witness of thought
is a precious process.
not for rewards,
as if a payoff for efforts,
but more so, just for a deeper sense
for the human presence of being
that is essentially involved . . .
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