solutions of human behavior acts
can never be because of the act itself,
that is the force feed for obvious attention,
the reprimand for appearances' sake.
the serious unmovable, inscrutable,
is the mindset origin
and impenetrable thoughts patterns
instilled in emotional stone.
origins from years earlier
as both the hard learning process
and the operative method of personal existence,
that is used to succeed in a self version account,
that is initially force-feed, as if it is news worthy.
it provides for all parties to become pseudo aware
but blatantly uninvolved in the healing process.
headlines pass like the use of napkins in restaurants.
yes, there is apparent demonstrated usage
but ultimately, left on the table
when moving on from that conversational meal served.
news is meal served
but about spices and palate intake,
not about nutrition or wellbeing going forward.
one can come to alter one's behavior,
especially from an otherwise observable perspective
but the work of cleaning up the mindset,
personally and privately cleaning up that mindset
is not just developing the cover up
but actually emotionally working inwardly at a re-fabric.
not just a stalwart correction override
but a deep study, with self introspective,
at a reclaim of being,
for finding a deeper truth to be directed from,
a re-weave of intention and operative means,
a self-witness inwardly in place
that now contributes to the self-directive
of conscious human behavior expressed.
that is what is necessary
but are we of a culture of that intrigue?
do we, as intimate support members,
provide for that process to be authenticated,
to be substantiated, going forward interaction-ally?
can we, from where we currently are,
become the active fabric of a culture evolving,
resourced and revitalized towards new growth and wellness?
we can only be the sounding boards
for those with which an intimacy that already exists.
so much of first stage recovery has to start there.
it can look like innocent caring
but it requires a deeper use of awareness than just passage.
it is more than just tending, as appearances go.
there has to be a link-up of the feel.
people need the encouragement present
to go deeper within,
to go beyond the accusational moments of the past,
to look into the held and the withheld-ness,
to find the glitches and the binds of self in belief.
self-love of that depth needs support
and a sense of human comfort.
we are all secretly in that predicament,
as the living predicament itself.
for whatever features as newsworthy-surface,
only provides an option of inward pursuit.
for whatever the behavior's offending action,
within lies, the privacy of mindset's self-damage.
we are all carriers,
some, with great discretion and heed,
while others are out of frame from within.
their self-aware is easily suppressed
while in service to other inward demandings
but adequately disguised needs.
recovery is always in the collective,
even though it is all self-work made evidential.
it is like a giant quilting process,
to make a quilt of consciousness,
in which everyone is a participant
by their self-work,
contributing to the overall.
this quilt will generate a surface,
evident everywhere throughout the share.
maybe as the table spread
or the campsite sit down cover
but its utility is evident by participation
that brings out a culture kneaded-ness into existence
by all parties, as common practice demonstrates.
we, as a culture,
become less of the gloss
and more-so,
the demonstration of the gleam
from this as the glow . . .
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