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check out my video haikus
and slideshow videos on youtube at "junahsowojayboda"

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

music 4/30/19

music is always beyond belief.
words are all the tie-downs needed.
sound is the nervous system into embrace.
singing is the blood-letting necessary for all.
to hum will slow-bleed 
but gets it done also.
drawing the evocative out of the throat 
is necessary.
why have words that separate and divide
when the sound of music is soul-godlike 
without bringing along 
the red wagon of the mind
and its menagerie of characters in self play?
celestial into birth-miracle,
angelic into embodiment, 
immortal into timeframe doses,
sipping the otherworldly from within.
music is the melody of soul. 
sound is the birth-mother
of us all . . .

Monday, April 29, 2019

worst case mindsets 4/29/19

every person-to-person crime 
has its affront of indignities 
and its dark but meaningful sacredness
its band of assorted individuals
each surfacing for air and light 
falsely in sight, complicated, yet denied
the weep from the buildup of the unsaid
also nipped, unclearly short of its resolve
the flicker of these flames of action
never to know directly of their true source
burned off in back and forth disgust 
as in the silences of its gasping
victims and their plodding escorts
inscrutable messages laying abandoned
cross currents gone their separate ways
crumpled lives now left to be unfolded
the bother of details 
the flourish of the unfinished, blending away
stories of timber-falling perspectives
thunderous betrayals 
amongst human interactions
each, a prayer to an unknowable god
some pro, some con
some in defense, some in inquiry’s plead
tales from used aprons of disjointed collaboration
some tied for then
others loosely worn in disregard
we are all the salvia of mindsets of recovery
some will spit
while others will swallow . . .

Sunday, April 28, 2019

to, too 4/28/19

to live with
disingenuous as an initial probing method
to joyously watch 
cynicism fending off sincerity’s attack
to be fully aware
when ever-bothering wanders off 
outliving any true concern
to be fully present
just when the exact moment that naming everything 
is subtlety defeated by connectivity
to live within the cloudburst
when consummate becomes one thunderous 
uproarious laugh
to be fully aware within the overwhelming deluge
when the realization of vast inundates the mind
to live within the embarrassment 
when art itself formally objects to human surveillance
to live for the first day
dignity has no form of presentation or carriage
to realize when 
happiness on a timeline, is a burning fuse 
only attempting to outrun depression or despair 
to be present
when every victimless crime is discovered 
to still have a moral to its story
and for one to personally know
that if you make my day
I will definitely need a rebuild 
out of necessity
to fully realize how happy can one be
and still have complete surveillance of that process
and for one to confidently feel 
that when tending the fire 
is a form of warming up to its blaze.
and to contemplatively question,
how hard can ‘it’ be, 
any ‘it’ be,
if ‘it’ actually has no form or mass?

Saturday, April 27, 2019

looming as defiance 4/27/19

the in-breading that familiarity offers
as if recognition is out of in-breath air. 
the airborne of ecstatics, 
now falling back 
in earthbound boredom binds.
the spectacular 
loosing its mind-frame of reference.
myopia, as a flash flood, 
in slow motion pending.
the awareness fallback
into a seizure of sighs.
each dream balloon 
exhausted of wishful air.
how does the waterfall of living
come to be mist 
before it comes to ground?

Friday, April 26, 2019

why make white (haiku) 4/26/19

I asked blanched, the verb
what is the meaning of this?
this all about race?

Thursday, April 25, 2019

blessed is 4/25/19

blessed is the day
I am into meaning 
but out of words.
when I don’t have to live with
the apprehension about future regret.
when the hypothetical is practical uncertainty.
when I have wishful thinking 
after the candle burnout is granting my request
while the smoke is transcendently ascending.
when all of probability is pronounced 
in a rosary-said-aloud style.
when it is perfectly clear to me
the way ‘how’ always outflanks ‘why’.
when the dangling rope of hope
is now only one glistening thread thick.
when my wallet bleeds money 
and I’d somehow falsely think 
that the world will become eventually victimless.
when if I had everything 
my God would be the curator I’d hire.
and when will I discover 
that prophet from profit 
is profoundly an incomplete life.
and if I am blessedly all ears for this, 
then when is discovered to be a timeless reference
and all circumstances can become consecrated apparent anointed by the wisdom 
somehow concealed within our now . . .
. . .

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

just between you and me 4/24/19

the blush on your cheeks
is this visual asymmetry 
as a flock of ten thousand birds
in the rhapsody of sky-flight
as they turn in unison
giving my eyes the onslaught 
of exquisite shades and blooming textures
on the facial sky itself 
transposed upon yours.
a kind of double imaging 
that is richly rewarding
as deeply heartfelt within.
how to say but not say,
to see as if seeing,
and there is this 
between us, happening,
as if we are actually
these modalities of being.
so therefore,
as ever so subtle as this is
and just between you and me,
blessed are these sights 
that represent the emotional chemistry,
just between, 
you and me . . .

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

soul of relevancy 4/23/19

humans would like to believe
as if we all stand on the soil of relevancy 
yet we are wearing the ego containment of shoes
short-circuiting our connection with mother-earth
but still claiming a hard-wired sense of connection.
no one speaks mother earth’s tongue
but human vitality will give testament by presence.
we are mostly all theatre 
as if screen play action is the bottom line truth.
whatever we claim as native 
is really only culture bound.
anyone native is mostly considered to be 
culturally out of touch.
a barefoot world is mutually beneficial, 
for we come to respect the earth more directly
and the earth provides energetic corrections 
for our bodily vitality.
some much the need to inform ourselves
with our soul of relevancy . . .

Monday, April 22, 2019

sacred waters…. 4/22/19

all humans are sacred waters,
from mystical mountain top pools 
to muddy rain-filled pot-holes 
in worn down shanty town roads.
the liquidity of spirit prevails
even if the apparency of circumstances 
frames otherwise.
by evaporative means
in every circumstance
eventually spirit transcends the predicaments.
tears held sacred
helps us through it all.
no matter the storyline
or the needs to prevail.
one’s life cannot conjugate truth
out of backstory tales.
sacred-waters transcends all mediums of presentation.
life-death-life are a false front 
to the nature of true spiritual existence.
we are all as real as oceans, 
rainstorms, cloud banks,
flash floods, tides, and ice.
we claim races and cultures.
but essentially,
all humans are scared waters,
no matter the form 
of imaging, portrayal, 
or storable depiction . . .

Sunday, April 21, 2019

word-i-nest 4/21/19

I herd the sheep of words
for the shear of writing
to get the meaning of wool 
to make the wardrobe of understanding
that we all wear
as the versionary truth 
of our insistence of existence

Saturday, April 20, 2019

genes wear me 4/20/19

I have hardly ever worn jeans 
but all of the time genes wear me
I am the outcome as well as the outcry
wellness and sickness will chorus along
all singing the vitalities’ praises 
and the ailments’ in pleas
I am a bigger life-force then predicaments
yet haunted by the measures of circumstance
wellbeing reflected by robustness
and yet illness measuring in claims
bold predicaments will come
and soft spoken wellness will respond
their dialogue goes on incessantly
I am but the chalkboard of measure
if my spirit were chalk
there would be no need for eraser
chalk on a white board is my dream
for I am made of an ink-bleeding page
and not fingers on the keyboard of existence . . .

Friday, April 19, 2019

connectivity 4/19/19

talk only addresses the symptoms
touch is an opening 
to the cure of connectivity
all diseases are a form of aloneness
from other humans 
and from the planet itself
connectivity lives on
even if we are profiled 
by the commentary separateness 
of our accumulative galore

Thursday, April 18, 2019

gumption 4/18/19

moving forward in life is under-dimensionalized. 
it is a time-warp of mind-bending perspective.
living in the breadlines of expectation 
does not provide nourishment to the soul.
my reality only gets me to second base, 
assuming that I am actually in the game
and not paying a life of existence
to be in the audience perspective forever
as a spectator harvesting the experience of sidedness 
substituted for actions believed to be 
me on the field of play.
if pain-wreck, as if a summary, 
represents the ongoingness of existence, 
then the how of how-it-feels
is ineffectively generated ongoing
and I am the cause of that.
what I need is gumption of far-sighted soul.
no more mindful of p’s and q’s.
more of the passion of drawnness,
waking up to what inwardly compels,
the turn-ons of blessedly-completes,
the intuitive without the mind filled with blather,
living the magic of the unexplained
without an asterisk towards rational entirety.
gumption has leap while growing wings.
it has the inner turn-on of spunk,
the native industry of being 
beyond the apparency of circumstance.
gumption is a god-given from within
here, may it land . . .

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

oneness of us 4/17/19

the sheen of your face 
reflects unto me.
I take entry cues 
into your presence from it.
nanoseconds pass as butterflies 
in an upsurge of soothing delight.
images are but the passivity of particulars 
cuing up in me to be positively seen.
fast is so evidentially slow
in the flow of now 
as the power behind every glance is realized.
the infinitesimal motion within motion is magnetic
yet action is the parade of pronouncement.
the silence inside sound is secretly sensory applause
as I stare out at these means of the undertaken.
intoxicants are these in-breathe particulates
that you have left for me from yours.
smaller than granular miracles
but oh so astutely sanctified effective.
your world of presence has a levity
as your light emblazon and embolden upon me.
the river of keepsakes about you is flooding.
I am drowning in my baptism of being.
you are the headwaters of my forthcoming tears.
it is a birth as if from the process of bloom.
I lay down in your eyes
as you hold me by a timeless immortal gaze.
all of my whys are now incomplete sentences.
I am not the hollowness of any questioning.
upsurge is becoming outpour.
I cellularly dance into you
without any means of action as my guide.
a time may come
when knowing of all of this 
will, in memory, matter.
but, for now, I am windswept with wonder.
your grace sources everything into a oneness.
manifest is the blessedness of being.
your are the stream-source that bathes me.
your existence within
before the thought of you occurs,
for the oneness of us
never treasures or travels alone . . .

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

tagged by timelessness 4/16/19

where once upon a time,
you laid your head upon my shoulder.
a shrine of emotional laden memory 
exists forever from there. 
not a bruise but an altar.
a shrine entry into a clarity of you.
a pure extract of your spirit 
ever presenting.
with my hand to touch that spot
and images pour forth within me.
a holographic bathing takes places.
time-transport is an automatic immersion
where I swim within
and yet the water is also swimming me.
here we have no boundaries.
ovums of delight upon me,
ever expansive from a single touch.
a tear become the sea
upon which all of my life now sails.
anointed has become bestows.
I am in the blood-flow.
the commingle is loosing its separate-but-equals.
no more page-turning, 
all about see-throughs.
a ship of connectedness has been the christening.
buoyant beyond the beyond.
every wave, there is a ripple here
and vice-versa.
I sip that glass itself 
and drink the liquid of its disguise . . .

Monday, April 15, 2019

emptiness 4/15/19

emptiness is an openness for embrace
with the all of the all
as a being without boundaries
connectivity without audience intervention
yet no meeting of souls as separates
it is confluence into one universe of soul
as the universe beyond the know of itself
where before mind, 
then mind to gather
before breath had the dignity of life as appearance
beyond where time would contemplate existence
the emptiness of the whole 
is without a consciousness unto itself
embrace beyond the molecular
beyond the mass of representation
emptiness as the birth of whole 
into oneness . . .

Sunday, April 14, 2019

the caring there of 4/14/19

the impetus for service 
can be a wardrobe of self a-ware
in untenable yet empathetic ways
yet inaccessibly disguised as helping in circumstantials
common sense will both protect and abide
caring is an aperture for a frequency upgrade 
into collective connectivity 
by an emotive means of manifest 
or otherwise services-ushering it into presentation
caring is like a muscle
the more you use it 
the stronger it gets
finding it in life, 
and it exercises itself into modalities
as your rendering is caring 
and will tend to take attention 
as this awareness 
becomes a talent for ongoing usage
this makes a cathedral out of self
in dedication to the needs of others
caring is this religion of compassion
the language of circumstances provide a context
for the emotional conversations to silently occur
I see what you need
but I also I mean to compliment your spirit . . .

Saturday, April 13, 2019

hate in its ascendency 4/13/19

hate only has moments of acne, skin-surfacing
facials with lip service presenting the tide of it all
seething has time by its tic-toc sweaty family jewels
yet seething has origins beyond topical account
for they are the optics of the unseen
hearsay that never shaves
yet seething is always asking 
for visceral to come into visuals
give me the breath beyond the last one 
I will ever take
I want the inhale from then linked to now
and not to know of it 
in an oxygen beneficial way
just the feeling of ascent 
wrapped in termination’s robe
leaving the guttural 
for guzzling the gravy of the now-unknown
no more the sizzle 
or the bristle about
or the feel of topical heartburn within
I want the beneficence of rage
but now free from being topic bound
I want the sacred of rarified passionate madness
the blue flame of oneness
without the flicker of brightness into blaze
I want the wildfire of ambient love
the termination of the particulars 
of grasp, clutch or seize
no more the journey as metaphor 
genius without comparative truth in hand
the deity of allness discovered 
as the loss of self
I know, hate was my initial calling card
and seething my delivery style
but honesty, I unconsciously meant well for then
and surely now,
without a target on my back
or a conclusion in my mind . . .

Friday, April 12, 2019

lip-service as a dis-ease 4/12/19

the spread of the lip-service as a dis-ease 
affecting the comfort zone of other humans.
it is disguised as complimentarianism 
or sometimes as false approving appraisal 
or the turn of an imperative or directive cliche 
it harbors a false sense of agreement 
or assigned shared perspective
it is the presence in the moment 
that has no depth 
and no sincerity of carriage.
it is a defense for appearance 
but carries a pseudo sense of warmth
it is an appease of expectation 
by presenting common sense of worth
it can appear as neighborly
or delivered from a service point of view
it can be a verbal requirement for workers
to present to customers as if friendly
the words may go unchallenged
but the tone is a dead giveaway 
it is a dispassionate way of presenting a sense of ease
the words spoken are at least passible
but the intent and the delivery by tone
belie the humdrum and monotony of the phrasing
when enough is said as such
dis-ease has the stir of prominence
the connectivity is a false front
the heart is closeted
the everyday features evidence of dreary
tedious is the eventual surmise
a deep sigh comes from out of the blue
lip-service becomes the commonplace
and dis-ease is then
a sense of feeling alone 
even in a crowd . . .

Thursday, April 11, 2019

life is the thief 4/11/19

life is the thief for the way we live it
the real world visually is all photos 
mind makes recognition captures 
while the naming of it creates the frames
all stills become working memory
the movies that do flash by
as silent films flowing before the here and now
we are still cameras of thought
yet we want to be an animation in the living
the dichotomy is so strange and yet familiar 
we are each a different person 
when the whole body is in motion
the transition is almost seamless
but the witness evidence of comparison
shows us to be two distinct levels of personage
motion is an all body arena in the brain
still-think is way more myopic motionless perspective
sitting while in motion maybe an attempt
at the combination of both
as in a car, bus, train maybe even a plane
would be the challenge 
to doing both at the same time
life, by our think, steals us away 
so much reward from motion taken
yet so much of the measure is a stash house of memory
go head, remember the feel of then
and sense how little internal press it gets
when living is accounted for by memories
motion as told by memory hardly makes an impact
yet the action of being in the moment
is so richly free in the living
yet life is the thief
for the way we come to live it . . .

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

stillness is the dancer 4/10/19

stillness is the absolute of business
hard to fathom 
from our limited range of experience
given the eternal dynamics involved
motion is the constancy of genius
which we would refer to as this unmoving stillness
the elements of this sound as dance 
are far beyond our range of account
we forever rely on steadfast still pictures
to address this sound-dance-world, 
as we would come to know of it,
with reasoned reports
from our methodical worker force 
of observe, identify, and account
there can be fury, invisible frenzy,
intense atomic ferocity,
the acute passionate madness of moleculars 
but we sense only depictionals, at best
stillness is our sensory, 
at complete and sublime rest
bound by the lack of import
thinking that eternal is at peace
yet action in our world
is only experiential flashcards 
in our sensory faces
but the real dance continues on in tonals
without the intervention of human-modal lyrics
since we never wrote the original song
and clearly can only hum our own made up verses
ah, stillness is begging for our participation
in a somewhat conscious way
not that we don’t dance
as it dances through us
but hardly do we have that sense of integral rhythm 
or the emotional kinesthesia to immerse 
and be in the dance of the complete and the whole
stillness is always the invite
but our mindfulness is rarely ever 
the soul of a dancer . . .

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

the experience of thin air 4/9/19

thin air is only a reference to me
as the experiencer
a conclusion based upon the natural awareness
of the personal world in my surround
I reach this place by tapping all my senses
until I get no new information 
about the what, the where, and the why
of my circumstance
I terminate my pursuit
by claiming the resolute of “thin air”
it is as if I look into a mirror
and all I see is all I see
but that see is referential 
to the who of me who is looking
it says very little about the mirror
but massively says lots 
about my ability to observe
it is a land between lands
who I am versus what I see
and the difference between the two 
is much the same as ‘thin air’
it is my self sacred way 
of claiming limits to my observational skills
without actually gaining any deeper penetrative insight
thin air is innocuously claimed
I don’t admit to anything by this means
in that my mind has worked towards conclusions
I have a bundle of them
and I am at my wit’s end 
so to speak 
all of this begs the question 
not what else do you see
but more so, who else do you have 
who can look for me as me
despite my claim about thin air?
for there is no thin air
there is only the ability of penetrative insight
which leads to a version of
thinking outside the normative box
to gain a deeper sense of self
by a wider scope and a deeper vision
and a sensory range that is not bound by
story, convention, belief, realistic account,
moral version, or historical identity.
‘thin air’ is a sign for the end of the road
there is no end
if conclusions don’t make it so
the end of the road
is only a sense for self imprisonment  
an acceptance of think no further
get no timely results that make any rational sense
it is as if the excursion was for furthering the story
and not living deeper into the truth
insanity breathes from the same air
identity is consequential 
though hardly living on the cutting edge of self
we succumb to being curators of the evidential
thin air gives us a sense for safe carriage in that way
thin air is a resolve and a resolute pretend
a claim about the prison walls that nobody can see
and no further passage is possible
things like; that is too far distant, 
it’s from another time, 
not exist in my world, 
that is not in God’s creation,
or how do you know that to be true?
thin air is actually more akin to shallow breathing
as that imposes physical limits to the self as a being
thin air is the dare that is ever hardly taking
so if so inclined
take deeps breaths 
and venture deeply into thin air
and don’t expect to come back the same
or to come back with experiential answers 
that demystify 
thin air is ever breathing into destiny’s calling . . .

Monday, April 8, 2019

thin air (haiku) 4/8/19

breathe deeply thin air
journey beyond the beyond
believe what you must

Sunday, April 7, 2019

the table-cloth 4/7/19

reality is the scattering of misinformation
for the co-benefit of others.
it is the garage-sale of pasts 
to become the present for others,
the maps of surmise for futurizing 
gained from the trivials of others.
it is the weave of interactives 
as a reality text to first-person encountering.
no fact lives in its fullness forever.
every lie dies a thousand deaths
before it is forever laid to rest.
we are the creatures who use symbols
to express what essentially can’t be said.
our lives are a prop-fest
and the conveyer-belt of awareness 
to make this so.
cross-referencing is shared consciousness.
no detail goes unattended.
we are all flower-arrangers 
but what has become of our private gardens?
that cemeteries become the final resting place
for cut flowers to reside and to console?
reality is the table-cloth spread.
there is the upside 
that features in the ever-changing.
and there is the underside 
made solid of the undisclosed.
we are all the washing machine of self-love.
to set a clean linen every day 
is a human premise.
oh to live for that night-time
when the table itself is exposed,
while the cloth is being gleaned as if cleaned.
talk to me table.
tell me, 
from where do I stand.
I would if I could
but I am wood 
that I am . . .