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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

grief has a hidden passion 8/28/18

what is the full nature of grief
as if the fog of grief has set in?
yes, the fog has an impactful story
but how it comes into existence is in question.
the process of grief features expectations
memories, the momentary returns 
from recent worldly experience,
the self measures from these interactions,
the recoil that the stimulus is gone,
the trigger for such account is absent,
and all the framing in the world 
will not bring that animation back to life.
sight becomes the stare becomes the vacancy.
the personal conditioning now lacks that triggering.
whatever was the full frontal of account,
has revealed a disappearance of that central figure,
but not the method used for that framing,
or the self-animation from the interactive experiences.
the apparent surface and context are vastly altered.
the stir of spirit is now so superficially handled.
the big picture behind daily life
that rarely surfaces as deep perception
is now in demand to play.
the call-up, to see beyond immediate circumstance,
beyond lifetimes of connections and then transitions,
to know of spirit in another as strength of being in oneself,
that the format of reality is a contingency,
always and ever a false front to the bigger picture,
that daily life does adequately represent this embodiment,
the streaming of spirit is through lifetimes forward.
grief is the loss of the full frontal of immediacy.
grief requires the release of a gloom perspective
and the re-enkindlement to the depth of being
necessary to see beyond 
the apparency of the self in this predicament,
that we all get taken in by the big screen,
the onslaught of imaging in daily life,
the interactional nature of appearing to the eye of the mind,
yet moved by the spirit of the being behind the all of that,
only to short fuse towards the daily representation
and not the spiritual essence directing it from within.
grief lives as the here and now version.
in the bigger picture,
we are all dancing on,
whatever the mediums are crossed in doing so.
grief is an emotion from a short story version of that view.
each person, within their person, experiences grief.
spirit within consciousness 
experiences connectivity as ongoing.
in that perspective, grief has a short lifespan
as a reminder to re-embrace the depth of being
that the actual dynamics represent.
death as a transition is a shift of mediums.
but in the bigger picture,
the richness continues
as all beings are served 
as the consciousness expands.
grief is but a welcome mat to the door 
of a richer spiritual conscious existence
in the realm-travel that we all participate in.
grief is not a stall point.
grief has a hidden passion 
to reawakening to what essence of being 
is about all in of us
as from each other, in this life journey.
grief is a veiled springboard back to the essence
away from the mundane.
every moment of grief is a pregnancy 
to the birth of a spiritual richness
that realigns us all 
towards destiny, through ongoingness, 
into oneness . . .

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