the universe cannot be understood
by the means we use as understanding.
our think is not a constant answer as we claim.
our focus may only be a fixed lens of comprehension,
as long as we pursue linear thinking as reward.
we are image seeking as audience, as understanding.
some of the rules for this knowledge base
put us at a distinct distance from participation.
observation, as a technique, implies some of
or similar undisclosed operational rules
that align in function towards analysis by their usage.
but to know is not to be.
so the nature of self-consciousness
is radically distant from the stream of pure consciousness.
the riddle of self only becomes
the lens inherited by observation towards understanding
and then the assumptions generated by it.
yet understanding, as a medium of human participation,
does not overcome this handicapping strategy.
understanding should not a telescope or a microscope
but when really realized as only a mirror reflecting
the techniques used by us
to fulfill our separate-from observational process.
until the mirror is genuinely multidimensional
in its reflecting
and not cast as strictly observational
but be, more so, deep and dark penetrating,
the riddle of intelligence
is myopic, unrealized or under-dimentionally apprehending
as if and of itself
and the essential self of its only intelligent self-inquiry.
investigation by another process
would yield direct immersion
as a form of vibrational understanding.
if that word, intelligence,
still had functional usage and involvement.
at that point of discovery,
beyond the use of intelligence,
there are no relevant details necessary,
account, if needed, is not linear,
and understanding would be deeply immersive
not yielding results
but direct participation
as a first-person dynamic member of the universe,
respectful and participatory
of the universe more directly
for how we occupy it now
as to then would be quite differently.
not that we would occupy mass, for then, in the same way
or be content with spoken language
in its usage stance of now
or even think for then as if to generate thought.
we seem to be cursed by these crutches we use
and that we momentously honor
with much continued usage,
we call them our best qualities
as if they individually exist as attributes,
each unto it self.
experience, as it functions now, is painful.
but that pain and sorrow occurs loudly
only in other unheard of dimensions of our beings.
what is tragic, is our placement in time and space
as if religious and respectfully for us to be perceive.
at some point, flat-line observation and perspective
will fade away, out of a lack of functional usage.
until then, we have know and not know,
fighting this invisible battle
within each of us
for operational drawnness.
so, what will it take for any of us
to give up the know,
our positions of separateness from
everything perceived as around us,
to more fully embrace, immerse,
and be? . . .
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