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and slideshow videos on youtube at "junahsowojayboda"

Saturday, March 31, 2018

in consciousness 3/31/18

in consciousness,
experience is of itself,
a delusional method of account.
of course self-consciousness
doesn’t think that way
and prides itself on experience’s handouts
and intends to always have the upper hand,
the overriding view,
and the all abiding attendance
to the ongoing storied account.
in hindsight for any now,
self-consciousness asked for spare change
while consciousness sees
that no change is necessary . . .

Friday, March 30, 2018

female orgasm spawning 3/30/18

what female orgasm generates
when being broadcast out into life
is, as an ever vibratory ignite,
expanding the healing environment all around
into a conscious awareness,
undisclosed shared theta waves,
make it an entrainment process.
the nature of others’ observation
becomes more of their emersion.
and from within their tools of awareness,
they loose their sense of distance.
as the emerging develops,
an inward prominence blossoms.
somewhere within their deep,
a opening has occurred,
a deeper truth is stirred,
a generative has reached pronouncement.
unlike anything in the surround,
preciousness turned sacred
becomes revealed . . .

Thursday, March 29, 2018

at the truth 3/29/18

when you arrive at your truth,
is there no authentic language for expressing it?
sure, there is the myth of commentating about it
but that is eventually dismissed and replenished daily.
your inner dialogue about it
now resides in the background
as an I-version of yourself in a false-sky.
yes, living in it has a steadfast prominence
yet no position of understanding
comes into genuinely justify.
every notice inwardly put forth to oneself
yields awareness of this interior presence
that is not definable
but subtly-edgy as self evident.
a keystone of self,
is ever in the most inner glow.
that is not reducible to naming or promoting.
it is just a soft zing
that stretches beyond time,
that does not render or respond to account,
that has a sense of resolve without effort,
and only exists in livingness as ongoing.
don’t ask this part of you to be the speak of you.
it hardly comes to understand you of itself.
it is not even render-able as a position of reliance
but definitely the wick of being
its flame features self-love as lit and lit up.
it casts enough inner light to have life richly so.
it is up to others to grasp and reflect on theirs.
for they in theirs, is much the same.
between all of us,
there is this link of oneness,
but only when this truth
becomes so silently,
so delicately,
so non-eventfully,
commonly expressed . . .

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

always asking 3/28/18

always asking
for the alchemy of self-composition to appear,
but there ain’t no app for that.
we are, by false claims,
yet only pristine remnants. 
as for all of our intended-ness
it only objectifies our quarry.
it is the topical nature of human enterprise
that discipline beyond ego
is drawn-ness personified
yet I am honor-bound
with withholding as true,
for truth does not exist in time-binds.
our lives spiral in a vortex flux
yet we consciously work at it
with momentous flat-line logic.
so, can you spare
any dynamic parts of your being
that do not occupy space
as the appearance of you
but clearly, unapologetically,
will cleanse my heart?

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

excess money 3/27/18

excess money addresses
without a consciousness.
put a mirror to the face of money
and watch it act out
how small-mindedness works

excess money is like a larger battery pack
in the inner sanctuary of the mind room
it turns on a brighter light
that reveals darker place within
where energetic truth
will act out more illogical means
of self expression
as if conundrums expressed
were a means
of personal evolution
then more fully explored

excess money bleeds
even if the bleeding is only internal
light-headedness of intention,
dizziness of meaning,
or fainting from loss of self-recognition,
may readily occur

excess is not an amount
but a state of mind . . .

Monday, March 26, 2018

my mother-board 3/26/18

I made the world around me
the switch that turns on
my internal mother-board.
I use the method of experience
to program, alter and control
the mother board functions of myself.
everything around me 
is I-max movie to me.
my operations instructions are not always clear.
there are times spent
reading the fine print
in total darkness.
there are other times
when I lack the physical skills
to operate the motherboard efficiently.
the operating manual,
as conceived by consensus reality,
seems ineffective going forward.
it seems that my motherboard
is always stressing
under new updates and revisions.
my operating manual lives a life of being
a second voice within me.
my claim, said to myself,
is that this whole thing runs on solar
and doesn’t need any input from batteries . . .

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Judas (haiku) 3/25/18

self-consciousness is
a Judas unto oneself
self-love forgives all

Saturday, March 24, 2018

the hidden nature of knowing 3/24/18

knowing goes on as pure-state isness.
knowing, in that state,
is the lake of ongoing existence.
us swimming in the lake of knowing
is metaphorically like us habitually coming up for air.
we have a self, breathing outside of the lake-ness.
we, being aware of the lake
yet breathe is of self-preoccupancy.
we feel for the lakeness all around
but are separate from it,
yet being in it.
but only by our awareness as separate to it.
still wet all over,
as just surfacing, as with breath justifying,
knowing of it, being one in the same to us.
it is as if each breath is a thought filled with knowing.
yet think maybe the underwater swim of it.
then, truly saturated in it
and taking a fuller awareness of the lake from it
as a form of knowing
by being a thought-party to it
in a fuller way,
then a breath-need comes
and therefore surfacing follows.
us, as a knowing, is spectatorship,
no matter how wet we get.
there is still a distance from the lake-sense of being.
it is the living as the knowing
and we take our experiencing from that.
the lake means nothing to us as immersion
unless we are deeply in it.
we can reference the lake at a distance
from our sense of us
but that is circumstantial
almost as memory is referential to us as knowing.
to be in the know
is to not be a being caught up in self-consciousness
as our referencing method of aware.
in knowing of self as the last stage of pronouncement
is as if a lip-service to ourselves,
imprinting as our awareness.
knowing, as a phenomenon, is not relevant
or essentially important to the mind that think it.
once thought, then something else is made
out of the staging of the think
as if that result is related to cause.
think without ego or self presence is a natural state.
what we have done with that process,
the think of it,
as a coming into knowing,
is self-sacrilegious.
imagine that the breeze is a knowing,
the flow of water in a stream is a knowing,
a landslide is a knowing,
rain is a knowing
and we as a think, are a knowing.
but as thought,
there is an imposition of a thought version,
a self-consciousness intervention
in a substitutional way
that buries the essence and the origin of knowing
into a presentational style
and then overtly so, by communicational exchange.
this gloss is prominent and overriding.
it is as if every know is swaddled and framed
in a self-consciousness of knowing away from source.
in this sense, know is not lived but trialed.
it is contextually refabricated
into a self-absorbed environment
as if our reality is
the-cart-before-the-horse existence, personified.
yet a thousand times a day
every person is assaulted with know,
by psychic means,
by emotional means,
by intuitive means,
by spiritual non-religious means,
even by shear unjustified intelligence means
that go unattended, unacknowledged,
unannounced to the self
and proceed shiftlessly unattended
through a conscious state of otherwise, full awareness.
as if thought dampens
what any form of know would provide.
only in spontaneous movement
do we venture into the know
without self-approval as governess.
yes, we still ride the horse of intendedness of action
but the swim takes on a life-entry of its own
in the lake of being.
that we know, is blessed.
that knowing has become so adulterated and blasphemous, 
is only reflective
of the state of our evolutionary development as a species.
with the soul-searching intention
is to give up the knowing
to be the know,
and then to give up the know
to just be . . .

Friday, March 23, 2018

getting from here to there 3/23/18

you can’t there from here.
there, has no mind.
a here to there only exists from here
but here is always part of there
yet there has no space known as here.
no one goes there as themselves. 
a total surrender of that self
make get you there
but you won’t know of yourself, once there.
by our conventional style of knowing,
we get no there, only a new here.
we can’t even know of ourselves for there.
our version of there from here
is not there.
it all seems like an impossible riddle.
it is a self-invasion of how we think.
in that eventually,
think may be discovered as not the way to go,
to get from here to there,
as if think would be excess baggage,
for being there.
but then, once there,
there has no recognition.
thought about there is inoperative.
there does not know nor reveal
the singularity of a here.
here was always there
but profoundly unannounceable,
for there has no dimensional sense
of either a here or there.
everything about the language
of getting from here to there
is a riddle, a koan,
a conundrum of being.
not resolvable,
as long as,
you are a you . . .

Thursday, March 22, 2018

love itself (haiku) 3/22/18

in my heart it’s clear
love is not contractual
what I feel is real

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

surveillance 3/21/18

surveillance of a nation
littered with ego-flags
tormented in a sky
by windy pseudo-togetherness swirling
weathering as a consciousness
is such an unexpected top-heavy process
unfolding before our eyes
as if living it alive
by our presence in it . . .

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

care given (haiku) 3/20/18

your knowing of me
coming to mind, prays for me
care given freely

Monday, March 19, 2018

what is at play 3/19/18

consciousness always trumps physics
how we do understanding,
is forever in question.
assumptions are made,
before becoming curiously so.
how then does curiosity work,
eventually has to be asked.
right or wrongly is an irrelevant pursuit,
for there is so much baggage to thought of itself.
unwittingly every action is a tea ceremony
of the conscious mind in self-authorship.
but there is always an identity crisis in this search.
language, as means, does not help with that process.
knowing of itself, is actually a state of impotence,
always once removed
from the real process of being.
we live around our being-ness by this knowing.
we are a self-commodity, eventful only to ourselves.
we are somehow conventionalized
as if captivated by an awareness existence.
we slip-stream through life as our own personage,
enveloped in whatnots and act-outs.
one cannot escape the construction of this as ‘defined’.
self-consciousness, as the imprint, only produces withholds,
in that, there is an implied worth to self,
intentionally carried forward.
what is deeply buried in science, as of itself, denies.
that which we call mindful as inquiry, falsifies.
deeper truths essentially have no audience or approval.
when you go into oneness, there is no baggage,
mind has no privilege,
freedom has no syntax of existence,
and quantum is, as a last understanding,
ceases to consciously exist . . .

Sunday, March 18, 2018

what heart-felt means 3/18/18

there is an imposition of sidedness
as if topic is always center stage.
find me the mind of that writer.
let’s sneak a peak at the hidden agenda.
a linear mind is always an ongoing sucker.
dualistic thinking itself is a paralysis
whereby everybody limps towards conclusions.
the podium for expounding is made up of assumptions
and the stage has no deep relevance.
people act out their darkest in disguise.
control garnishes agreement as it is approval.
if my think is your think
then we already know and feel.
any contention is isolation calling out.
words don’t say the truth
but the tone of their voices does.
the decode is learned from empathy.
if my scope and your scope overlap
then we can learn from each other,
ever expanding our shared comprehension.
remembering that scope is multi-mediums,
mind, heart, feel and say
hurled from beyond intelligence
by a heart-felt means . . .

Saturday, March 17, 2018

mind-work are just memes 3/17/18

the definitiveness of mind-work
as in addressing the intake of experience
with its radical infighting,
as comprehension versus participation
where human-accounts register in still-shots.
even movement registers as stills in transitions,
taken in translation as constants.
while sound-ways get closer proximities
to the actual motions of life.
but in clarified ways towards meaning,
there is no proximity of closeness at all.
we, as humans, leave our fingerprints everywhere
but we fail to hardly ever take our gloves off.
our ideal of travel is to document everything
as in where we go and what we do
as a false notion of full participation.
familiarity allows, provides and enforces
that we takes on rolls
as the caretaker of the land,
the foreman of the circumstance,
the curator of our valuables,
the landlord of the property,
primary historians of the ongoing story,
even the warden of our familiarity prison
and the overseer of the forward plan.
all these are forthcoming conclusions
that quite secretly exist as assumptions already made
with the still-shot assignments as permanent directives.
our ever-flow then seems to be in a pretend
where all of this exists as functional props
in dedicated service
to this as our mind-work adaptation for real.
it is as if reality is a bad game of “captain may I”,
while all of that which composes the real reality
has to sneak around doing what is naturally does,
when we are not sensing.
essentially, (our mind-work is just
a series of ongoing memes) . . .

Friday, March 16, 2018

love beyond language 3/16/18

we don’t have a language for the hologram
for we live by depictional account.
we speak to each other as if from separatism.
we embrace as if two parties coming together
not realizing our oneness personified.
we seem to have a script based on decisions,
discrepancies, decidedness, divisiveness.
we stand in each other’s light
commenting about our shadows and darkness,
for there is no language translation
for the essential existence of love.
in real love, there is no one in audience.
all of our act-outs represent displacement
from this presence of love.
love transcends the usage of commentary and situation.
real love has a viscosity that eliminates onlookers.
love is silence spoken loudly in unison, eventualizing.
the understanding of love is a lessor state of being present.
self-consciousness is relinquished to be in love.
this oneness occurs but not by revelation
but by surrender to love from within
radiantly as ever-present . . .

Thursday, March 15, 2018

13 steps in all directions 3/15/18

ego is all about capture by latent occupancy

normal humanized attention is species myopia

the supreme under-current presumption is
   of singular as self

we have limited sensory range by method, madness
   and the nature of how we do identification

our entrapment from mindfulness conforming to
   language-usage is false occupancy

the overwhelm that devours from retentive mind
   has enterprise and comes from practice

our methods of manifestation,
   to lowest common denominator
   is where by it all comes to us
   more so than we go to it

the complex example by usage
   is of our phenomenological perspective

that the nature of our knowing is only compositional

the misnomer that gross is more sensory valid than subtle

discovery that our experience is only self-reflective inquiry

to realize that all movement is yoga when spirit ordained

and that reality is living cognitive dissonance,
   actualized . . .

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

this moment (haiku) 3/14/18

this moment finds me
I accept it as capture
my senses bind me

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

substance versus sound 3/13/18

rules for sound as opposed to rules for substance
sound ceaselessly travels freely
while substance holds solid and firm
we have different strategies for each
one with specific attention
while the other is loosely dealt with by ignoring
there are substances that disobey
like flood surge, tsunamis,
forest fires, earthquakes etc.
sound can be regarded as inadvertent
surely there are cross-overs,
the chime-bar truck in the neighborhood,
airplanes overhead, car-alarm horns,
wild animals roaming the streets,
even fuming buses or large eighteen-wheelers
are regarded as noise
we’re faced different sets of operatives
for solids and for sounds.
getting picky about objects of physical location
ignoring sound’s onslaughts as if spontaneity occur.
is randomness part of the persuasion?
so many situations that clamor-demand.
loud cars, lawn movers, weed-whackers,
producing the immediacy of scrutiny and blame,
nuance rules or nature overrules seem to apply.
strategies that deal with mass,
yet sound seems to be less defined
sounds plays a game of dodge-ball
relative to accusations addressing.
neighbor washing dishes in a clattering way,
motor cycle blasting two blocks away,
thunder quite audibly near,
still regarded as innocuous noise,
trash-trucks roaming the streets,
train horn, even distant, eighteen times a day,
the church bell tower, every hour,
harmless passing as the hiss of traffic,
and the classic, dogs in the neighborhood,
whatnot barking and barking.
so passive with sound reality,
so vigilant with objects of mass
seeing implies one set of rules insistently
while sound seeks a more moderate approach.
that we all have very different versions
of how to react or respond to sound
then we do when confronted
with real objects in our world.
it is a curious find to me
to see how this all works . . .

Monday, March 12, 2018

the myth about change 3/12/18

there is no such things as breakthrough.
what you break out from gets referenced
as the framing for the breaking out
and then is carried forward as external baggage
as if for future orientation’s cause.
even breakout, as method, suffers
from the same syntactical nature of approach.
this, as seduction, is overly promoted
by the confines of linear thinking
which myth-fully endorses the concept of change
when change actually refers to
a person-centered experience
and not actually the whole of the environment
still existing as if a surround
honoring that same perspective.
might as well have a paper-bag
over one’s sensing of the world
with a single pinhole
for a sensory reference point of view.
then it becomes clear
that what you respond to as change
is really only your limited experience range
of what fully surrounds you.
yet to you, this represent change
and can be regarded as a breakthrough.
maybe you have broken out
of the confinement of familiar
but in either case change does not exist
only the perception from a self sense claims it.
the reality is that change exists a constant
as in, change is change ever-changing.
and it is only a false assumption
that constancy exists
from our limited perspective.
we therefore claim it to be true
when in really, it is only a reflection
about how limited our senses feed us clarity.
and how much we claim such isolation
that we are separate from the it-of-it all
and therefore have the working method
which allows us to invent
the concept of ‘change’
and then subsequently advancing the concepts
of breakout and breakthrough
not realizing the self isolation
that that truly implies.
it is like we all live in phone-booths of self,
slightly fogged-over from our own body heat
as the sense of our selves.
and we are phoning our knowing selves
to do two things:
ask where are we?
and to tell ourselves,
this is what we sense is going on around me,
giving ourselves mindful still-shots
to work with  . . .

Sunday, March 11, 2018

the flight of feelings 3/11/18

feelings, as tall as steadfast redwoods
within me.
taking on the in-breaths and outputs
as if ephemerals in nature.
momentary carvings from beliefs and decisions,
made with the tools of insight and surrender.
moments pass, making this all appear
and reappear
as a forest, forever in a growth-death process.
a long view of the nature of life
in the becoming.
it appears within me
as if a bird of pray,
riding the updrafts of awareness
while seeking the what-next
that vision offers.
I so want to be part of the sky
that never has to land
but travels and soothes by the override
as blessing to all
that is overseen.
feelings that want to take flight
into the ever-last,
to be the quiet momentous,
calm beyond observable
yet consecratingly dynamic in passing . . .

Saturday, March 10, 2018

set free 3/10/18

I visit your prison
as if ours interface.
upbeat between us, has the initial response.
maybe there is a comparative view exchanged
without words being spoken.
familiarity makes the space blindly sacred
to the moment without further insult
to the extent of the circumstances.
we don’t speak about familiarity.
we are all about high contrast
even if it only imagined.
limited sensory range provides the walls as obvious,
but even emotional kept-ness restrains.
habitual convention describes the nature of the sentence
yet creativity never even got arrested.
innocence is somehow strapped with community service.
everyone has been at the wrong place,
some of the time.
each of us has a keyhole of imagery, held secretly.
the big deal was never about space and time anyway.
whatever the external, as method,
the discovery of spirit was/is the prize.
not a kept prize but a living-it-alive prize.
so I ask,
how do you get out without being noticed?
you don’t even register as missing.
I know you go.
it is clear to me that you get away
but I don’t know how.
look, I am not a snitch
but I would like to be in also.
it isn’t like you get to be in solitary at all.
you go through all the same routines as I.
but damn, you a sneaky bastard,
and get away with it.
look at me eye to eye
and tell me that this is not all true.
I thought so.
you can’t look me in the eye
and not be real from there,
that place where you go
to get away and be.
damn . . .

Friday, March 9, 2018

curvature (haiku) 3/9/18

beauty in curvature
the eye is soothed in viewing
heart is deeply cleansed

Thursday, March 8, 2018

pool of thought 3/8/18

if I throw a rock of think into a pool of thought
apparently it would sink
yet with surface waves generated
as if thought rippled and spread.
nonetheless the rock of think has sunk
but the surfaces tension feels like aliveness spreading.
the lake becomes ever-so much bigger
with every think that is thrown in.
hearsay generates the wind
causing the surface tension of the lake to be
both superficially pacified 
and excited into turbulence.
waves form 
as if from self-consensusness as momentum.
each think is not of the lake
but appears to be deeply submerged within it.
think got all wet with language in passing
when tossed into the lake.
with enough think tossed in,
the shoreline is ever rising.
maybe evaporation saves our souls.
clouds form, ever relocating.
rain happens, understanding occurs.
flash floods then get our attention.
it is then that water is the tongue
of the spoken word to be revered.
even if understanding escapes us at that time
we’re basically composed of water
yet potentially afraid of our own shadows.
an ocean of oneness ever awaits.
enough think, then thought generated,
ever flowing towards that sea . . .

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

the gift of now 3/7/18

the naming of everything is a prejudice
the nature of how thought works is prejudicial
not being of the whole is a prejudicial positioning
all of experience is the wrapping paper
on the prize of now
yet now, as the prize,
can never be the gift given
now is the gift of oneself
yet unrealized
and when realization comes
there is no gift
there is no giving
there is no self
now is that happenstance of oneness
as the blessing of unending quantum laughter
without presentation
without audience
without occurrence . . .

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

then-some and tenfold 3/6/18

this person was near death
I CPRed them back to life
with just calling them out
in their very private self language.
although it could have been done
as if I did it with a look
into a mirror, straight across,
soul to soul.
and it could have been done
with just the right remark
stolen from their say of self love spoken
or even just the absolutely appropriate touch
that they would then have felt
as if angel had done so.
maybe even by just a deep thought shared,
delivered directly from my heart to theirs.
I gave self, life in the service to others
as they, by their circumstantial seduction
grandly gave the aforementioned back to me.
we struck upon occasions
of utterances, glances, half-thoughts,
incidental physical contacts
and outright simple presence,
to be life-giving and golden,
then-some in our continued living
and subsequently tenfold  . . .

Monday, March 5, 2018

wish for fallen up 3/5/18

walk me into this wish
behind your happenstance
hold my hand with your illustrious voice
as we go
my heart is pounding
to match up with yours
I feel like wings I never had
have come into play
we are drinking
from the same auric chalice
each sip for me,
eliminates what shadows would cast
I am invisible
to the haunts of my past in this light
the animation of this
humbly overwhelms my senses
your privacy has become
open sky to me
whatever I can muster as worth
I will gladly give to you
all my emotions work
at servicing this wish as dream
there is, for me,
expanse, enormity and elation
all that I could know,
sells me short of this as being
awakened, as from here to there,
does not readily apply
not a baptism, not a rite of passage,
nor a new beginning
it is but a coming home
to letting go in all ways
it is beyond what thought could or would contain
this, as heart-brain,
embraces by immersion into oneness
I wish for what you wish
as if we are that one
there is no other way, means, or source
my every act surrenders
into and beyond the fold
for oneness has no close by
as if a dimension of intimacy
no distance to present
as friendliness or pleasantries
and if by thought as existence,
one continuous as unbroken
and in-breath of lifetimes
and an out-breath of renunciation
waves that I pass
are on the ocean of oneness
running deep
I have fallen up
and I can’t get down or undone . . .

Sunday, March 4, 2018

barefooted (haiku) 3/4/18

I walk barefooted
gravity encourages
each step, an embrace

Saturday, March 3, 2018

contagious acts of kindness 3/3/18

where eventfulness is always the caldron,
the keepsake is yet disguised
for the energy to pass,
though the rituals are behavioral.
the essence is in the sourcefulness present,
the unbounded broadcast of simmering love
as caring, coming forth from within.
it is never really the act
but more so, the source place
from where it evocatively originates.
from there, the meltdown of resistance and restraint
and the authenticity of love sets forth into action,
potentially starting a wildfire of freeing up,
coming home to connectivity,
ever embracing, on display.
this is the aurora borealis of love made evident,
the sky of collective hearts expressing as one,
the harvesting of feelings,
filling the airways,
where each next breath is invitational.
how to start?
with the contagious acts of kindness
as revolution,
as a bliss-context
ever-rising . . .