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Friday, December 8, 2017

fully conscious 12/8/17

to be fully conscious,
leave behind that which is perceived in time.
go by expansion,
not from a here to a there
or with everything you identify in passing.
know, not by the content
but by your knowing process itself
in a deeper way
as it is an a medium of expression for you.
familiarity in this particular way
is a method of relatedness
into being one with it all.
at some point there is no audience
for or of the familiar.
you have no means then
of not being one seamlessly with everything.
for then,
understanding has no technique for participation.
the horizon line is only a relative frame,
via attention span’s spontaneity appearance.
by this means, you already are ongoing
as wherever you are
but have not traveled to get or be there.
you don’t have search or realize,
just presence.
outer experience is then too ineffectual to bother with.
inner experience has no screen nor depiction
but just ever is.
yet, there is no-self watching.
there, then becomes no sense of a you existence.
nothing is or of a referential need.
we can only have this interaction,
I write, you read,
as a way and a means of not being there,
that there,

as fully conscious . . .

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