equality is as much a lure to the mind’s eye as perfection.
maybe they are somehow related
in that they may come from the womb of cognition.
maybe from the same gene pool, at least.
yet neither truly exist
as long as time is a working index
and conclusions exists as the pranks of time.
equality is only a self-reflective mirror
about one’s observations in a summary cast.
equality is not an operative
but more so a plead of distress
about method and motive
and personal operative means.
it is a fallacy of comparative truth
in its most functional but obscene posture.
it is a blood-letting of the consciousness of self
for falsely identifying by obvious appearances.
the complexity of being and circumstance
do not make plain explanatory.
truth is not available for words.
equality proposed is a 3-card-monte of the mind.
it is a riddle of perspective, gone local.
however big the picture,
problematic does not yield a sense of equality
as a solution and solutions always suffer in time.
equality sounds like an applied gaming strategy,
some thing with a frame of reference
that makes plain answers seem like it all resolves.
it makes hypothetical cause rendered as addressable.
equality is so much a sidebar rendering.
even as the most intellectual pursuit,
a mountainous pomposity results
from in-depth analysis and subsequent calculations.
equality wants the dignity of a freeze-frame solution
in order to free up the mind of pursuit.
it is a value laden Sisyphus of activity,
caught in a time-bind of limited announcement.
equality is a make-plain of what is a complex dance.
beauty and equality suffer from the same fate,
for they only live in the eyes of the beholder
as superficiality is over advertised by sensory intake
and for real dwells below, beneath and behind
are hardly recognizable in any sense of equity terms.
it is a curse of self-consciousness to intrude but it does.
destiny, fate, calling, providence live an intelligence
beyond equality’s grasp and cognition’s grip.
the blessedness of being, acts out of oneness.
spirit is more than just elevated enterprise
that we leverage separatism upon each other,
is more the call and the disparity that feelings have.
equality is but a mind game of cognitive righteousness
that will hemorrhage of its own accord .
give me face to face, eye to eye.
some will function as teachers, messengers or guides,
others a bystanders, still others as vacancies or props,
all after they same goal.
but such a greased pole of conscious existence to climb.
equality, is plagued by not enough
of an in depth dimensional grasp
of the secret agenda behind living it alive,
to make plane as a worthy solution . . .
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