I lay down,
waiting for the fall leaves
to bury me,
in their bright colorful dying
they whisper of distant views,
from memories
the wind makes them shut up
amongst each other
I crave their togetherness,
even in death
we are all now homeless
in the wait
for the winter snow to come
and warm my soul
with penetrative cool
they, as flakes,
tell me of their sky-bound journeys
they sing choruses
about their highs and lows
it is my cathedral to lay there,
frozen ears in vain
captivated by the curse of blood-flow
spring seems impossible
as cynicism’s reprieve
thaw is the dawn
to impossible dreams
what wisdom does winter provide for others,
is all around me
as my wardrobe of release
I asked for four truths
to come my way
this third one,
of the permission of spring,
has me actualize
my being me
I am now forced to stand
in these truths
as the forth is,
the summer of my life
and I realize
that this forth truth
is to live it alive
as me . . .