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Saturday, October 21, 2017

the bother with discipline 10/21/17

discipline either fully exists or not at all.
habit is discipline, but without the parade.
repetitious is discipline, with memory in tow.
efforting is fondly associated with discipline.
the assertion of will also lends its fanatical support.
but mostly the celebration of discipline
is all about self-consciousness at work,
as in the need for an internal bull horn,
an insistent inner voice churning away,
while memory is hawking pattern recognition responses
and action harvesting a physical account.
discipline is getting a hero’s welcome.
it usually applies to a lack of attention span
or sustaining an interest to tasks deemed unworthy.
discipline gets rewards ribbon-cutting results
but it is an outside-in of activity.
if passion is involved then discipline is lather
for it has no drudge of weight bearing in passion’s light.
discipline is uninspired approaches applied,
as a leveraged pursuit,
go find a motivational fuel, wherever you can.
discipline leaves an ego imprint on whatever was involved.
it is horsing around, carrot-less-ly.
it is make-up for a why-bother situation
where there are priority mirrors in the surround,
offering reinforcement inner remarks.
discipline is not the natural fuel for doing anything.
there has to be a hidden agenda in the form of an act-out.
discipline is education without any spark,
featuring rough surfaces and silence squawks.
discipline is a drive through, not over,
roads full of potholes,
or an affinity for the spoken linger of …… “why?’
discipline, the term, is wasted on the observational.
it does not exist,
except in a world without passion
or with vision that compellingly insists . . .

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