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Friday, September 1, 2017

inklings as subterfuge 9/1/17

living under the guise of containment,
bed-covers at night,
doors as frame-breaks of exit and entry,
window-views confirming comfort and safety,
security as a surveillance’s response,
residences of assumption’s proof,
featuring habits’ collection on display,
a sense of self as apparel plainly explains,
a language to denote defining as separateness,
visuals that feature performance as worth,
here and there as philosophic comprise,
a think that features a “you are here” to start,
feelings that are unquenchable but linger,
and a sense of the hang-back of heartfelt
that slips out of time and space,
that is muted telepathic,
that soul-fully lives to be in the collective,
finds that predicament is problematic,
seeks fluidity without a conclusionary basis,
where existence is time as celebratory
and has mindfulness without observation’s ruse . . .

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